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Trainerlevel: 37

Trainerpoints: 2,348/4,143


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Tranquill251,337 / 1,676
Gyarados231,529 / 2,071
Trumbeak21657 / 1,387
Koffing17610 / 919
Tynamo1464 / 789


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Newest gifts
Milura 4 Years ago
Fenya 4 Years ago
Pixer 4 Years ago
Skyfox 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Fenya hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #253815804
Registration: 02/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 247:11 Hours
Total interactions: 245,524
Money: 1,093,851
Starter Pokémon: Mudkip


I Got some cute shinies x3
5 Years ago
#MyWishForChristmas is a shiny pokemon <3
7 Years ago
Does anyone have a spheal for me? For lend or buying
8 Years ago

Shiny pokemon x3
8 Years ago

My dog. :3 And pokeheroes is awesome too.
8 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Blitzle hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #69)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Yay so fast. x3
8 Years ago
Will an egg from the halloween store break my shiny chain?
8 Years ago
You push the green key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

1x Sail Fossil found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

Nice o.o What can i do with it?
8 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #114)!

Yay finally! :D A late birthday present. :)
9 Years ago
Please click my eggs, everyone, got 16 eggs waiting in the DC q_q
9 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Finneon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #65)!

yes! :D
9 Years ago
Oh my, team is full and still two eggs waiting in the daycare... Please click them
9 Years ago
Starting to hunt shiny Finneon now <3
9 Years ago
I'm looking for a male Finneon.. Please post if you have one for trade
9 Years ago
You push the pink key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

2x Durin Berry found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
9 Years ago


Last Action
Storing Pokémon (11 Months ago)

Last Visitors

ZohaibAFGWed, 15/May/2024, 07:36
prunella666Thu, 06/Jul/2023, 07:42
TigasaurusSun, 10/Apr/2022, 21:49
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:11
KyatraTue, 05/Jan/2021, 01:29