Forum Thread
Free Pokemon For Trade
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Free Pokemon For TradePokemon Wanted: Golisopod-M (Box 1), Combee + Vespiquen Pair (Box 2), Swadloon Pair (Boxes 1 & 2), Dusk Lycanroc (Box 3), Snom Pair (Box 5), Aurorus (Box 5)
Tips: 15k
Note: Sorry the tip isn't that much. Just started playing today and wanted to get my hands on potential future hunts. I'll be sure to repay you properly once I'm able to. Thank you in advance!
Pokemon wanted: Shaodw Crobat, Shadow Gengar, Shadow Wigglypuff, Shadow Seaking, Shadow Raichu, Shadow Golem, Lycanroc (Midday).
Tips (Optional):
Notes: Thanks!
Thanks, I’ll offer asap!