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No item

Level: 80
EXP: 18,050 /21,014

Health Points 189
Attack 178
Defense 209
Sp. Attack 89
Sp. Defense 83
Speed 85
Pokédex No. #75
Rarity Easy
Nature Hardy
Trainer KarlosBlanco
Origin. Trainer KarlosBlanco
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 10 Days and 9 Hours ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 10 Days and 6 Hours ago


Graveler wants to train with you a bit!


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Marz_00, Glenlivet, olivelich, KnownBruh, ThCPro, WalkingOnSunshine, TobiLikesToast, Tag_team137, Mafia, GrimmeJunk, Keatah, thatswampertguy, Neva, Piplupfan6828, Braixie, DGWHenrietta, Nicoliole, Bresrk, natjacker, Blitzin, Menxi, Anya_Musume, Touzel, zhy929, Himari, KYTT3NT33TH, ShadowGiratina, mimikboo, FireBlaze01, MeipandaQueen, amaikoneko, Iggystar, Wumpafruit914, Mooona, h0tsalsa, DragonEmperor, Kinua_Rayssen, MorbidlyAnxiouss, Shiny, DreamyDemon, GreenTaurus, BarnacleBoy, LukeShadow, AtlasCrow, aboowolf, kleinbits, Baklannich, arthurdx5, IntellectualPotato, taetum, Ashlie, Shinekiara, Speed3Rman, TheGreatRoar, Nadgobus, KARUbin, Grenadelauncher123, NapTime, AnimeEmber, cynda1, starbeat10, Iqracookie, HyperBeam, ShiroTempest, AudibleLiquid.