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Formerly: HogwartsGriffindor
Trainerlevel: 45

Trainerpoints: 2,499/6,119


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
1941,848 / 130,455
666,922 / 13,267
2626,430 / 206,719
375211,444 / 423,001
8514,059 / 23,852
949,305 / 29,415

About Me

Name: Zohaib
Birthplace: Afghanistan
Currently living in: London
Age: 16
Birthday: 5th of August
Hobbies: Spend my time here when i have no work to do for my A levels and I like Football and Basketball. I also like to read a lot and I love to watch KDrama.

Feel free to add me to your friend list. I don't bite. Also, don't worry if I have added you to my friendlist, I add a lot of people to have a lot of friends.

I am only online during school days and my weekends and Holidays are spent working but i try to log in every now and then.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
ShiniFurret 12 Days ago
wertypop 15 Days ago
wertypop 15 Days ago
wertypop 15 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


ZohaibAFG hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #598991773
Registration: 05/01/2022 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 209:38 Hours
Total interactions: 4,501,284
Money: 4,457,755
Starter Pokémon: Giga Charizard



Just wanted to say bye to everyone for a whole year. I am going to focus on my A levels and once I finish, I will be back. If you want to, leave a comment in the section about where I can contact you in a year, but I'll be back.

Thanks to everyone and good luck in whatever you guys are doing
15 Days ago
Mega-Able from the lab.
17 Days ago
Shiny Goldeen Caught

1 Month ago
One of your eggs hatched into a Blipbug !

What in the World. It hatched while I was asleep.:)))
1 Month ago
Interactions received 11,295

What in the World!!!! I wasn't even online today. Thank you so much:)
1 Month ago
Mega Able from the Lab

1 Month ago
Shiny Froakie Caught

Yessss, sir!!!:)
1 Month ago
From The Lab!!
1 Month ago
How did everyone's day go? Hope it went well for everybody
1 Month ago
Eid Mubarak to everyone tomorrow. Even if you're not a muslim, have a great day and hope everyone has fun!!
1 Month ago
Cats :)
Nuggets! Gems! Pokedollars!
1 Month ago
Area: Bright Beach (Level 16)

Collected money: 2,049
Explorer Bag: 1 Item

Soooo close
1 Month ago
I have my A Level History Exam Tomorrow. AGGGGGGHHHHH. Someone HELP Me!!!!
1 Month ago
By PokeRadar - 9 Minutes and 17 Seconds ago.
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Magikarp in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!

Why is it taking so long!!!?
1 Month ago
By realayaan36 - 20 Minutes and 26 Seconds ago.
1.Shiny Gallade
Steps;Repost and enter here!
uhh cuz idk
1 Month ago
By ~a_lil_dogday_ploosh~ - 3 Hours and 48 Minutes ago.
I see a LOT of ppl doing B-Day givvys so I said... WHY NOT GIVE IT A GO???
My b-day is in two days now :> so it ends then!
How to join:
1. Like the feed
2. Share #TeardropsBDay
3. Comment something!
Prizes are Santa Birb, Retro Delibird, Gimmighoul, Resolute Stone, and Rare Candy.

GOOD LUCK! (Again, ends on my B-Day, June 13th)
1 Month ago
One of your auctions has ended.

Auction: Buizel (Emera).

You received 237500

What in the world are people doing? The starting bid was 30000
1 Month ago
By itsjust_aender - 1 Day and 7 Hours ago.
Hi guys my bday’s coming up (on 16th), so i'll be doing a small giveaway as promised~

How to join:
Just heart ❤ the feed and you'll be entered

Friends who already added me to their friendlist before june get an extra entry :] (There's 39 of you excluding permabanned users)

Entries close by 15:00 server time on 16th, and the winners will be announced on 17th (when i wake up lol)

share hashtag #justanormalbdaygivvy if you want to lol
Google doc so you can go have a look at the prize details :)
1 Month ago
You are currently hunting Magikarp!
Good luck!

Total hatched: 1
Current Shiny Chance: < 0.1 %

The hunt starts.
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 11 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #36)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

I literally powerorbed it and the red star popped up on the pokemon. Yes!!!!
1 Month ago



Last Visitors

KozlingMon, 22/Jul/2024, 21:00
EeveeXOSun, 21/Jul/2024, 22:09
simbaThu, 18/Jul/2024, 13:11
Celia666Tue, 16/Jul/2024, 22:35
~Hummus~Tue, 16/Jul/2024, 09:59