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Star Piece

Level: 11388
EXP: 147,477,768 /486,367,246

Health Points 381
Attack 268
Defense 305
Sp. Attack 245
Sp. Defense 299
Speed 291
Pokédex No. #385
Rarity Legendary
Nature Impish
Trainer Tuna
Origin. Trainer Tuna
Obtained 7 Years and 5 Months ago
Ancient Cave
Family Tree
Hatched 7 Years and 5 Months ago


Yuu wants to train with you a bit!


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MotherNature, nymk3, TheUnknownCollector, IVEY, Rocotox, FF01_Fino, monsteraw_13, Ashe012, Suzaku7699, JennyXD19, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, Rivete, -ShiningRayquaza-, Thaaya, lucariofav, Chilenka, DePhantasia, Maguro, Youyou67190, Uhdawn, Yxoul, ImperialHound, cloverangel, ant21, WendyAlice, CharlesXavier69, marinaspencer_, TheNidoranProject, Dazed, tamla, Keatah, Angel2024, Tigerli1y, Mouse_the_puddle, mazdef, Neva, Piplupfan6828, Sophiasophio, amelia3077, bohemianpatsody, Fomantis, absoul_74, ShiningRayquaza, Calcarius, Soul_Eater, CausticAgony, ~Cookie~, Masserozzo, MoonlitZorua, Whattoput636, TaeThelen, ~KingPhoenix~, Caitlyn, Erfly, Kloppo, NaranciaGhirga, Fiverz, Cherry_Blossom, Foxez, Solo~Leveling, Himari, iMocha, nikili96, LukeL6213, Castiello11, Ragged, MeipandaQueen, loketoke, WisteriaAria, kokong, Halaflora, t4tress, Hex-77, Queen_Mareep, Sesu, Kimie, Lupari, Purrloin, jessluvsdaniel, Legenda, RahRahYh, loppbunneary, HimitSuS, tipy98, specialstar, VeniceGuy, MeandI, Shiny, Maato11, MachineHymns, BarnacleBoy, Drakonia, Decidueye210, paintboy, Morgan-Anderton, ImmaculateSass, MythicOracle, Grietine, angieco, Twixtbuddy, Chris-Walker, Boots, MoonLaLune, Gojira1984, Random1174, Rapmon, Kazly, Vinit1423, hoopafreak54, LunaShadow, BlackedReality18, NitaKalaga, Rinne, xayah, LloydFrontera, Nadgobus, Purpleeda, Eeveelution_Masters, Purgatory, Randolph4811, Charmander_192, EeveeLover, -carter-, Eto_Yoshimura, FrozenSheeps, TedizStalker, Frostine, Shenaneggans, Yanpro, Magnoliag995, HyperBeam, sprigatito, vintageghost, Shaevira, Cyain, Arrow000, Homework_sis, meggylu5.