Forum Thread
Ōmagatoki: Desire Drive (Game 5)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Ōmagatoki: Desire Drive (Game 5)Ōmagatoki: Desire Drive (Game 5)
Current Time: DAY
All characters may speak during the day. They may also choose to condemn a character to the Extermination Room.
Amidst the desolate ruins of Mastix, a new dawn approached. The recirculation of divine energy in Mastix after the death of Homusubi (in Game 4), the kami-no-kami of fire, had helped regain a small portion of its once-intense warmth. The Pantheonum and Obeliscus shined in the distance as the subterranean sun became visible.
The air filled with anticipation as the fourteen spirits gathered from far and wide, their gazes filled with both hope and trepidation. They had received the coveted invitations to the fifth Ōmagatoki, an opportunity to escape the confines of Mastix and venture towards Elysium.
Among them stood a figure, draped in the ethereal robes of Elysium, radiating an aura of mystique. It was Kojirou Inari, the kami of luck and foxes, the orchestrator of this grand event. With a flourish of his hand, he addressed the assembled spirits, his voice carrying the weight of their collective desires.
"Welcome, dear spirits, to the fifth Ōmagatoki," Kojirou Inari announced, his voice resonating through the air. "You have been chosen for this extraordinary challenge, a chance to reclaim your dreams of Elysium."
His keen eyes scanned the hopeful faces before him, taking in their determination and longing. The spirits knew that this game held the key to their liberation, a path that could break the chains of their tormented existence.
"The trials that lie ahead will test your mettle, cunning, and resilience," Kojirou Inari continued, his voice both encouraging and enigmatic. "Each step will bring you closer to the realm you yearn for. But remember, only one faction shall emerge triumphant."
With a wave of his hand, a circle of fourteen houses materialized around a large podium, serving as a visual reminder of the game that lay ahead. "May luck be on your side," Kojirou Inari laughed, a mischievous smile playing upon his lips before he vanished without a trace.
Kowai Kurai's POV
"Ever since she was a child
She always knew how to get her way
Just act a little bit wild
And someone will surely come to play
It's a truth she took to heart
But humility and patience didn't come with age
She's born to play this part
A diva's always center stage
Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder
Relishing in untestable power
Glowing red in a black and white scene
The one and only candle queen!
Stoking the flames that burn higher and higher
Royalty with a crown of fire
Setting ablaze an extravagant scene
The one and only candle queen
Addicted to adrenaline
And always looking for attention
Thought to be so genuine
When she's suddenly met with apprehension
The fighting has begun
And she'd do anything to get ahead
Like using people as ladder rungs
And sweeping eggshells under the bed"
It was hard to remember, almost. The shock was still there.
She could hear the loud bangs, she never saw the bullets. She could feel herself turning to look at Hisoka, the one who, she had always suspected would kill her. And yet, in that moment, she had never seen it coming. How foolish she had been.
How foolish she had been, to trust that good-for-nothing!!!-
She had reached out her hand, to do something, anything. She had opened her mouth to say something, but no words had come out. As she fell into the pool, her body already crumpling, with a SPLASH!
She hadn't even been able to move much, as her consciousness faded away, and she drowned.
It's funny, isn't it? Ohhh, Hisoka, you sniveling rat. I thought I had you all figured out. But it seems I couldn't have been more wrong.
She'd taken him as the type of person who only did things for his own benefit, that only cared about pride and his precious little family, and maybe that one man in the world that he loved.
But as Kowai smoothed out the creases on her skirt, one question gnawed at the twisted girl's mind...
Where was she now? How was she alive again?
She blinked the world into focus. Was this some kind of afterlife?
No, probably not. She had a feeling it wasn't.
And yet, the funny thing was... She wasn't feeling as bitter as she thought she should have. In fact, she only found herself laughing at Hisoka's audacity.
That had HURT. It had really hurt! She hadn't known he'd even been capable of doing that.
But, oh well. She'd always thought her to be someone to expect the unexpected, and yet she hadn't in that moment. All she really wanted to know now was what she was doing here, and what might be going on.
Was it worth it? Had it really been worth it?
All those people, dead?
She shook her head. Why did she even have a second thought about it now?
She turned to observe another girl within her surroundings, immediately adjusting herself. "I'm just as confused as you are!!! Hiiii there! My name's Kowai Kurai, and you are?" She smiled sweetly at Tingyun, doing her best to look well-intentioned and, at the same time, deeply perplexed, with a hint of curiosity.
The game has begun.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kowai Kurai's POV
Sure would be a shame if anyone died.
Wouldn't it?
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"Everything is going to be okay."
She looked up at the plinth, a mixture of annoyance and misplaced affection surging inside of her. "Kojirou, you old disembodied voice. Good to see you're not shirking your responsibilities." She had been perfecting her craft of sarcastic bullying. Good to know it wasn't for nothing.
She saw a familiar flash of blue hair. So Artemis was back. Had he seen Emma after her game? She would need to talk to him. And was that Tarik too? The Djinn would likely hate her. And she hadn't even told him the true extent of her fake-Miko plan... there was no way Paiyoon would have lost that last round. She saw Kotone, Mei, and Aria too. This game was full of familiar faces.
Paiyoon couldn't tell if that was a good thing yet.
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My current RP work:
Kowai Kurai's POV
She recalled, then, that she had been in this situation before. Under a different name. Who else was here?
She scanned the room. Tingyun, a certain girl who seemed strangely familiar, someone who she had never seen before, well... Plenty of people she had never seen before.
Hisoka wasn't here this time. But someone else she recognized was.
Niwa Atsushi.
Who, in the end, she wasn't sure how she felt about. She hated him, for sure. She had stabbed his eye out to show it!
...but she also loved him.
I think.
Or at least, some part of her cared for him.
"Someone dies each night, huh? Gosh, that's awful!" She made herself shiver. "B-But that's not... Gonna happen, right? We're not going to resort to killing one another! We're going to all be friends and believe in one another!" She clapped her hands together cheerily.
What a load of garbage, am I right? Very few of us will make it out of here. Still, though. I guess it's an entertaining thought. To not just burn the entire place down. To see where this goes...?
Strange. A girl with wings was inside of the room. Kowai tilted her head to the side.
She'd been brought back to life twice, it was probably safe to assume anything was possible.
"Is there any way we can prevent deaths from occurring?..."
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"Everything is going to be okay."
"Unless, however, you are a killer. That's a different story. Then you're at the mercy of the collective. Smiling her wolfish grin, (ogd, she missed her point goblin teeth), Paiyoon steepled her fingers.
"The name's Paiyoon. Paiyoon Ji. This isn't my first rodeo." She nodded at the wings on her back. "Who, pray tell, are you?"
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My current RP work:
Subin felt ever so bored, her mother was talking to the principal of her new school and it felt like hours. It's not like she didn't want to go to the school, well not like she really cared anyways. Subin was always at the top of her classes, but she never had any friends. So people at school try to scare her, but they were always unsuccessful. Subin was twirling around the hallways and sliding downstairs, until...
At the bottom of the stairs, a girl was there. She was sitting on the floor, her leg in an awkward angle. The girl had light brown hair up to her shoulders and wearing the school uniform. Subin, not exactly concerned stepped down a few steps.
"I broke my leg when I fell down these stairs.." The girl said.
The girl tried to get up but she fell back down again. Subin sighs and then goes down the stairs when she hits the third last stair. She starts sinking through, not quickly, but slowly. Subin alarmed grabs the other stair when suddenly the girl steps on her hand.
"Why are you doing this?!" Subin asked.
The girl lifts her head and smiles, now her eyes were pitch-black and her mouth was full of fangs.
A Kishin, great.
Subin starts hitting the Kishin with her fist, but the Kishin didn't seem very affected. Her head was now in the stair and she couldn't see anything she waved her arm around but eventually sank.
Kowai Kurai's POV
She turned to look at Paiyoon. "I'm Kowai Kurai! Curious to hear you've had experience with this before!" she chirped.
"Sooo. Guess it's one big guessing game to determine who is suspicious, right, right?"
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"Everything is going to be okay."
"...Oh, great. Simply wonderful!"
He dusted off his collared shirt, adjusting it slightly.
Artemis Wright looked far more loose, far less uptight than two games ago.
"I'm back here, just when things were getting better."
Or is it
You decide.
Paiyoon loved her new wings. The imposing additions fluttered behind her elegantly with even the slightest movement. A smug smirk flitted across Paiyoon's face, disappearing as quickly as it came.
"Ah, Artemis!" She grinned at her old friend. "Welcome back."
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My current RP work:
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My current RP work:
Kowai Kurai's POV
Artemis had also been here before. How fascinating.
Yes, she thought she faintly remembered someone like him. That would make sense.
Huh. Why were they wasting time making idle chitchat? They needed to figure out who the Yōkai was! Jesus Christ.
Well, Kowai didn't believe in Christianity, but that was beside the point.
She was quite curious what drama was being referred to, but they needed to figure out a Yōkai and vote them. There was no time for some stupid pathetic good-for-nothing useless talk between friends!
"What drama?" she asked, swaying back and forth but making sure not to show her impatience.
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"Everything is going to be okay."