1.)once you have posted you may not post again!
2.) please only use the form! (if you have questions put it under
the form! and if you have posted already and have a question feel
free to pm me ^-^
3.) no spamming!
4.) all pokeheroes rules apply!
5.) you have 2 days to post after i have drawn to get your prize if
you do not post the number will be redrawn!
6.) please fill out "what will you do with it if you win".
Leave "password:"Blank
7.) If you have won a previous raffle you may not enter this 1.
(giygas i'm including you in this sowwi)
8.) If you are away for the 2 days after the raffle ends you will
be excused if you provide a reason.
just fill this out and i will pick a winner using random.org and
then that post # wins!
What will you do with it if you win?: Either evolve it into
Wartortle or keep it as a Squirtle :3
Username?: ectoBiologist
Other?: If I happen to win, I might not be able to post within two
days because I'll be on vacation until August 5. What happens
What will you do with it if you win?: I'll evolve it into Wartortle
then give it an Everstone
Other?:Thanks for making this raffle!
What will you do with it if you win?: Put an everstone on it, come
up with a creative nickname (or one that could make a good story
:P) and then level it up. I'd also make it first priority to write
a story about it involving you, too! ^-^
Username?: Diana
Other?: Thank you! :>
What will you do with it if you win?: Keep the little Squirtle and
evolve it to Wartortle and maybe a Blastoise :3
Username?: WhiteAndBlack2
Other?: Thank you very much for the raffle! :3
What will you do with it if you win?: I'm going to evove it and
have it on my team :3
Username?: moonwarriorcat
Other?: this is really kind of u ^-^ thx even if i don't win ( I'm
also on trips A LOT in the summer , I might be gone :( )
What will you do with it if you win?: evolve it and try to make it
level 100! Or even more! And if I ever start battling Ill use
Username?: MexicanLapras
Other?: Nothin' 8)
What will you do with it if you win?:HUG IT! (and put an ever stone
on it and come up with a cool nickname for it :3)
Other?: No Nothing Really...