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The Illusion of Choice - RolePlay

Forum-Index Roleplay The Illusion of Choice - RolePlay
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 22/10/2023 01:00 (11 Months ago)
After about 10 minutes Nick comes across a road, the same road he had came from. He walks carrying the crying child towards the market in an attempt to find someone who could help the child. Luckily one of the first people they run into are carrying a first aid kit. The person immediately had locked their attention on the crying child. Nick laying the child on the ground and the other person kneeling towards the now purple leg. "Are you the father?" the man asks. Nick a little shocked by the question "Does that matter?" Nick responds. "Well I can't help unless you are and based on your response you aren't. My conscience won't allow me to heal someone just to be sold into a life of misery. I know a parent won't sell their child so that's all I'll trust." The man starts to stand up picking his box up as well. Nick feeling an overwhelming feeling of responsibility for this child panics and responds "Yes, I mean technically no but I'm their adoptive parent!" The man pauses to take a minute to think, after thinking through he asks "Did you get them off the black market or by legal terms?" "Legal!" Nick responds quickly not to leave a moment of hesitation. The man keeps down again once more and takes some bandages out. They grab onto the kids leg and the man's arms start to glow, the bones seem to realign and even heal a little. He let's go of the leg and starts wrapping it up. "Holy cow, what did you just do?" Nick asks in awe. "My job." The man returns the bandages to his box and gets up quickly. He spins around and walks away seeming to disappear. Nick picks the child back up, on his back this time, and starts walking towards the newly found exit, "I guess I don't have a choice other than to take care of you now kid." The kid, seeming perfectly fine, smiles and hugs Nick's back as he walks. "What's your name anyways?" Nick asks.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 22/10/2023 05:25 (11 Months ago)

Daavit didn't even have time to process the commotion, as it just so happened that one of those lovely bombs were just close enough to completely disorient him and everyone around. His fear of being forced to comply with Mr. Jacket Man was now replaced with sheer panic, but a panic he could suppress and use to his advantage. No time to say hello to somebody he once knew, no time to figure anything out, and especially no time to bring his little hellhound friend along.

He just ran.

Yeah, sure, probably should've been more cautious, probably should've thought of a plan, but whatever, right? Just run now, that's all he had in mind. He ducked and weaved in the panicked crowd, stayed as low as he could, pulled his hood up to hide his face. The man out for his life was probably still following, but he didn't particularly care. As long as he could get out of here he could-

...Well that was awkward. He almost stumbled to the ground, running into someone he didn't recognize. She looked shockingly calm for the event, and her presence alone was... Daavit had to admit, slightly intimidating. She didn't even flinch at the run-in, only stared at him with a piercing glare.

Kafka didn't have much trouble making her way through the crowd, even though it was as chaotic as one would expect. That is, however, until an idiot decided it was a good idea to run right into her. She didn't dare say a word, she didn't dare move. She only stopped to consider the possibilities. Could this be an escapee? A scumbag who thought they got caught? Someone el-

Yeah no, one look at his face could tell her everything she needed to know. Still without saying a word, her cold fingers latched around the unicorn's arm and she began to drag him along. Even with his protests and struggles, her hand stayed firm and she made her way to her destination. A stage, front and center, the most popular place in the market. Dozens more seemed to follow her, scattering themselves about in front of the stage, then simply standing there like they were waiting for something. Some even looked like prisoners, straight out of those buildings not too far off.

They were starting to gather attention, just how she wanted.

And with that, the next act was set in motion. A bounty for the infamous black market dealer in her grasp was set out, and her location would be shared to everyone on the market. The dealer in question, understandably, was furious, confused, and utterly shocked at what had just happened. To be fair, most everyone here was as well, but still.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Mon, 23/10/2023 00:03 (11 Months ago)
Natalia’s face flickered with clear displeasure, eyes flickering as her lips tugged down in a slight frown. Goo dripped down her face, which was slowly becoming more and more inhumane as time passed. No one dared shoot the damned Kelpie Unnatural thought, all too aware of the power she and her friend held. The faces on stage were more than familiar, the captured Daavit, and the woman who held a steel grip on him. Natalia didn’t know the woman by name, but she certainly recognised that signature face, with blood red eyes and hair that resembled the midnight sky. An unusual silence had fallen over the Mercado de la Meurte. Clearly, this woman held equal power, perhaps more than her. Keen eyes surveyed the crowd of people before rolling back into her head in annoyance. All these people were incompetent fools…except maybe Daavit and his new captor. Honestly speaking, she did like this new girl more than jacket-man. Able to command the crowd with a near effortless ease, fear palpable. The kelpie swore she could almost feel the unease of the people, something she delighted greatly in. Leaning against her fellow human dealer, Natalia’s yellow eyes staring unblinkingly at Kafka with an eerie grin that matched…well, Kafka.

Andrea hummed, following quickly after Natalia when she left for the stage, both quickly taking front seats to this little show. Arm in arm, Andrea smiled as Natalia leaned against her, content by the Kelpie’s actions as she ran her slender, calloused fingers through Natalia’s fiery red hair as she braided it. Taking a glance up at Kafka and Daavit, she shoots Lăcrămioara a look of mild amusement, as if to say “there goes Natalia’s powdered unicorn bone” Andrea looked quite delighted by the scene that played out, to tell you the truth. A small smile broke the smooth porcelain skin of her face as she gazed through her shades at Kafka and Daavit. Purple eyes, void of emotion held the gaze of blood red ones. Oh, what fun this was going to be.

(people have lives and business of their own to attend to. there’s really no need to keep posting if you don’t have anything to post, please be patient, the roleplay isn’t going to die simply because no one has posted in a week….)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 23/10/2023 19:45 (11 Months ago)
"Vera, my name is Vera." The kid says. "That's a very pretty name." Nick says to Vera. They're a female? As Nick walks down the dirt road carrying Vera he tries to figure out how he could manage to take care of this little girl or find someone who can. I'm a black market dealer who's for the most part off the grid. How can I manage to get this girl a safe caregiver who won't sell or harvest them? after thinking for a while he comes to no solution. Being so deep in his head he hardly even noticed the truck that had been driving beside him for the past minute. As he snaps back to reality he looks over to see the familiar looking man. Nick raises his hand to signal for the man to stop and gets in the truck. "Howdy partner, did I miss much?" The truck driver says. "No, but I did get what I was looking for." "Not the kind of material I thought you were talking but I don't judge." The man says in response. Right I told him I was recovering material. "Yeah I'm not a big fan either but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to survive."
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 20:39 (10 Months ago)
I'm back! Been busy with other projects, but now I can at least finish Nick's story!

Once they reached the city again they had hopped out of the truck thanking the American for the ride. Walking back towards the section of the city where Nick had stashed his car for safe keeping. I have to get out of here and hopefully away from these backstabbing black market dealers Nick thought to himself Maybe I should head to Southern Brazil. as he comes up on the Ally way he looks around to make sure He and Vera weren't being followed. He runs over to the car realizing he doesn't have his car keys he looks around. On the ground next to a dumpster lies a wire hanger, "Lucky me" he says to himself as he picks it up.He bends it into a straight line the. Curves the end into a hook. He pushes hardly on his car door window and slides the hanger into the small crack between the window and the door. He hooks on to the locking mechanism yanks upward and the door pops open. He unlocks the passenger door from the inside and begins popping the section below the steering wheel off to hot wire the car. "No need for that!" Vera says. She walks over to the front of the car "Pop the hood." Nick obeys watching curiously from inside. She swings the hood all the way up and before Nick could try to glance around the hood to see what she was doing the car roars to life. She swings the hood back down and hands Nick a remote with a button on it. "Your new key." She says smiling at him obviously proud of what she had done. "Wait, what did you do?" "What I do best." She says still smiling out of pride.
I thought I knew love,
I thought I knew it as a feeling,
But I was wrong,
I never knew it was warm,
I never knew it kept me company,
I never knew it told me how much it loved me,
I never knew that it wasn't a feeling,
I never knew that it was a person,
And now I'll never forget her face,
Because her face is all I want to remember.
That lovely woman
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 08/11/2023 00:32 (10 Months ago)
Nick just realizing that there was probably a reason the girl was at the black market tries to figure out what she could be. Looking at her he does an analysis, looking for things that stick out. No strangely colored hair, skin, or clothing. No horns, tail, or fins. No claws, fur, or strangely colored patches of skin. Eyes seem fine, "Smile", teeth seem normal, tongue seems normal, huh I haven't a clue to what she could be. "Hey, what species are you? Are you an Unnatural?" Nick asks giving up after trying to figure it out himself. "Maybe, does it really matter though, your obviously an Unnatural yourself so if I was your conscience would weigh you down if you were to try to sell me." She says showing her habitual confidence in her words. "I wouldn't sell you if you were an Unnatural. I just wanted to know what I'm dealing with and how I'm going to have to take care of you. If you don't want to tell me that's fine I'll just have to figure it out on my own." Nick turns away from Vera looking out the windshield as he shifts into drive. He eases his way out of the tight ally way and onto the road. "I'll tell you if I ever need anything special, otherwise just treat me the same way you would treat a human daughter." Vera says trying not to hint out any sort of truth. "Works for me, but I'm sure I'll figure it out."