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(RP) The Cage of Tearful Rain Above Nakanotorishima

Forum-Index Roleplay (RP) The Cage of Tearful Rain Above Nakanotorishima
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 04:48 (1 Year ago)
"Mmm. Time is relative. Fate has been shunting me all over, dragging me across the continuum. I don't know why they've taken such a liking to me, but bith Arty and Emma were recruited tibplaynat one time or another. I mostly just listened to them reminisce about the other." Her voice was nonchalant as she toyed with Brooke, meting out the details sparingly. She angled herself so she was a little closer to facing the girlz an enigmatic smiled barely visible beneath her hood.
My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can't have this, then no one can.
It was never meant to be.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
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Andry for Clockwork Man (paused)
Leanne makes her PH debut in House on the Edge
Vesi prime + Ivy prime on discord.


We cool.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 04:50 (1 Year ago)
"...Artemis disappeared two years ago. Is this why?"

her voice was quiet, as she stared at Paiyoon.

"...is that what all this is?"
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 04:57 (1 Year ago)

System Messages | Celery

Current Time: Twilight of Day 1 | Prologue
The Game has yet to begin. Everyone may speak and act freely.

Night will soon come. Please finish up whatever character interactions you want to do.
(However, "soon" is a very vague term.)

Current Rain Level: Drizzle (0 stages)
- It will increase by 1 stage after the night. Mysterious stuff will happen when the rain level gets high enough.

To mark your character as to have completed their interactions for the day, please make a post about them returning to their tent for sleep (this is not optional).

Also don't be lazy but I won't stop you if you want to idk
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 04:58 (1 Year ago)
"Mmm. Again, I have no clue. I can only say that he was here and there for a while. Time works all funky-like. If it makes you feel better, neither of them ever mentioned you." Paiyoon was being a little mean now. But there was honestly nothing better to do. Needling Brooke was better than silently waiting for night. She ran a hand through her hair again, no longer hiding the fact that she was watching the green haired girl intently. Yeah, she was pretty cute.

The setting was different, but the rules were the same. Idly, she wondered what Kojirou was doing right now. Maybe he had a week off, and was taking a real vacation.
My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can't have this, then no one can.
It was never meant to be.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
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Andry for Clockwork Man (paused)
Leanne makes her PH debut in House on the Edge
Vesi prime + Ivy prime on discord.


We cool.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 05:03 (1 Year ago)
"Yeah, of course they didn't. They were always trapped in their little bubble of happiness and love."

She scoffed quietly, but her words were... sad.

"...guess that was part of their charm."

She muttered that last bit.
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 05:03 (1 Year ago)
Liz suddenly stood up from the fire, eyes scanning the dark forest. “…This doesn’t feel right. I’m going out for a walk, I’ll be back.” Without waiting for a reply, they strode out of camp and deep into the neck of the woods, searching for god knows what. She’s always been lucky, maybe she’d find something useful? More food? A cave to camp in? No such luck probably, but she’d try her best.

(I’m leaving her fate up to you cerelilired, roll a d20 and tell me the number in palpad)
The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 05:23 (1 Year ago)

Water Empresses | Nakanotorishima Castle

Current Time: Twilight of Day 1 | Prologue
The Game has yet to begin. Everyone may speak and act freely.

Night will soon come. Please finish up whatever character interactions you want to do.
(However, "soon" is a very vague term.)

Current Rain Level: Drizzle (0 stages)
- It will increase by 1 stage after the night. Mysterious stuff will happen when the rain level gets high enough.

"Iroha. You have returned. What were you able to extract from the stranded humans?"

"Ah, um, they're from the place with lots of divine beings. Otherworld, I think...? Yeah, probably. At least one of the mentioned something about the rain being a 'cage' or something too."

"Hm. That confirms the rite's information, but it still is not very useful. Anything else?"

"One of them kept on talking about the Ōmagatoki thing. And how they were stuck in a loop and forced to be part of it for a really long time. Something along the lines of that. And they keep on bringing up the topic of a murder game."

"This will only reaffirm the decisions I shall do tomorrow. Thank you for your patience with them, Iroha. Please have some rest. I shall gather my powers for tomorrow."

"Okay! Good night then!"

To mark your character as to have completed their interactions for the day, please make a post about them returning to their tent for sleep (this is not optional).

Also don't be lazy but I won't stop you if you want to idk

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 140
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 05:26 (1 Year ago)
Dennis paused. He didn't have anything valuable to say, so he silently went into his tent. He opened a small box once he was safe inside of his tent the pictures in it were facedown, but it was nice to know that they were safe. He laid down and closed his eyes. At least he could try to sleep...

" I know that you're sh**ty and you're bad for me, but I can't stop thinking 'bout it."
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 05:32 (1 Year ago)
Elizabeth kicked her way past the tree roots, grunting as she almost fell, fortunately catching herself in time. What was she doing here again?…Oh yes, finding something. She was fairly certain if she walked around long enough she’d find something useful. So far, nothing. She sighed and pushed aside a vine, jumping back when the vine tried to bite her, the snake hissing audibly. Gah, this was a bad idea. Suddenly, she stepped into a wet clearing, the trees in it bearing fruits like serviceberries and goose plums. Bushes bearing berries of different sizes, all of them audible, speckled the clearing. Elizabeth laughed in delight. She’d found more food! This could be useful. Plucking a few fruits, she ate them and found them delicious. She quickly gathered as many fruits as she could carry and made it back to camp. “Yo guys, check out what i found! More food!” She looked absolutely delighted.
The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 06:16 (1 Year ago)
"Charm is relative, darling." Paiyoon's agenda was simple. Sus out the mafia, and make allies. She would do what she needed to along that path.

She reached out, placing a hand on Brooke's shoulder. "I'm sorry. You seem like you need someone to say that to you. And while I'm not the person who should say it, I'll do it anyway. I'm sorry for bringing up Artemis and Emma tactlesy. Now we need to get some sleep, don't we?"
My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can't have this, then no one can.
It was never meant to be.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
Show hidden content
Andry for Clockwork Man (paused)
Leanne makes her PH debut in House on the Edge
Vesi prime + Ivy prime on discord.


We cool.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 06:29 (1 Year ago)

♥️ Nagisa Aoki's POV ♥️

So, Nagisa was trapped on a peculiar island. With no idea of how he got here. He noticed some people seemed to be setting up their tents, while others seemed to be engaged in conversation. And as for others still... Probably out exploring. But Nagisa was a little worried about whoever might have gone out alone.

Who knew what sort of dangers might lurk on the island? Then, just as she was about to check if all was okay suddenly, that person came back. The tenseness in her shoulders released, and Nagisa smiled at them.

"That's wonderful! I could help you serve it, if you'd like!" she offered, clapping his hands together. It was actually kind of nice, being on this island with a bunch of strangers. One of the people here seemed concerned that it would turn into some sort of bloodbath but... What did some book about some traitorous boys crashing a plane onto a pig-infested island know? In the real story, they turned out alright.

Being at a camp like this... Reminded Nagisa of that one time that he volunteered as a camp counselor. And he was determined to help wherever he could.

After all... What could possibly go wrong?

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 07:11 (1 Year ago)
Elizabeth grinned at Nagisa, visibly relaxed. She seemed completely trusting of Nagisa. “Sure! Here’s half of what I found!” Elizabeth passed half of the fruits she found over to Nagisa, passing out her half to everybody else. It was all a jolly good time, little did they know, disaster would soon befall them…
The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 12:02 (1 Year ago)
"...sleep. Yeah. That sounds pretty good."

brooke sighed, running a hand through her hair. The silver ring on her finger glinted in the light, slightly.

She wrung out her sweater, trying to rid it of the water.

"Hate the rain..."
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 16:29 (1 Year ago)
Quote from The Night Before...

Water Empresses | Nakanotorishima Castle

Current Time: Night of Day 2 | Prologue
It is currently nighttime. No characters may speak, and those with night actions may perform them (except during the Prologue).

Current Rain Level: Light Rain (1 stage)
- It will increase by 2 stages after the end of the next day. Mysterious stuff will happen when the rain level gets high enough.

(I’m just going to pretend everyone made their character go to sleep)

Amehime absentmindedly flipped through the book she held in her hands, clearly disturbed by the endless rain outside. Minorem Grimoire de Ōmagatoki, the cover wrote. The air around her lightly thrummed, partly due to the rain, but mostly due to her drawing ancient magical energies from the leylines in the castle walls.

The ritual had a lot of rules, and she was certain the humans would not be able to follow them without enforcement. Mirahime will have to take care of that, she supposed.

The two Rainmakers among the nine humans donned their raincoats, blessed by Imber Tempestarii herself to repel the cursed rain. They sighed quietly, not daring to make a sound, before they began work on stabilizing the cage of tearful rain.

The details on why they had to perform this ritual was rather unclear. But it was best to not question the will of a dark goddess. Especially one as volatile as the Dark Goddess of Disaster herself.

The rain tear cage pulsed and shined with cosmic energy- reminiscent of constellations, somehow, as it was imbued with arcane arts derived from Imber. Ah, speaking of constellations, it really was quite odd how the skies above the Expanse had no stars, was it not?

What could be in those skies? Perhaps that question shall be answered another day.

"Gracia...hear my words, and grant me the power to shield my companions from violence. The violence that shall soon befall us."

The Angel whispered under their breath. They had a feeling things would come to this. An island as idyllic and perfect as Nakanotorishima would never have salty rain. It felt as if the very island itself was crying, somewhat.

Well, anyhow, the rain was not normal. And if they knew anything, it was that incidents like this almost always resulted in violence. And they were supposed to be a guardian for those sorts of violence.

"I hear you, dear [REDACTED]. You shall be lent a fragment of my powers for your noble causes. Use them wisely, and you shall be rewarded properly upon your return to Otherworld. Remember, faith must always be kept as your heart; without it you shall simply crumble."

Sometimes they wondered why they ever decided to take up Gracia's offer. It was more hassle than it was worth, certainly.

Pushing aside their purification rod and talismans, the Miko let out a quiet whine. This all sucked. They didn't even want to come to this dumb island anyway.

And sure, being a priestess of a Legendary Sage had its benefits (a lot of benefits, actually), but Norcrosse had to be one of the most annoying Sages to serve in the history of Otherworld. The Mastix Sages would've never forced them to go explore some random island.

Well, now was a good opportunity to solidify their connection to Norcrosse, without the saltwater rain messing up the magical strings. Hopefully the Sage could actually provide something useful this time, unlike every other time.

Amehime and Mirahime | Nakanotorishima Shores (Camp)

Current Time: Dawn of Day 2 | Chapter 1
It is currently daytime. Items may be used, votes may be cast, and the island may be explored freely.

Current Rain Level: Light Rain (1 stage)
- It will increase by 2 stages after the night. Mysterious stuff will happen when the rain level gets high enough.

As the sun slowly rose from the horizon, Amehime wasted no time beginning her plans. The Ōmagatoki ritual was to begin now, if she wanted the saltwater rain to conclude quickly.

The lazy sands of the shore became visible as the three water empresses neared the edge of the forests. The rain had gotten harder, it was clear. The drizzle yesterday seemed insignificant as larger droplets of rain fell from the sky.

With one flick of her wrist, Amehime conjured a roaring wind surrounding the camp, scattering the tearful rain descending onto it. And, of course, if a sudden windstorm couldn't cause panic, what could? She braced herself for some aggressive talking.

"Dear humans. It has been made clear to me that you are the cause of this vile rain that has been cast upon our island. This will be a completely fruitless endeavor, I assure you. But-"

Amehime cut herself off for dramatic effect.

"Of the nine of you that have currently been stranded on our island."

"Only two have a hand in the summoning of this curse. It would be simply unfair if the seven innocents amongst yourselves simply died because of an unfortunate bout of bad luck."

She continued in the same assertive, demanding tone.

"As such, I propose an alternative. You all shall participate in this ancient ritual, fittingly dubbed the Ōmagatoki by irrelevant divinities countless eons ago. You will not refuse this offer, for the alternative to this alternative is painful death."

Amehime gestured towards Mirahime to continue.

"This is the contract you shall soon agree to. In essence, you will be granted free access to the entire island, as well as Nakanotorishima Castle for temporary residence at night, in exchange for compliance with the rules. Once agreed, you will find yourself completely incapable of breaking any of the rules of the ritual."

[refer to the signups for the details of the contract. if you have any questions just palpad me or something]

"You will have a moment to discuss and react before agreeing to it. And of course, if you reject the contract, you shall be granted a painful death."


As usual, Iroha had sneakily slipped away while her sisters were doing their dramatic talk. With the Minorem Grimoire de Ōmagatoki she sneaked out of the Archives pressed against its chest, the ancient book wrapped in a magical, translucent foil that repelled water.

She approached Paiyoon's tent (don't ask how she knew) and basically barged in without warning.

"Hey, uh, Ms. Paiyoon! I brought the book you said you wanted to read yesterday for you. Have fun reading it or something. It's not that interesting." She said, her voice somewhat reminiscent of both a yell and a whisper.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 17:28 (1 Year ago)

Contents of the Minorem Grimoire de Ōmagatoki

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Faith is a wellspring of power.

Faith is proof that we are worthy of the power it gives us. Proof that we shall not fall into obscurity.

Having read tens of thousands of texts, it is only now that it has dawned upon me.

The era of war has reached its conclusion, and we will soon become obsolete.

Just what is faith, but a fickle tool of Destiny, to keep deities in control?

Just what is faith, being a rule that even Destiny follows?

If even Destiny craves faith, would it not mean that it holds the key to the world?

And thus, in this moment of realization, I dub my ritual,

The Ōmagatoki.

It is truly beautiful. A work of art, yet also very much so practical.

Faith would easily be gathered through it- the excitement, panic, despair.

The extreme distress of the participants. Humans, yōkai, lost spirits, whatever, so long as they may be captured in large quantities.

But I will not bore you, my future self, in more ramblings. This is what you are looking for.

The Ōmagatoki
Ritual ingredients:
- A suitable amount of unwilling participants, perhaps 8 to 14. Too few and the ritual will end too quickly. Too much and unforeseen circumstances may manifest.
- Housing for the participants to stay during the “night”
- An instrument that may record information during the “day”
- A method of execution
- A motive for murder, perhaps a reward of sorts for “victory”

Firstly, establish the rules of the ritual. Threaten noncompliance with violent death. The participants will follow a day-night cycle. During the day they will vote to execute someone, attempting to exterminate someone of the opposing faction. During the night some of them will use their powers to ensure information is obtained.

This cycle repeats until there is one victorious faction. Events and special occurrences may be mixed in to steer the ritual in another direction. Every action matters. One wrong move and everything might just crumble.

Administer a suitable reward to the winning faction afterwards, and then experience the horrible feelings of torture, of regret, of hopelessness, distilled into faith. The purest form of power.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 23:22 (1 Year ago)
She had thanked Iroha, she had read the pages, she had eaten a few bites, and had blown out the fire.

And of course, she had signed the contract without a moment's hesitation.

This time, she was playing for more than just a game; this time she had the opportunity to help an island.

Tossing and turning on her makeshift cot, her thoughts drifted. She had decided not to explore the castle in the dark, and remained in the shores.

The book. The book contained nothing but the ridiculous effing rules, the crap that Paiyoon had already figured out. There was nothing about authors and archangels, Alice or Kojirou. Fate controlled these games, because the participants appeared to selected at random. There was nothing about reincarnation or wings, not a mention about getting stuck in endless loops or how to get out. Paiyoon sighed. The real information would be gleaned from among the numbers of who had held this book before her.

Who was the original author?

Why had they written the book?

What was their original timeline?

Why did they believe that in the absence of war, there was nothing but obscurity?

All Paiyoon knew was whoever was behind this, whoever was selecting the roles and pulling the strings, had screwed her over five times. She had never held a knife, she had never been able to kill. This goblin had had to rely on her wits and her words. Of the four games completed, she had risen to the occasion three times. Her first game was a tragedy, ever so preventable in hindsight.

She steepled her fingers, sitting across legged, entering into a deep meditation, reminiscent of sleep.
My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can't have this, then no one can.
It was never meant to be.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
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Andry for Clockwork Man (paused)
Leanne makes her PH debut in House on the Edge
Vesi prime + Ivy prime on discord.


We cool.

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 29/08/2023 23:26 (1 Year ago)
Bedtime. Desolate's least and most favorite time of day. The time of day where Desolate could either decide to go to sleep like normal, or choose to stay up all night and annoy others.

But because celery has been getting impatient about some people not sleeping, Desolate must now sleep.

"Good night everyone... Sweet dreams or something... It's totally not like I might or might not check your roles tonight..." Desolate muttered, with that ever so welcomed tired voice.

[Desolate is Now in a Tent, Asleep]


yeah celery i actually did do the "video game thing"

✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Wed, 30/08/2023 00:02 (1 Year ago)
"Well...I guess this isn't so bad. We just have to find and kill the right people, no?" Elizabeth nervously twists her foot around.
The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 140
Posted: Wed, 30/08/2023 01:16 (1 Year ago)
Dennis's face went pale. He hadn't been able to sleep after he had gotten in his tent. He was hit with coughing fits, but once he had finally gone to sleep... He shook his head, this was not worth waking up for.

His hands nervously fidgeted. There were nine of them... It had said participants 8 - 14. What if he found a way to weasel out of it? Still, he had signed it. Why did he do that?

He watched the others carefully. His eyes landed on the book Paiyoon had recieved. Paiyoon, if a rain maker would be an interesting enemy. He looked around quickly and found a rock. He slipped it into his pocket. Just in case...

" I know that you're sh**ty and you're bad for me, but I can't stop thinking 'bout it."