Forum Thread
-Outcats- Cat rp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → -Outcats- Cat rpOutcasts is a role play of Cats, some are above the chain and most are seen as leftovers.
There is a rank between cats that show what amounts of respects they earn.
These cats are also separated in 5 clans, these clans are known as, Coralclan, Denialclan, Lightningclan , Darkfireclan, and Fireclan.
•Coralclan's location is on a beach were they have mostly water around them, they eat mainly fish or anything in the sea.
•Denialclan's location is in a deep deep part of the forest, where they mainly have Large Rodents and birds.
•Lightningclan's location is in the forest, but they have lots of sunlight, and even rivers. Their food can fall in between any sized Rodents, Any sized birds and even fish!!
•Darkfireclan's location is in a deeper part of the forest they have only have a limited source of Rodents.
•Fireclan's location is in a farm area, they have an unlimited source of Mice and Rats.
•Flyingclan's location is close to the farm area, but its more trees than land really, They have an unlimited source of Birds, and tree rodents.
•Lords : Lords were previously chosen Leaders of the group that had died after there 9 lives ran out. (They have a big part in the story as the "Choose" the paths of fellow cats, and they create souls for the next line of offspring.))
•Leaders : Leaders are chosen by the Lords (this character can be either bad or good.) Leaders don't have to be ranked in a Certain family as they can be chosen by anyone.
•Lieges : Lieges are family member of the current leader, after the leader dies and changes they turn into Lily's.
•LionHearts : LionHearts are cat chosen either from Lily's or Dandelions to protect the Lieges / Leaders.
•Lilys : Lily's are cat that are part of the clan they either hunt, fight, train or heal the clan
•Daisys are cats from the clan that are two unhealthy or not liked to the point where they have been put to the bottom of the chain.
1.) PH rules apply
2.) Once you join, please send me a pp/pm of an example of your Roleplay
3.) I choose if your character can be a Lord/Leader because if I don't people would "fight" over the position
4.) You can hate the character but you cant hate the roleplayer.
5.) LGBTQIA+ Ships allowed
6.) Transphobia/Homophobia is NOT allowed!!! 👺
7.) If you have any other questions pm me on the Outcasts Rp PP or just pp/pm me.
Lords (Starclan) :
~AtlasStar - BuddhaBamboo - 130 moons (Dead) - Male - Pre from Lightningclan
~Lakolen - Drakonia - 118 moons (Dead) - Male - Pre from Coralclan
~Clover - Drakonia - 50 moons (Dead) - Female -Pre from Flyingclan
Coralclan :
•Leader :
~Kaleb - kaleb1234 - 27 moons
•Lieges :
~Rujo - _snoms_ - 23 moons - Male
•LionHearts :
~Azure - ChirotheKitBat - 27 Moons
~Rezo - (no one) - 18 moons - (Pre from Denialclan)(NPC ATM)
•Lily's :
~Galaxydrop - Teardrop~ - 16 moons
~RapidStream - TheInevitablePiemon - 23 moons - Male
•Dandilions :
~Blue - CasualPokemonFreak - 3 moons
Denialclan :
•Leader :
~Kat - Zuki - 26 moons
•Lieges :
•LionHearts :
~Scar - (no one) - 29 moons - NPC - Male -
•Lily's :
~Nai - Piloowthehydreigon - 11 moons
~Fey - Piloowthehydreigon - 22 moons
~Ray - (no one) - 23 moons - NPC - Male -
•Dandilions :
~Jude - Dragon_Hunter4020 - 22 moons
Lightningclan :
•Leader :
~Lightningstar - (no one) - 32 moons - NPC - Male
•Lieges :
~Lily - _snoms_ - 23 moons - Med cat
~Layla - (no one) - 21 moons - NPC - Female
•LionHearts :
~Asher - BuddhaBamboo - 19 moons - Female - Thundershock's Mate -
~Thundershock - RafaelKakoczki - 19 moons - Male - Asher's Mate -
~Thunderbreeze - Hawseentire - 12 moons -
~Magius - Serial_Designation_V - 28 moons -
~Moonberry - _snoms_ - 9 moons -
~Perwinkle - Drakonia - 70 moons - Male
~Jerkclaw - BuddhaBamboo - 20 moons - Male - (Not actually a jerk, he's actually a huge sweetie!! He's also got a crush on Yellowstone, Thats why he does everything Yellowstone asks him too...)
~Riverheart - TheInevitablePiemon - 10 moons - Male - Maine coon -
~Stormstork - (no one) - 22 moons - Female - NPC -
~Relco - (no one) - 67 moons - Male - Gay - NPC - Badger -
•Dandilions :
~Yellowstone - BuddhaBamboo - 20 moons - Male - (He's a massive jerk...He's also sadly Homophobic and believes females are less than dirt- Has a massive crush on Asher and trys to kill Thundershock a lot... 0-0)
Darkfireclan :
•Leader :
~Tenebrous - CarnifexCoronatum - 35 moons -
•Lieges :
~Smoke - littenlover101 - 5 moons -
•LionHearts :
~Shadow - ~Rengoku~ - 27 moons -
•Lily's :
~Shade - SOLAR0FLARE - 36 moons -
~Shakin - Bretty - 7 moons
~Lego - (no one) - 23 moons - (bro built like a Lego JK) - (NPC) - Male
•Dandilions :
~Naro - (no one) - 32 moons - (NPC) - Bigender (She/They)
Fireclan :
•Leader :
~Ash - Ash476 - 19 moons -
•Lieges :
•LionHearts :
~Rage - (no one) - 23 moons - NPC
•Lily's :
~Fireshocker - Mewtwo2 - 24 moons -
~Flamewind - Hawseentire - 24 moons -
~gasmask - Teardrop~ - 20 moon - Male
•Dandilions :
FlyingClan :
•Leader :
~Firestar - Abufirestar01 - 20 moons - Male
•Lieges :
~Challanger - (no one) - 34 moons - Raccoon (NPC) - Male
•LionHearts :
~Rugby - (no one) - 28 moons - Bob cat - (NPC) - Female
~Rocky - (no one) - 35 moons - (NPC) - Bigender (he/Her)
•Lily :
~Dazzle - (no one) - 12 moons - (NPC) - Razzle's twin - Male
~Rouge - (no one) - 51 moons - (NPC) - Former Rouge - Trans Female
~Razzle - (no one) - 12 moons - (NPC) - Dazzle's twin - Female
•Dandilions :
thank you😁

- black pearl
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish

- black pearl
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish