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Pokésona Lucky Dip! [CLOSED]

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Pokésona Lucky Dip! [CLOSED]
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sat, 09/03/2024 20:27 (1 Year ago)
Drakonia you are a Hisuian Typhlosion!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sun, 10/03/2024 15:33 (11 Months ago)
CelestiaCat you are a Lucario!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 644
Posted: Sun, 10/03/2024 20:31 (11 Months ago)
Poké me!

5 Pokémon I like: Chandelure, Lampent, Litwick, Deoxys, and (uhm} Gengar (because why not)

5 Pokémon I dislike: Miltank, Hypno, Pikachu (just too overrated...), Pecharunt, and Drowzee

My favorite colour: Porple (again)

Requests: Nothing, I hope this is allowed :3
gotta keep track of favorite crk cookies somewhere
Show hidden content
- black pearl
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sun, 10/03/2024 20:34 (11 Months ago)
CasualPokemonFreak added! (Please note updated price since last time)

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 644
Posted: Sun, 10/03/2024 20:35 (11 Months ago)
Don't worry! I paid 50K unless it uped again without me knowing 😅
gotta keep track of favorite crk cookies somewhere
Show hidden content
- black pearl
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Sun, 10/03/2024 20:57 (11 Months ago)
Can I make another request please?

Poké me!

5 Pokémon I like: Simipour, Rapidash, Passmian, Sunflora and Shieldon

5 Pokémon I dislike: Jynx, Gloom, Quagsire, Hitmonchan, Impidimp

My favorite colour: Light Blue

Requests: Dance Theme (Paso Doble, Foxtrot or Rumba)

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sun, 10/03/2024 22:25 (11 Months ago)
Of course you can, SensGirl25 added!

CasualPokemonFreak you are a Litwik!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 644
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 21:11 (11 Months ago)
Poké me!

5 Pokémon I like: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Giga Gengar, Mega Gengar

5 Pokémon I dislike: Mr. Mime, Pecharunt, Licklicky, Golduck, and (very controversial) Charizard. (He's too overrated but he's a classic)

My favorite colour: Blue and Purple

Requests: Dark vibes, evilness

yeahhhhh I'm desperate for Gengar
gotta keep track of favorite crk cookies somewhere
Show hidden content
- black pearl
- affogato
- shadow milk
- mystic flour hmo
- dark cacao
- milky way
- frilled jellyfish
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 21:15 (11 Months ago)
CasualPokemonFreak added!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 287
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 21:49 (11 Months ago)
We are back at it again!

5 Pokémon I like: Luxray, Gardevoir, Samurott (Unovan and Hisuian are both ok), Lurantis, Silvally

5 Pokémon I dislike: hypno, diggersby, Mr. Mime, rhyperior, klinklang

My favorite colour: Blue or purple

Requests: make 'em the shiny version!
Visit the Kecleon Shop run by Expecto_patrONIX and me for Event Pokémon & more

~ here! ~

Sprite by Aisling

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Mon, 11/03/2024 21:50 (11 Months ago)
Lavender_Luxray added!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 442
Posted: Thu, 14/03/2024 14:23 (11 Months ago)
Poké me!

5 Pokémon I like: Palkia (Origin), Entei, combee, ditto, ducklett

5 Pokémon I dislike: Aipom, Obstagoon, absol, tentacruel, Meowth

My favorite colour: Blue

Requests: Could I download the art onto imgbb? that way the image remains available. Also, my previous art is now unavailable and just gives a missing photo icon. Thanks!
Made by Acoustic!

😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored[/spoiler]
A good shop for dex filling!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Thu, 14/03/2024 14:35 (11 Months ago)
Imbored added!

The image uploader I was using expires after a while, I have since used imgur instead so you shouldn't have any issues downloading the images.

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Fri, 15/03/2024 13:36 (11 Months ago)
SensGirl25 you are a Simipour!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sat, 16/03/2024 14:05 (11 Months ago)
CasualPokemonFreak you are a Gengar!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 809
Posted: Sat, 16/03/2024 15:17 (11 Months ago)
Pokémon I like: Shiny H. Zorua, Eevee, Silvally, Luxray, Ultra Necrozma.

5 Pokémon I dislike: Volbeat, Kricketot, Machamp, Magmortar, Klefki… Most of Pokemon I dislike are either goofy looking or literal people (I’m totally ok with anthro ANIMALS, but Pokemon like Sawk, Hitmonchan or Conkeldurr are humans…)

My favorite colour: Hm… Not my favorite, but white?

Requests: Redaging payment, do you have enough nuggets to send me 50, so I can then send 30 back? I’m pretty sure it’s worth over 50000 PD, cuz nuggets usually go for 2000+.

Sorry if because of me ordering a lot, you’ll have to change prices again… ^^
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are" - Mewtwo
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sat, 16/03/2024 16:06 (11 Months ago)
Drakonia added! I'm not fully understanding what you're asking but if you wanted to pay in nuggets thats fine.

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 337
Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 13:53 (11 Months ago)
Poké me!

5 Pokémon I like: Litten (duh), Eevee, Scorbunny, Mew, Shaymin (Grass Hedgy go brrrr)

5 Pokémon I dislike: Jynx (Dude I hate that thing with a passion), Sobble and its evos, Electabuzz,

My favorite colour: Magenta

Requests: Can you make it hold the aroace flag? (Also I'll pay 84 nugs because I like random numbers)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 13:55 (11 Months ago)
ThatCatKid added!

Art by me.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 15:20 (11 Months ago)
Lavender_Luxray you are a Luxray! duh

Art by me.