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Poison Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 23

Trainerpoints: 1,449/1,609


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Kommo-o684,413 / 17,596

About Me


Shiny hunts:

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Poochyena (#133)
Magikarp (#64)
Torchic (#134)
Teddiursa (#76)


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Newest gifts
Scare_Crow 6 Years ago
PoryGeezer 7 Years ago
Kaufee 7 Years ago
sr_WAZZ 7 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

Etternitros is currently hunting Bulbasaur.
Hunt started: 18/04/2017

Chain: 8
0 0 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Etternitros hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #206713996
Registration: 31/12/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 98:42 Hours
Total interactions: 63,255
Money: 17,589
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


Interaction Exchange?
7 Years ago
I'm going to sleep goodbye :3
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange? :)
7 Years ago
Hey people, interaction exchange?? :D
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?? :3 i want my shiny nowww :3
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange? :3
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange? I'm going to do the harakiri to myself
7 Years ago
Interaction exchange? I have 28 eggs in daycare and I don't get my shiny...
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange? I want my shinyyyyy 3:
7 Years ago
Interaction exchange?? :3
7 Years ago
Peoplee interaction exchange? I need help with this chain :((
7 Years ago
255 chain. No shiny. Ha... ha... ha...
7 Years ago
People, a last Interaction Exchange? Please!
7 Years ago
People, Interaction Exchange??
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange? ):
7 Years ago
Interactioooon exchange? 200 chain and no shiny :|
7 Years ago
People, Interaction Exchange? I wanna die just now. 186 of chain :/
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange??? :33
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?? I want my shinyyyy! ;3
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange people? :3
7 Years ago



Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

Ropets123Wed, 14/Feb/2024, 05:05
_Nyx_Sun, 19/Feb/2023, 12:52
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:09
pokemonsea17Thu, 26/Dec/2019, 04:36
TanukiTue, 10/Dec/2019, 10:18