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Trainerlevel: 49

Trainerpoints: 1,484/7,251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Diancie (Emera)6714,115 / 17,086
•°Peppa no Pig•°
(Vivillon (Savanna))
14958,443 / 67,051

I Need ICE GEMS!!!

I Currently at 880/2400 (looks sad I know)

Buying them for 2.4k Each
Tell me if you wanna sell for higher

Selling Basically Everything I Own (Except SM Gardevoir and the 2 SM Scizors) for Ice Gems and PD

Some Expensive Stuff I Own for Sale
-Shiny Zygard (Core)
-Shiny Magearna Egg Voucher
-SM Arcanine
-SM Medicham
-SM Steelix

Nightwing~ - 50 Gems
Ichigo313 - 30 Gems
ThatCatKid - 22 Gems
Charmander25 - 10 Gems
atharv1000 - 9 Gems
MASTER159 - 10 Gems
~SpiritBeholder~ - 1 Gems

Thank You So Much :D:D:DD


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
ShinyZata 6 Months ago
LiamTheGoat 6 Months ago
LiamTheGoat 6 Months ago
LiamTheGoat 6 Months ago

Shiny Hunt

ShinyZata is currently hunting Diancie (Emera).
Hunt started: 24/07/2024

Chain: 60
0 3 0


Game Records

Trainer ID: #901159061
Registration: 24/09/2022 (2 Years ago)
Time Played: 227:18 Hours
Total interactions: 6,714,802
Money: 2,495,545
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Heart this Feed and Palpad Me with "Pedro" to Win a Prize!

Everyone Who Does This Gets a Prize :D
6 Months ago
Feed My Peppa no Pig please? Heart for Party Return
6 Months ago
Heart this Feed and Comment Pedro for a Chance to Win 445 DP Worth of Plushies

Ends when Pedro
6 Months ago
By ~4PR1L


Anyways, to celebrate and cheer myself on this journey, why don't I spend a little bit of my savings and pull a small giveaway of a grand total of 200 nuggets! To enter, please copy n paste the the feed starting from the hashtag to the end, and give a heart to the original feed!

The raffle will end at the end of the month!

6 Months ago

Hope this game gets better so people stop leaving
6 Months ago
Giving Away the Limited Staff Mew Plushie

1. Heart This Feed
2. Comment Tips for the Berry Battle

I'm at Garden level 3 (lol), what should I do in order to get event pets and event items faster?
6 Months ago

- 4x Uxie Egg Voucher
- 5x Azelf Egg Voucher
- 2x Mesprit Egg Voucher
- 1x Shiny Magearna Egg Voucher

PP Me or Comment
6 Months ago
Feed My Rick Astly please?

Heart for Party Return :D
7 Months ago
7 Months ago
Forgot to do this yesterday lol

Day 8 of #DailyPedroGiveaway

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Selling Mystery Pairs for 25k! (per pair)

If you buy a huge amount I can give a discount (I own 160+ pairs)

Also Looking for Ice Gems, Buying for 2.4k Each!

10 ice gems for a Mystery Pair
7 ice Gem for 1x Shiny Gastly evos or Shiny Pidgey evos

Just Send Me a Private Trade and I'll Offer :D
7 Months ago
Day 7 of #DailyPedroGiveaway

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Selling Mystery Pairs for 25k! (per pair)

If you buy a huge amount I can give a discount (I own 160+ pairs)

Also Looking for Ice Gems, Buying for 2.4k Each!

10 ice gems for a Mystery Pair
7 ice Gem for 1x Shiny Gastly evos or Shiny Pidgey evos

Just Send Me a Private Trade and I'll Offer :D
7 Months ago
Day 6 of #DailyPedroGiveaway

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Selling Mystery Pairs for 25k! (per pair)

If you buy a huge amount I can give a discount (I own 160+ pairs)

Also Looking for Ice Gems, Buying for 2.4k Each!

10 ice gems for a Mystery Pair
7 ice Gem for 1x Shiny Gastly evos or Shiny Pidgey evos

Just Send Me a Private Trade and I'll Offer :D
7 Months ago
Day 5 of #DailyPedroGiveaway

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Selling Mystery Pairs for 25k! (per pair)

If you buy a huge amount I can give a discount (I own 160+ pairs)

Also Looking for Ice Gems, Buying for 2.4k Each!

10 ice gems for a Mystery Pair
7 ice Gem for 1x Shiny Gastly evos or Shiny Pidgey evos

Just Send Me a Private Trade and I'll Offer :D
7 Months ago
Day 4 of #DailyPedroGiveaway

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Will Probably Do This Daily

Selling Mystery Pairs for 25k! (per pair)

If you buy a huge amount I can give a discount (I own 160+ pairs)

Also Looking for Ice Gems, Buying for 2.4k Each!

10 ice gems for a Mystery Pair
7 ice Gem for 1x Shiny Gastly evos or Shiny Pidgey evos
7 Months ago

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Will Probably Do This Daily


Buying them for 2.4k Each
Tell me if you wanna sell for higher

Selling Shiny Gastly evos and Shiny Pidgey evos for 7 ice Gem Each! (Just send me a private trade and I'll Offer :D)

Selling Basically Everything I Own (Except SM Gardevoir and the 2 SM Scizors) for Ice Gems and PD

Donations Appreciated! I will give you a shoutout in the comments and in my profile too :)
7 Months ago

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Will Probably Do This Daily


Buying them for 2.4k Each
Tell me if you wanna sell for higher

Selling Shiny Gastly evos and Shiny Pidgey evos for 7 ice Gem Each! (Just send me a private trade and I'll Offer :D)

Selling Basically Everything I Own (Except SM Gardevoir and the 2 SM Scizors) for Ice Gems and PD

Donations Appreciated! I will give you a shoutout in the comments and in my profile too :)
7 Months ago

Heart and Share The Whole Feed

for a Chance to Win 5 Random Gems

Will Probably Do This Daily


Buying them for 2.4k Each
Tell me if you wanna sell for higher

Selling Shiny Gastly evos and Shiny Pidgey evos for 7 ice Gem Each!

Selling Basically Everything I Own (Except SM Gardevoir and the 2 SM Scizors) for Ice Gems and PD

Donations Appreciated! I will give you a shoutout in the comments and in my profile too :)
7 Months ago
Ph Stream :O
7 Months ago


Last Visitors

JoyfuldoggyMon, 24/Mar/2025, 23:49
Purple_GuySat, 01/Mar/2025, 12:08
Blazecat1Wed, 19/Feb/2025, 03:37
gh0styMon, 17/Feb/2025, 17:32
AnosThu, 13/Feb/2025, 10:48