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Till Death We Won't Part | 1x1 w/ ShatteredDiamond

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Till Death We Won't Part | 1x1 w/ ShatteredDiamond
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 23:36 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura looked in Eris's direction and to the area she pointed in, revealing her mirror.

"Yes! Thanks, Eris!" She walked her way to the bench and got her mirror, putting it in her pocket.

"Okay, now that everything here is settled, we can really go back to our next classes. Again, see you around!"

With that, Sakura gave Eris a bright smile before leaving the roof.


As she walked to her other class, the bell had rang, and students had soon flooded the halls. As Sakura made her way through the crowds, she mentally went over what had happened many moments ago.

"I didn't expect this to happen today, Stopping a student from ending their life, when I simply had to find something that I had lost."

What a day...Hopefully Eris would feel better soon...

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 00:00 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"Okay, now that everything here is settled, we can really go back to our next classes. Again, see you around!"

Eris watched as Sakura left, for the second time. She glanced backwards, back to the ledge of the roof...

No. Not today. Not when she had a chance of hope...

Eris left the roof as the bell rang, releasing the students of the school for the day. As Eris weaved her way through the crowd, her mind was occupied. Maybe Sakura was her sign, her angel of life, stopping her from ending herself. Eris gently smiled. A glimmer of hope still within her heart was slowly blooming...
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 02:07 (10 Months ago)

Timeskip: Next School Day

Sakura Hayashi

After going through her usual routine of waking up in the morning and preparing for another stressful day of school, for some reason, Sakura felt that today wouldn't be so bad.

Yesterday was a day that she never expected to happen. Saving Eris from something that could have been unnoticed and irreversible...all that she could do was think about how it was a blessing to have made it in time to save her and be able to talk her out of the situation.

Finishing her quick breakfast, and waving goodbye to her parents, Sakura left her house and began to walk to the school, watching as other students had left their homes to walk as well, some taking bikes or cars.

Smiling to herself, Sakura pulled out her phone, and her wired headphones, and began to play some music as she continued her walk.

Sakura looked around to make sure she had some space away from any other walkers, not wanting to bump into them. She smiled and closed her eyes, humming to the music.

She thought about Eris for a bit. She didn't message her yet, so maybe she was doing okay for now? She hoped so.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 02:17 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Yawning gently and stretching her arms, Eris glanced around her shed of a home. It was a literal shed, but it was at least nice to have a welcome roof over her head...

After getting ready for the school day, Eris exited her home, keeping an eye out for any people who might get suspicious of a child exiting a shed. She had been careless once before. Never again would she make such a mistake...

Putting a hand in her pocket, Eris found the paper from the previous day. Sakura's number. Hesitating momentarily as she walked, Eris punched in the contact onto her cellphone and sent a quick message.

"Hello Sakura. Ready for another tiring school day?"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 02:39 (10 Months ago)
Sakura Hayashi

After a few minutes of listening to music, Sakura felt her phone vibrate. Opening her eyes, she checked on her phone recieveing a message from a random number.

Quote from ???"Hello Sakura. Ready for another tiring school day?"

She raised an eyebrow at the message, until it hit her. It must've been Eris! Sakura recalled giving the girl her number before they left to class yesterday...

She added Eris's number on her own contacts, and putting her name on her phone. She messaged her back.

Hello Sakura. Ready for another tiring school day?

Hiya, Eris! Sorry, momentarily forgot that I gave you my number yesterday. And yeah, I'm ready, but I feel like today might be a good day! Are you feeling alright? Any better from yesterday?

Sakura smiled. She was glad Eris messaged her, it made her feel glad. After many minutes of walking, she had made it to the front gates of the school, but still had her phone, waiting for Eris to respond.

She could already feel that today would go pleasant.

Sakura turned off her music, and carefully wrapped her headphones, putting them away in her bag, now humming a gleeful tune.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 02:48 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

To Eris's surprise, it only took a few seconds for Sakura to send a reply.

Hello Sakura. Ready for another tiring school day?

Hiya, Eris! Sorry, momentarily forgot that I gave you my number yesterday. And yeah, I'm ready, but I feel like today might be a good day! Are you feeling alright? Any better from yesterday?

Eris thought it over. She did feel a bit better. Sleep, and an actual person to talk to, helped. She also hadn't been found yet... Which was another bonus.

Yes, I'm doing better. I'm really sorry for what you had to see yesterday. I promise I'm not that bad, just really sad. Maybe we can meet up after school? Somewhere we can chat and learn about each other? If that's okay with you, of course!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 03:06 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura felt her phone vibrate once again, seeing the reply from Eris. She carefully read through her message.

Quote from ErisYes, I'm doing better. I'm really sorry for what you had to see yesterday. I promise I'm not that bad, just really sad. Maybe we can meet up after school? Somewhere we can chat and learn about each other? If that's okay with you, of course!

Sakura smiled sadly at the first three sentences in the message, but then it formed into a cheerful smile at the last three. She quickly wrote a reply back.

Yes, I'm doing better. I'm really sorry for what you had to see yesterday. I promise I'm not that bad, just really sad. Maybe we can meet up after school? Somewhere we can chat and learn about each other? If that's okay with you, of course!

Aww, no need to be sorry! You were going through something very challenging to deal with, I understand. But, I'm glad you're feeling better now! And of course we can hang out! It would be nice to lean more about each other! I know a nearby ice-cream store that I used to go to when I was little. We can go there after school!

Sakura's face was beginning to hurt, due to her uncontrollable smile. Now she was excited for school to end soon. Eris seemed like a sweet person, so this would be a great opportunity to know her better, and grow a close friendly relationship with her!

While she waited for another reply, she also waited for Eris to arrive in front of the school gates, to give them time to chat before going off to their first classes. Hopefully the bell wouldn't ring soon...

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 04:00 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Eris read the message from Sakura with a smile. Sakura was very kind to her. At the mention of an ice cream shop, she licked her lips. Ice cream was always good and she had money for it as well! Wiping her lips with her sleeve, she sent a reply.

Aww, no need to be sorry! You were going through something very challenging to deal with, I understand. But, I'm glad you're feeling better now! And of course we can hang out! It would be nice to lean more about each other! I know a nearby ice-cream store that I used to go to when I was little. We can go there after school!
Thank you for your kindness. And that would be lovely!
I'm almost to the school. TTYS!

With that, Eris looked up. She spotted the school... And was that Sakura?!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 13:16 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura saw the message that Eris had sent again.

Quote from ErisThank you for your kindness. And that would be lovely!
I'm almost to the school. TTYS!

Sakura giggled at the message. She knew Eris was a sweet girl! She replied back, before putting her phone away.

Thank you for your kindness. And that would be lovely!
I'm almost to the school. TTYS!

No need to thank me! Also, I'm so happy that you want to go! See you at school! :)

Sakura now had a gentle smile, mostly to stop her face from hurting more. She put her phone in her pocket, and she too looked up. It was Eris herself!

"Hey, Eris! Over here!" She said brightly and waved at the girl. "Let's walk to our classes together!"

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 15:30 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Eris smiled gently at the newest message from Sakura. She was so kind to her, it almost scared her... No time to ponder it, for Eris was now at the gates and Sakura was there too.

Eris was surprised how enthusiastic Sakura was. She wondered why... Hearing Sakura's request of going to classes together, Eris nodded. "Sure! That would be nice." The school bell rang, inviting the students to come inside to begin the day.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 16:13 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Sure! That would be nice."

Sakura smiled. "Great! I'll walk you to your first class, mine is nearby so I can get there. Or maybe our classes are close to each other? I don't really know, I'm usually the last person out of my classes.."

As the two girls walked to Eris's first period, she kept babbling on about random things here and there, to hopefully lighten up the mood, and of course, to try and get their minds off of yesterday.

"If I'm going the wrong way, please correct me! I don't want to get you late! I can be a bit clumsy at times, haha!" Sakura joked nervously.

"What subject is your first class? Mine is math, I dispise math so much. It's so difficult for me! I have to write down a TON of notes to help me remember some formulas, or how to solve something..."

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 18:46 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Eris was thankful that Sakura was openly chatting as they walked to their first classes. She wasn't able to socialize properly for... reasons.

"What subject is your first class? Mine is math, I despise math so much. It's so difficult for me! I have to write down a TON of notes to help me remember some formulas, or how to solve something..."

This got a giggle from Eris. Math could be difficult at times, but she didn't have it as bad as Sakura it seemed.

"My first period class is Chemistry. One of my favorites. I've always had an interest in the ways of science. Which class or subject is your favorite?"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 21:17 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"My first period class is Chemistry. One of my favorites. I've always had an interest in the ways of science. Which class or subject is your favorite?"

"My personal favorite subject is English. There's a lot I love about it!" Sakura beamed.

"Oh, you said you have Chemistry? My class is across from that class! Although I've never really seen you, probably because I take a while to leave my class all the time." She said.

As the other students around the two girls had went to their classes, Sakura turned to Eris.

"Hope your class goes well with you, I'll see you at lunch after classes! If you need to meet up anywhere, you can text me during class, I don't mind. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"

With that, Sakura gave Eris another hug before waving at her, and leaving to her Math class.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 22:32 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"My personal favorite subject is English. There's a lot I love about it!...Oh, you said you have Chemistry? My class is across from that class! Although I've never really seen you, probably because I take a while to leave my class all the time."

Eris giggled at this as well. She herself was a punctual student, always either on time or early. She enjoyed having a schedule to follow.

"Hope your class goes well with you, I'll see you at lunch after classes! If you need to meet up anywhere, you can text me during class, I don't mind. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"

When Sakura said this and hugged her, Eris was pleasantly surprised to feel her lips curl into a smile. This was nice... Sakura was so nice... As she watched Sakura head to Math, Eris felt a warming sensation on her face. Was she suddenly sick? Or was it something else...? Either way, Eris waved at Sakura in departure and entered the Science Classroom.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 23:34 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

As some time went by, students were now halfway through their first class.

Sakura was already so bored, and wanted it to be over with.

Unfortunately for her, she had only started to pay attention when the math teacher had announced that they would be taking a pop quiz. Right now.

What?! She wasn't paying attention at all!! She was SO going to fail...

"I guess thats karma, huh..." Sakura sighed in dissapointment.

As the students got their supplies ready for the test, Sakura pretended to look in her bag, when she actually decided to use her phone. She decided to send Eris another message about her unluckiness.

Quote from Sakura: To Eris
I hope you see this message rn, but hey, Eris! I wasn't paying attention in my class, now all of a sudden we have to take a quiz! Hopefully I pass, wish me luck! What's going on in your class atm?

Sakura giggled a little at her message, before taking her phone and placing it in her lap, under her desk. If Eris replied, she would be able to feel the vibration and try to send her a message, only if she didn't get caught, that is..

"Alright, class, you may begin the quiz! You have thirty minutes to finish. If you need extra time, come back to this class during lunch." The teacher had set a timer as the other students began to work.

Sakura looked around nervously as the other students started. She started off with putting her name and the date, obviously. She then had an idea. Hopefully the quiz could be open note? She raised her hand, but hesitated.

There was a possibility that the teacher would decline her request, most likely because she had went over some things before the quiz started.

Putting her hand down, she decided to stick with using her brain and remembering what she had already knew, while also waiting for a possible reply from Eris.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 23:52 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

As Eris sat in her Chemistry class, she glanced out the window as the teacher explained today's experiment. As the students made groups and pairs to work on the project, Eris was alone... She lifted her head when she felt a small vibration. Her phone was signaling a message. Reading it made Eris smile. She held back a giggle as she sent a reply.

I hope you see this message rn, but hey, Eris! I wasn't paying attention in my class, now all of a sudden we have to take a quiz! Hopefully I pass, wish me luck! What's going on in your class atm?
Sorry to hear you have a pop quiz. I wish you all the luck!
Currently class is splitting into groups for a project. I'm flying
solo on the work, again. :P
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 00:24 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura nervously tapped her pencil on her desk, biting her lip a little as she stared at the first question...

"That's it, I'm gonna ask if we can use our notes!" Sakura said to herself before raising her hand, again, a bit hesitantly, but the teacher had already spotted the girl with her hand in the air.

"Yes, Sakura? What do you need?" The teacher asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I just wanted to know if we could-" Sakura paused when she felt her phone vibrate in her lap. It must've been Eris!

"I-I forgot my question, nevermind! If I remember, I'll ask you again later, if that's okay? Haha!" Sakura giggled with embarrasment, putting her hand down with a small sigh.

"If you're sure..." The teacher sighed as well, keeping their focus back on the timer, and the working students.

Sakura looked at the math teacher before getting her pencil and pretending to write on her test and look down, when she actually looked down at her phone to see Eris's message.

Quote from ErisSorry to hear you have a pop quiz. I wish you all the luck!
Currently class is splitting into groups for a project. I'm flying
solo on the work, again. :P

Sakura smiled with a quiet giggle at Eris's message. Sweet as always! Looking up and around to make sure she was out of sight, she put her pencil down and began to reply...

Sorry to hear you have a pop quiz. I wish you all the luck!
Currently class is splitting into groups for a project. I'm flying
solo on the work, again. :P

Hehe, thanks! Hope the project goes well, I understand the solo part. I just hope I don't get caught texting you during this quiz, tho! I'm afraid to ask if we could use our notes on it, I wasn't paying attention to anything the teacher had previously said..

Sakura turned her phone off and looked back at her test, this time, actually trying to solve the problems.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 00:30 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Eris winced in sympathy at Sakura's text. It was bad enough to not be good at a subject, but to have not paid attention as well? Hard ouch.

Rather than send a message, Eris also turned off her phone. Best let Sakura focus on the pop quiz, and for her to focus on her project. At least it was rather simple. Rudimentary even.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 01:27 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura raised her hand again, pretending that she had remembered what she would ask the teacher. "Excuse me, I remember what I was going to ask you!" She gave a nervous smile.

The teacher looked up to see Sakura's hand up once again. "What is it, Sakura?" they sighed.

"I wanted to know if we could use our...notes...for the quiz? Just in case we need to figure out something on a question?" Sakura said, waiting for the teacher's response. She hoped they would at least say yes, or sure, or even a shrug at least...

"Please don't say no, please don't say no!" She thought to herself with worry.

"Sure, why not? Just make it quick, you only have 15 more minutes." The teacher said, glancing at the timer.

Sakura felt relived. She had been blessed! "Thank you!" With a giddy smile, she pulled out her notes and began to use them to quickly answer the math problems, putting her phone away when she had finished half of the problems.

Soon, the timer had went off, and it was time for the students to turn in their quizzes. Sakura proudly handed in hers before going back to her desk, waiting for the bell to ring for their next class. She wondered if Eris was doing okay in her class, aside from working alone on that science project?

Now that she was done, maybe she could send her another message before they went to their second class.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Thu, 23/11/2023 02:01 (10 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Working alone was both a blessing and a curse. Eris knew this well. On one hand, there was little to distract her, she could stay on topic, and she knew how to work efficiently. On the other, it was too quiet around her, she could hear the others. There was average drama talk and day-to-day chatter, but on the occasion Eris could hear their judging whispers.

"...such a weird..." "... always solo..." "... freakishly pale..." "...is...albino? But...not red so no..."

Eris watched the glass beakers on the desk in front of her emptily. Even as the mixture did what it was supposed to, she didn't see it as a success. Idly, she noticed a silver instrument, two actually, nearby, in the standard kit; a scalpel and a hypodermic needle.

"The teacher is at another group... Her back is to me... No one is looking at me... Perfect.

With practiced ease and slight of hand, Eris swiped the scalpel into her pocket. Moments after, she did the same for the syringe, putting that in a different pocket, as not to clink the objects together by accident.

Just get through the day, and everything will be fine... Need more berries after school... Can't let Sakura know... Don't let it show...