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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 741
EXP: 863,991 /2,061,834

Health Points 364
Attack 245
Defense 279
Sp. Attack 317
Sp. Defense 358
Speed 217
Pokédex No. #1001
Rarity Event
Nature Modest
Trainer Csoxi
Origin. Trainer Csoxi
Obtained 8 Months and 12 Days ago
Tall Grass Event
Family Tree
Hatched 8 Months and 12 Days ago


Wo-Chien wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (65)

MotherNature, nymk3, IVEY, FF01_Fino, SoulStar, WalkingOnSunshine, Thaaya, lucariofav, Chilenka, Uhdawn, Luffy~, ant21, WendyAlice, marinaspencer_, Jolteon_Trainer, Mouse_the_puddle, chungus, Neva, Piplupfan6828, Csoxi, bohemianpatsody, Fomantis, ShiningRayquaza, MoonlitZorua, Whattoput636, TaeThelen, NaranciaGhirga, iMocha, nikili96, LukeL6213, WisteriaAria, Queen_Mareep, Sesu, Legenda, RahRahYh, HimitSuS, Californio, tipy98, MeandI, Felisidae, BarnacleBoy, AkaneShinso23, Decidueye210, Shaerii, Morgan-Anderton, MythicOracle, atharv1000, angieco, Twixtbuddy, Boots, RoadkillSkill, NitaKalaga, neopetsgirl, Rinne, LloydFrontera, Nadgobus, Eeveelution_Masters, Randolph4811, EeveeLover, TedizStalker, -Max, GOTO, Cyain, Homework_sis, Ninjee.