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Trainerlevel: 23

Trainerpoints: 913/1,609


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
14435,886 / 62,641
Omastar10724,398 / 34,669
Armaldo12617,609 / 28,804
Aerodactyl8018,755 / 24,301
Aurorus9418,555 / 26,791
Kabutops993,306 / 29,701

About Me

Do you have a hankering for a Mass Effect RP? WELL I DO HOT DIGGITY DAWG! PM me yo. Seriously. Pm me.... Right now

A woman in desperate need of a her badges if she weren't always stalking the auction house and remaining in that poor area of users. I don't have much time between things to really sit down and clickclickclicketyclick!

I'm also in love with writing, and my son! Roleplaying is awesome and killer fun for me, but I am more literate so do better with those who can keep up or are slightly lower than my level of writing. Just drop me a line and we can discuss things though. :) I'm pretty friendly, for the most part.

Watching How I Met Your Mother (Oh Ted..)
Playing Mass Effect trilogy, prepared and raring for Andromeda
Reading my TV screen like a boss.
Listening to Spotify!
Eating nothing that's good for me, probably...
Writing little stories about my Shepard and Saren; he's not really that bad a guy, come on you nerds. Be nerdy with me.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Stitch 7 Years ago
Stitch 7 Years ago
RowdyRathore 7 Years ago
Riako 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


HowlingHooves hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #262646716
Registration: 10/04/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 153:00 Hours
Total interactions: 31,088
Money: 937,944
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


When you make yourself cry with your writing, you know you've got a problem with loving your characters too much. #myheartismywriting
7 Years ago
To see my brother for the holidays; he's in his final leg of boot camp before he heads off for his choice of career within he military. He's supposedly coming down within the next week, but it hasn't been set in stone as of yet. Here's to hoping!
7 Years ago
#MyBestGiftEver would have to be when my mother gifted me a new show horse to help liven my spirits after the passing of my old gelding. c:
7 Years ago
Am I alone in this world of Pokemon when I say I love that Feebas? Oh cheese fish, you make my heart sing~
8 Years ago
You fed MedalRally a Nomel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 61,113 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
Praise Arceus, I got a map from a box! Doubt shall never again be uttered, nor rage, nor disappointment with such a bounty as this! /end outburst
8 Years ago

You fed Scizor a Chople Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 18,402 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
You fed MedalRally a Nomel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 56,225 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
Seriously, all I ever get from boxes, that's decent, are Reveal Glasses... Give me something better for a change!
8 Years ago
You fed MedalRally a Nomel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 37,477 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
You fed MedalRally a Nomel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 38,148 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all enjoy your time with family and friends this season. c:
8 Years ago
Hey you. Yes, you! The one looking at this! Help hatch my eggs. c:
8 Years ago
Screw my chain... Stupid daycare pair have been so finicky. X(
8 Years ago
MedalRally a Nomel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 61,014 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago

You fed MedalRally a Nomel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 36,076 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
Feed him please!
Come on guys, let's help Stitch win this! :D Share the little eevee with your friends, too!
8 Years ago
Anyone have a Spheal I can borrow, or buy/trade?
8 Years ago
fed MedalRally a Nomel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 55,635 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
Come on guys, feed this Eevee and help out a friend! Add #medalrallyeevee and add your interaction to join the raffle Stitch has going! :D
8 Years ago



Last Action
Watching the Rumble Overview (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

Daemon~GrimmSat, 04/Jun/2022, 01:27
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:21
SilverKitsuneWed, 18/Aug/2021, 08:16
FriendFri, 14/May/2021, 02:00
An_AppleThu, 28/Jan/2021, 08:46