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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 41

Trainerpoints: 33/5,083


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IF I DONT KNOW YOU / ADD YOU FIRST, DO. NOT. ADD. ME. you will get blocked!


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Kety 4 Years ago
BrownBoyPanini 4 Years ago
Cwevre 4 Years ago
Bokuto 4 Years ago


- i know english, a good bit of german, and SOME russian
- i live in america ( south east )
- i'm married to a wonderful and amazing guy!!!
- i'm trans and have no clue what my sexuality is
- i do a lot of mass clicking at night bc i have nothing better to do

Game Records

Trainer ID: #824605313
Registration: 27/02/2019 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 402:02 Hours
Total interactions: 132,660
Money: 83,398
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


here's what NOT to do! start a trend because someone was being harassed!
4 Years ago
god i shouldn't go on tumblr when so much is going on in the world.
4 Years ago
hi, friendly reminder to all my fellow lgbt friends, if you use the Q word and someone asks you not to around them, or to at least censor it, RESPECT THAT. there are people who have actual trauma with that word. DO NOT DISRESPECT THEM. don't use it around them, or censor it when you know they'll be able to see it. thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
4 Years ago
reminder that adding random users without them asking you to, or having never interacted with them and are just regular members (aka, not staff bc they may have important announcements) is pretty creepy.
4 Years ago
so i may be a little sick, which has made me feel weird. anyways, my husband refuses to let me be a spy, so now i have to return him.
4 Years ago
angsty quote from my friends character (ronnie) and mine (laz):
ronnie: what is going on with you?!
laz: i wish i knew.
4 Years ago
do you ever write something super heavy for your character, and now you're waiting for your friends to tell you what they think and anxiously hoping it didn't go too far?
4 Years ago
ph > flightrising currency exchange
1:1 for everything
just comment, then send a pm with the currency youre sending me attached. once i receive it, ill send my end. i only have 97 nuggets, heck profile for pd.
4 Years ago
i am once again requesting a currency exchange, ph for flightrising
i'll give you 1pd for 1t, 1nugget for 1gem!
4 Years ago
why is everything that i like on lioden so expensive
4 Years ago
anyone play lioden here? bc uhhh i do.
4 Years ago
my sister made me draw jason voorhees in a wedding dress. i didn't ask questions, i just drew it.
4 Years ago
does anyone else have completely different personalities depending on the site they're on?
on here, i'm more blunt and mean sounding, i think, especially in the suggestions (im so sorry)
on my rp sites, i've noticed i'm a bit more awkward, but like to randomly jump into conversations, and am more silly
on discord with my friends, i'm very uh. memelord-y??
4 Years ago
just found out that home coming and prom are different events. i feel lied to
4 Years ago
explain an everyday item but really badly in the comments.
cars: boat, but make it wheels.
4 Years ago
you ever wanna learn a language that is notoriously hard to learn
4 Years ago
me, for 10 straight hours: i'm a savage.. classy, bougie, ratchet,,,,
4 Years ago
its interesting seeing a bunch of newer people getting onto the trending feeds list. like hello, who are you people? how did you get so popular suddenly? should i love you? whats your secret?
4 Years ago
the pentagon released official ufo footage and literally no one is talking about it?
4 Years ago

About me

Howdy!! I'm kenneth, but you can simply call me "kenny"! I am a fan of many things, including but not limited to: pokemon, overwatch, apex legends, red dead redemption, supernatural, anything zombie (particularly the walking dead [up to season 6] and z nation [all seasons]), jacksepticeye, markiplier, and a few other things ill probably think of later! feel free to pm me if you want to be friends, however please note that i do have a few anger management issues and tend to hold a hard grudge.

important notes about me (READ BEFORE PMING):
- if youre over 50 years old, im gonna block you outright. i will not interact with you at all.
- i have EXTREME paranoia, so please be patient with me. if i start to get paranoid and i know you, i might spam you and im VERY sorry
- i will have a full blown panic attack if you talk about death and afterlife around me. dont do it, and if you do, expect a block.

- book ( singular ): the dagger x
- book series: the sisters grimm
- pokemon ( game ): original black / white games
- pokemon ( all time ): trubbish line and ekans line
- pokemon ( legendary ): zekrom
- pokemon ( other faves ): alakazam, flygon, lillipup, timburr
- pokemon ( starters by gen ): squirtle, cyndaquil, treeko, piplup, snivy / oshawatt, froakie, popplio, sobble
- food: stuffed shells
- tv show ( all time ): z nation!!
- character ( all time ): puck ( the sisters grimm ), murphy ( z nation ), 10k ( z nation )


by me:

by dustyzoiveon:


if i randomly stop talking to you, give me a few days. it means something has randomly triggered some for of paranoia about you. just give me a few days and i will be back to chatting in no time! spamming me will only make this process longer! c^:
if you end up spamming me however, you'll be blocked and reported, because i physically cannot talk to you at that moment without having a panic attack. BE PATIENT.

- do not ask to palpad me, please. palpad isn't really an option to me as i dont notice the notification.
- do not send random friend requests. you will be rejected.
- feel free to randomly pm me, but please read my about me, first.


Last Visitors

MaguroSat, 01/Feb/2025, 12:37
Espy2015Sun, 05/Jan/2025, 16:43
PercyJackson~Sat, 04/Jan/2025, 10:26
RiceFri, 04/Oct/2024, 08:40
ShatteredDiamondTue, 10/Sep/2024, 05:42