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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 90

Trainerpoints: 8,178/24,389


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP

Extra Info

My pfp was made by MeepTheMareep02

My previous usernames:
Accident, Hecate, Felix_Felicis, ~Potterhead~ (Not in that order, I don't remember the order).

Shiny Ponyta x2 (IV breeding Cursed Rapidash)

Voucher Collection:
Azelf - 13/50
Mesprit - 14/50
Uxie - 9/50

Primarina, Chandelure, Zacian, Mega Garchomp, Vikavolt, Weavile

OT Dex Completion

Dex Completion

Normal - 151/151
Shadow - 8/151
Shiny - 7/151

Normal - 90/127
Shadow - 11/127
Shiny - 3/127

Normal - 106/155
Shiny - 11/155

Normal - 92/138
Shiny - 4/138

Normal - 120/175
Shiny - 0/175

Normal - 85/117
Shiny - 0/117

Normal - 67/144
Shiny - 2/144
Normal - 87/129
Shiny - 1/129

Normal - 7/27
Shiny - 0/27

Normal - 9/23
Shiny - 0/23

Normal - 120/337
Shiny - 5/337

Normal - 17/126
Shiny - 0/126

Normal - 28/43
Shiny - 1/43



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
GooBear 50 Minutes ago
LeoTheLion 4 Days ago
Mafia 7 Days ago
Mafia 7 Days ago

Last Visitors

-MorningstarToday, 03:55
LutikToday, 03:44
absoul_74Today, 00:17
g1soundwaveToday, 00:15
FrostyyYesterday, 22:14

Game Records

Trainer ID: #964212889
Registration: 07/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Premium member until 16/Mar/2025
Game Time: 3362:52 Hours
Total interactions: 5,419,604
Money: 988,754
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Almost tempted to ask someone to borrow their daycare lol.
Not at that point yet, but still.
Yesterday, 00:41
Gotta be a productive person today.
3 Days ago
*Creates summoning circle*
Sunny weather! Sunny weather! Sunny weather!
4 Days ago
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Furfrou in a row! You have now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!
5 Days ago
Hey everyone! I'm trading 3g golbat + 10k PD for other 3g pokemon =)
7 Days ago
Furfrou, Milcery, and then four event passes are my next hunts :)
8 Days ago
At the movies, doing a double feature. First, Alien: Romulus and after, Twisters!

I'm so pumped but Alien doesn't start for an hour, I'm so tempted to go spend money in the arcade..

I have 40,000 points saved up, a Nintendo switch is 100,000... I was thinking of saving up enough to buy the next switch but I don't think that will happen before it comes out lol.
10 Days ago
What do you do when you're locked out of the house and it's pouring rain?

Go to the mall *clap clap*

Maybe I'll go to the movies later... The mall is way over stimulating and I'm dying hahah send help
10 Days ago
You *are* enough, I promise. Just as you are.

Personal self positivity?
I think my self confidence is improving and I feel more comfortable in my own skin.
19 Days ago
19 Days ago
Members of Pokeheroe's active staff team will have a banner under their username on their user profile. The banner will list their role(s), whether they are the Admin or a Moderator, Artist, Wiki Staff, or Spriter.
Also, you can find a list of currently active staff here. That link (stafflist) is accessed through Community -> Union Room -> Staff Members.

Please don't be fooled by people pretending to be staff. When in doubt, check their profile and/or current staff list.
20 Days ago
Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
A third HT shiny but no celebi lolol
20 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #88)!
21 Days ago
How often should I be collecting honey from the hives?
Like.. how much time does it take for each combee to make 3?
21 Days ago
By PokéRadar - 15 Minutes and 1 Second ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #55)!
22 Days ago
22 Days ago
I promise I'll do something with my Toyhouse soon I've just been so distracted recently but there are two cute characters on it I love them ;-;
27 Days ago
Fun fact I have no idea how time works
I thought getting this far would take me the two weeks left on my cuff

Now tall grass is running out and my gems are running out and I didn't plan to shiny mega hunt in the first place but I think I'm actually sad my chain will end soon
28 Days ago
Hehe, funky little bats =) I don't think I particularly liked Zubat until I started hunting it.
Out of all pokemon, this had to be one of the hunts nice to me? :P
29 Days ago
Can we get a month-long PH weather forecast? Or maybe like a week, or.. something more than just 3? X'D
1 Month ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4



Shiny Hunt

LeoTheLion is currently hunting Furfrou.
Hunt started: 08/09/2024

Chain: 98


Made by MeepTheMareep02

Gregory says hello!

Art made by CrayonShark

Also by CrayonShark

All bow to the new leader!

Art (of me!)