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The Legion of Alice RP

Forum-Index Roleplay The Legion of Alice RP
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 05:32 (1 Year ago)
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Alice Beaumontt-Devereux

Current Location: The Elysian Plain. Travel eastward to the Acheron and Ekuto rivers.

Alice Beaumontt-Devereux, clad in regal attire that shimmered with hints of darkness, stood at the edge of the ethereal Elysian plain. The Lost Souls, her loyal legion of shattered spirits, hovered nearby, their eyes filled with a mix of awe and trepidation. With a wave of her hand, the air crackled, and a gateway of swirling mist materialized before them.

"My dear Lost Souls," Alice's voice echoed with an ethereal resonance, carrying a sense of both command and sorrow. "Behold the radiant expanse of Elysium, a realm of eternal beauty and tranquility. Here, we shall reclaim what truly belongs to not only me, but us, and forge our own kingdom."

With a blast of magic, Alice shattered the nebulous veil that covered the Legion, revealing the breathtaking scenery beyond. Fields of vibrant flowers danced with every hue imaginable, their fragrances filling the air, while gentle rivers meandered through emerald meadows. The sun bathed the land in a soft, golden glow, casting enchanting shadows upon the landscape.

"This is our new home, where you shall find solace and purpose," Alice continued, her voice filled with determination. "In Elysium, we shall weave our dreams into reality and reign among the heavens. But remember, the path to power is paved with challenges and sacrifices." The scent of blossoms and the distant melody of chirping birds (that may or may not be cursing at each other in the language of bird) beckoned them forward.

"Follow me, my Legion of Lost Souls," Alice beckoned, her eyes gleaming with both ambition and a touch of melancholy. "Together, we shall reshape this land, weaving our illusions into the very fabric of Elysium. Let us stride across this resplendent terrain, reclaiming our destiny as the ones who shall reside in paradise."

"We shall meet at our next stop, the idyllic little town of Arcadia situated between the Acheron and Ekuto rivers, and discuss our plans. But for now, I have other...godly matters to attend to. I bid you all adieu." And with a final glance at her devoted legion, Alice vanished from their view in a burst of prismatic radiance.

...But, what are those? Light spirits, it appears. This must be one of Alice's tests. How intriguing.

Without pause, the light spirits charged at Lydia, Arachne, and the Mad Hatter in a daze of bright light.

The Elysian Plain:
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A sprawling, lush landscape of rolling hills, verdant forests, and colorful meadows, the Plain is the birthplace of all Elysian deities and a true paradise. The air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of buzzing insects. The fields are dotted with grazing animals, and clear streams babble through the countryside. It is a place of unparalleled beauty and abundance, where life flourishes in all its forms.

Acheron and Ekuto:
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The Acheron and Ekuto rivers are the natural borders that separate the Elysian Plain from the Iteruna Mountain Ranges. The Acheron river is a wide and deep river with murky waters that run slowly but steadily. It is fed by many small streams and tributaries that flow down from the mountains, and it winds its way through the valley, cutting a deep channel in the earth.

The Ekuto river, on the other hand, is a much smaller river with a faster current. It runs parallel to the Acheron, and its waters are clear and sparkling. It is also fed by mountain streams and small tributaries, but its flow is more turbulent and erratic than the Acheron.

Together, the Acheron and Ekuto rivers create a natural boundary that separates the lush and fertile Elysian Plain from the rugged and unforgiving terrain of the Iteruna Mountain Ranges. The rivers are flanked by dense forests, rocky cliffs, and steep mountainsides, providing a stark contrast between the two regions. Despite their differences, both rivers are revered by the local inhabitants for their natural beauty and the life-giving resources they provide.

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Flourishing between the Acheron and Ekuto rivers lies Arcadia, a small town specializing in the lore of herbs and botanical magic. This idyllic town is known for its abundance of greenery and colorful gardens, where skilled botanists and herbalists grow and cultivate rare plants for their potent properties. The town is often shrouded in a misty veil, giving it a mystical and enchanting atmosphere that draws visitors from far and wide.

Despite its small size, Arcadia is a bustling hub of magical activity, where alchemists and apothecaries create potent potions and remedies for a variety of ailments. The locals are fiercely protective of their town's secrets and traditions, making it a difficult place to penetrate for outsiders.

Anastasia Blackthorne

Current Location: Inside the Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose

Anastasia Blackthorne, the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose, stood atop the grand dais of the Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose. The air was heavy with an otherworldly presence, as her loyal mercenary defense force, Le Monde Rouge, gathered before her.

"Listen well, my devoted warriors of Le Monde Rouge," Anastasia's voice carried through the vast halls of the cathedral, commanding attention. "Alice Beaumontt-Devereux, the wayward, foolish weaver of illusions, seeks to invade our realm. But fear not, for we shall stand united and resolute in the face of her treachery."

The jet black banners bearing the sigil of the Ghastly Rose fluttered ominously, casting shadows upon the assembled mercenaries. Anastasia continued, her voice resonating with both authority and a hint of underlying sadness, "In the coming days, we shall formulate strategies, strengthen our defenses, and train relentlessly. Our aim is to safeguard the Black Garden, our homeland and my realm, and ensure that Alice's ambitions meet with defeat."

"Within the hallowed halls of our Great Library," Anastasia declared, her gaze sweeping across the vast expanse of the chamber, "you shall find knowledge to aid us in our endeavors. The priests and priestesses shall guide you, providing access to the vast tomes of strategic wisdom and arcane lore. Study diligently, for knowledge is power."

Her gaze shifted towards the neophytes, young and eager initiates clad in black robes, who stood ready to assist. "The neophytes shall attend to your needs," Anastasia announced. "From nourishing meals to maintaining the cleanliness of our quarters, they shall ensure that you can focus on the task at hand."

With a commanding gesture, Anastasia directed her mercenaries to begin their training, their weapons ringing in the cathedral's hallowed silence. "Remember," Anastasia's voice carried over the clang of steel, "we fight not only for our home, but for the balance of power in this realm. Together, we shall defend the honor of the Ghastly Rose and emerge victorious against the illusions that seek to ensnare us."

In the sacred Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose, filled with the scent of incense and the murmur of whispered prayers, Le Monde Rouge prepared for their fateful confrontation. Bound by loyalty and strengthened by the blessings of their goddess, they were united in purpose and ready to face whatever darkness, or rather, whatever light awaited them.

The Black Garden:
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The Black Garden is a city unlike any other, ruled by the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose herself, Anastasia Blackthorne. Its massive black wall looms high above, separating the city from the outside world and creating an air of mystery and foreboding. Despite the turmoil that simmers beneath the surface, the city bustles with life and activity.

Most of the city's inhabitants rarely venture beyond the walls of the Cult of the Ghastly Rose's cathedral, where they seek refuge from the chaos of the outside world. But for those brave enough to venture out, the city's black brick streets and stained glass buildings offer a unique beauty. Flowers of every kind adorn every corner, their colorful blooms a stark contrast to the city's dark exterior. The scent of sacred plants fills the air, a reminder of the power that Anastasia wields over both the living and the dead.

Despite the beauty of the Black Garden, a sense of unease permeates the city. Whispers of the Necromancer's dark magic and hushed whispers of her plans echo through the streets. The Black Garden may be beautiful, but it is a city on the brink of destruction, ruled by a goddess who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

The Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose:
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The Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose stands tall and proud, its exterior made of jet black stones that gleam in the sun. But as you step inside, the contrast between the darkness outside and the colorful interior takes your breath away. The walls are lined with intricate stained glass art depicting scenes from the Cult's lore, and silk banners of every color adorn the ceiling, making it look like a vibrant, living tapestry.

The Cult of the Ghastly Rose has a strict hierarchy, with neophytes being at the bottom of the order, and the goddess Anastasia Blackthorne herself at the very top. The priests and priestesses come next, followed by the initiates and then the acolytes. Each tier has its own set of rights and duties, with the neophytes being responsible for the most menial tasks such as cleaning and cooking. As one rises in the ranks, they gain access to more knowledge and privileges, but also more responsibilities and tasks that are expected to be fulfilled with utmost diligence. Anastasia herself is the ultimate authority, revered by the followers, and her word is law.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 23:52 (1 Year ago)
"Ehehe~! What's this? Looks fun! Wow, this is cool! Where are we?"

Lydia flitted around, laughing as she ducked under the glowing spirits.

"I think that's unfair. I didn't even pull out my weapon yet!"

She laughed, leaning back as a spirit flew past her shoulder.

"Ehehe~! How exciting! I'm going to have so much fun here!"
"Whether it's
or suicide~

One day you're going to die~!"
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 06:58 (1 Year ago)

Akari Nagai

Akari's eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation as he observed the light spirits summoned by Alice. The energy and laughter of Lydia affected him, drawing a smile to his lips. He took a moment to appreciate the ethereal beauty surrounding them, the glow of the spirits dancing in the air.

"Yeah, Lydia, this is really interesting," Akari replied, his voice filled with a sense of excitement. "It looks like Alice has conjured an challenge for us. Like, a test to showcase our abilities!"

As a spirit zipped past him, Akari's instincts kicked in. He focused his concentration, summoning a shield of shimmering light to protect himself. The shield gleamed, radiating a soft luminescence as it formed a protective barrier around him.

Akari's hand extended towards one of the light spirits. He channeled his light manipulation abilities, compressing the surrounding light into a concentrated beam.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 44
Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 13:38 (1 Year ago)
Imagine if you can a beautiful young woman, perhaps the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. That would be Andrea. Hair a pretty bubblegum pink, one would notice the way the light catches in it and it shimmers as it flows with her every move. Her hair is very lengthy reaching down to the middle of her torso, so long in fact that it almost caresses the small of her back. If you were to run your fingers through her hair, it would feel as though you are touching some of the finest silken fabric ever woven. Soft, and almost liquid like, Andrea’s hair would flow over your fingers like water as you touch it. Her beautiful face is demanding of attention. Its high cheekbones calling your eyes to the statuesque bone structure underlying its gentleness. She has been graced with a look that could be that of royalty. She has heart shaped, rose colored lips that are always curved into a slight smile. The slight hint of moisture on her lips making them glisten in the light, causing them to look as though they are really a reflection on the waters of a pond and not really a part of her at all. Her emerald green eyes staring back at you as though to pierce your very soul and derive your thoughts and feelings. You can see the different shades of green streaking through her eyes, making them appear to be alive just as fire does when it moves and flickers, or twisting figures of snakes. Andrea had eyes that could make one neglect all else and freeze in a state of mystified awe, or horror, and once she had set her eyes on her target, one could feel hypnotized by her piercing gaze, cold yet unwavering, then again warm and kind.

Her fragile and ethereal figure just makes her look like a fairy princess, something further accentuated by the paradise they were in. Perhaps the light spirits thought she was one of them, for they didn’t charge at her like they did the others. But they soon realised she was a threat, and mimicked their previous actions towards her. She sighs, yawning as she elegantly sidesteps the dancing, attacking light spirits. She smiles at the two others who spoke, Lydia and Akari, voice sleepy as she asks “What exactly is our task at hand? Other than avoiding being massacred by these little light balls?” Her movements are snakelike and graceful, darting in and out, twisting, skipping and twirling in the air as she avoids them. She appears to be a dancer on the stage, outwardly calm and unaffected, but in reality she was feeling a bit annoyed. Jeez. They just arrived, let her have some peace please, then attack her. It was way too early for this. “My hair’s going to be in a mess…” she grumbles.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 00:43 (1 Year ago)
"...Perhaps, we should get a plan first, don't you think so."

Sheita spoke up amidst the bustling crowd, like a ghost she suddenly appeared out of no where, her malnourished appearance doesn't help it either. Nevertheless, people could all agree that Shieta is a beauty, perhaps she could even be considered the number 1 beauty of the whole Le Monde Rouge if not for her malnourished appearance.

With beautiful curly hair that was hung in a low ponytail that shone brightly like a river of diamonds even in the dark, made her smooth, soft pale skin that doesn't have any scarrings seems paler than before. Shieta's black eyes look like the pitch black abyss that seems to suck you in from far away. But once you look closer, there is a silver-ish blue iris that looked like the river to heaven.

But despite having those features, Shieta's expression was like the cold end of hell. Stern and unwavering, that even the against the god of death would she be expressionless. With her bloody red apple lips curved down into a frown, her question didn't really sound like a question, it was more like:

'I don't care if you all don't agree, i'll just leave all of you guys behind.'

Type of meaning behind her harmless words. This was the type of person Shieta was, unwavering, stubborn, and forever cold. Whether if she was facing against death or an emotional scene within her comrades, nothing can create a ripple in her expression.

That's why she was called 'The Witch', she was the complete opposite of a warm and welcoming person. Sheita was cold, even in the face of death, and just like the witch, she can either give you an utopia and make you brand new, or a poisonous apple that will rot you away from the inside.
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 02:23 (1 Year ago)

"Oh wow, this place is huge!"

Ariadne was a pretty young girl who was known as "The Snow Lady" because of her appearance. She had white wavy hair that hit the back of her. She had pale blue eyes that were filled with kindness, and she always wore white. Today she felt out of contrast with the cathedral, as well..everything was dark. Ariadne felt like she was the only bright person or thing there.

She sighed as she tossed her hair over. Today was her first day of being an official member. Before that, as a child, she would follow her "father" (who was a past member of "Le Monde Rouge" around when he was working in the Cathedral. So nothing was really too new for her. Nothing frightened her either...well except Ms. Blackthorne. Ariadne remembered when she was four, she had somehow managed to turn the black-fire lanterns, into bright-fire, which had angered Ms. Blackthorne. She remembered that Ms. Blackthorne had threatened to punish her father for that. Then before her father carried her away she had seen a flicker of fire in Ms. Blackthorne's eyes. Although it's not like anyone she told believed her.

She explored the cathedral more, she passed the kitchen and into the Library. The library was still beautiful as always, there were books lined up, neatly on their shelves, and no book was out of place. Just like how everything else is in the cathedral. She pulled a book out of the shelf when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Surprised, Ariadne quickly turned back to see a young redhead woman.

The lady had shoulder-length red hair and wore a scarf to cover her mouth. She had one book in her arm and she looked pretty startled too.

"Hi! Sorry, just wanted to ask who you were," The lady said.
Quickly she replied; "I'm Ariadne,"
"That's a nice name, I'm Marginále Rouge,"

Marginále Rouge

Perhaps Ariadne's day isn't going too bad.

ੈ✩‧₊˚Hi I'm Junghyun♡ ⋆。˚

and this is Lily <3

₊˚ʚ Pfp Credits ❥・@pinterest/google
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 02:33 (1 Year ago)
The mad hatter swished his cloak as he scowled at the light spirits around him. When one got too close he batted it away with his quarterstaff absentmindedly. He didn't have time for this, lady Alice was his ward and he shouldn't be letting them go off on their own. She already knew he wasn't a lost spirit, and they knew he wasn't weak. Why exactly did Alice group him with the lost spirits?... Perhaps he was the guide them to safety if anything bad happens. The mad hatter sighed as the light spirits swarmed him. He needed time to think. Swishing his cloak, the light spirits went through it and appeared nine meters away. It'll have to do. "COVER YOURSELVES!" The mad hatter yelled at the others as he spun his top hat and threw it at the light spirits. Once in their range it detonated, swarming them in a dark cloud. "A pity, i liked that hat."
The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 11:33 (1 Year ago)
"ehehe~! Wow, explosions! Explosions are cool! Wait, do we just have to rip these spirits to shreds? Fun! Watch this, watch this!"

That stainless steel pan was not there a moment ago. She brought the pan down on a spirit. How was that thing holding up? It looked like it had seen many-a face whack.

"wow, this is just like that one groundhog game, you know, but instead of smacking the groundhogs with a rubber mallet, you hit deadly light spirits with a stainless steel frying pan! Ehehe~!"
"Whether it's
or suicide~

One day you're going to die~!"
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 44
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 13:27 (1 Year ago)
Andrea gracefully sidestepped the light spirits as they whizzed past her, dazed by Lydia’s frying pan attacks. She takes out several throwing knives, slicing any spirit who tried to come too close. Her attacks are light and quick, and she never once stumbles, gracefully pirouetting through a particularly condensed swarm of spirits. And then a particularly flashy display of attacks cornered some of the light spirits into a clump. She gestures to Lydia, saying “Go on. Perfectly smashable, and fairly efficient. If I continue rounding them up, and you smash them I’m sure we’ll kill them off soon enough”

[wip: to write about Jasmine and complete form for Lifei]
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 15:29 (1 Year ago)
Adrienne Tourmaline

"Lady Alice!"

Adrienne runs into the huge Elysium Plains. Today was the first day of battle, and her day wasn't going well. First, a light spirit ran into her, spilling a light elixir on her. Then, one of the Members of The Legion of Alice accidentally called her "he". Now, she had to run all the way to the Acheron and Ekuto rivers. She saw Alice there and called.

ੈ✩‧₊˚Hi I'm Junghyun♡ ⋆。˚

and this is Lily <3

₊˚ʚ Pfp Credits ❥・@pinterest/google
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 09:14 (1 Year ago)

Akari Nagai

"A frying pan? Cool!" Akari said as he blasted a light spirit with a laser, which in retrospect probably wasn't the best idea ever. He focused on defending his allies instead for the time being, surrounding Andrea and Lydia with a magical shield.

“What exactly is our task at hand? Other than avoiding being massacred by these little light balls?”

"We need to cross the Acheron and Ekuto rivers after beating up those things...I think. Alice talks fast, I can't really keep up with her sometimes." Akari replied nonchalantly as he spotted a lost soul clad in black battle armor in the distance and conjured a shield around her as well. Spotting the clump of light spirits as well, he summoned a burst of light on them, stunning them momentarily.

Gloria Murphy

Oh. Em. Gee. I finally have a valid reason to use those magical trinkets and stuff I have. This is going to be sooooo totally great!

As Gloria thought about her various magical artifacts and how she could use each one to cause damage to a lost soul, her mind subconsciously led her to the library. This was basically her brain's way of telling her that she should probably learn how to control those artifacts before using them.

Looking around and slightly waving to Marginále, the librarian, a fellow mercenary caught her eye.

"Heyyy, Ariadne! How's your day going?" She whispered, making sure not to disturb the priests and priestesses nearby. "Do you want to...read a book about ways to control ancient magical artifacts, by any chance?"

She picked out a random book from a shelf nearby.

"Magiae Antiquorum Artefactuum" ("The Magic of Ancient Artifacts")

Just what she was looking for.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 13:11 (1 Year ago)
Quentin K. Burns was scrying, watching the battle from a far off tower. His liege, Anastasia Blackthorne, was under attack. The amusing thing was that most of dear Alice's forces were arrogant, and reality, rather weak.

He had warned Blackthorne not to take the girl on as an apprentice, not to teach her. There had always been something feral and hungry inside of Alice. The girl had always wanted more than what she was given, always taking, reaching, stealing, fighting. It was disconcerting to think Blackthorne had not seen it.

Now they were at war. Quentin made his way back through the stronghold. He would need to report his findings to his liege.
My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can't have this, then no one can.
It was never meant to be.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
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Andry for Clockwork Man (paused)
Leanne makes her PH debut in House on the Edge
Vesi prime + Ivy prime on discord.


We cool.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 13:14 (1 Year ago)
Lydia skipped around in hyper excitement. The pan, at some point, had turned into a Lance, somehow. She stabbed at the spirits, popping them.

Really, it was satisfying for her hyperactive brain.

"Ehehe~! Wow, this is fun! It's like, like, when you pop a balloon!"
"Whether it's
or suicide~

One day you're going to die~!"
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 15:15 (1 Year ago)

"Hello Gloria, Oh I'm doing well," She answered.

She looks at the title of the book Gloria was holding. "Magiae Antiquorum Artefactuum". Looks like Gloria wanted to learn about controlling artifacts. "I wouldn't mind trying to learn that," she answered. "I heard it's extremely difficult though," She remembered her father trying to learn that multiple times and then giving up.

"Gloria, which magical artifacts do you currently have? I only have two as my father passed them down to me," She said. "Maybe you want to try learning it together?"

ੈ✩‧₊˚Hi I'm Junghyun♡ ⋆。˚

and this is Lily <3

₊˚ʚ Pfp Credits ❥・@pinterest/google
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 44
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 00:43 (1 Year ago)
Lifei heads straight for the library, using her magic to create a floating cloud for her to sit on. She hovers through bookshelves, her eyes glancing at the titles, trying to find the one that she desired. She spots it soon enough, taking it out of its place on the shelf. Lowering herself into a comfy chair, she snaps her fingers and the cloud disappears. She props herself up, flips open the book and begins to read. A small rock golem, no higher than her waist, was patrolling the area around her, as if daring someone to interrupt her reading.

Jasmine, meanwhile, concentrates on training. Field experience was something she didn’t have much of, and she wanted to make sure she wasn’t lacking in any area. Setting the training course to “most difficult”, she jumps through the obstacle course gracefully, flicking her wrist to hit every single target precisely with a throwing knife, all in the same position. Second wave, she swapped out her blades for magic, using her own blood to create sharp shards that she launched at them, tearing into the skin of the dummies, raining down like hailstones. This went on for a while, till the simulation was complete. She plopped down on the mat, huffing as she recovered her energy.