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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 50
EXP: 4,977 /7,651

Health Points 149
Attack 63
Defense 63
Sp. Attack 106
Sp. Defense 60
Speed 103
Pokédex No. #666
Rarity Easy
Nature Lonely
Trainer eman202020dropkick
Origin. Trainer RedandWhite
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 4 Days and 9 Hours ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 4 Days and 1 Hour ago


Vivillon wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (56)

Regi_Zoryno, HoundoomXD, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, Thaaya, Youyou67190, Wxckxd, ImperialHound, Orca~, Sharely, Shoopeu, marinaspencer_, Neva, ~Bunny_Lord~, Amuu, Enforcer, Yonoru, Wichtel, Windy_Whippledriff, Solo~Leveling, Cerdessius, quilavant, loketoke, WyvernDaemon, Vampirecat, Guro, Kimie, TRUONGNGOCTRIEU, Charlieplayspokemon, BarnacleBoy, WillWT, noobly_face, ball, Xman1101, Eleutheria, Riptide5030, Cdoomchu, Urinus, Aerith1, lynx, L7wenny, vvangel, CheckYesJennifer, juicyjae19, Nadgobus, -Morningstar, Purgatory, EeveeLover, _Nyx_, Frostine, JellyMew, KaasSaus36, Politoed, KingVee, ShiroTempest, Castalia.