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Events that require open party spaces

Forum-Index Help Answered Events that require open party spaces
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 908
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2022 01:53 (2 Years ago)
I recently learned that there are certain event eggs that you will miss out on if you don’t have an open space in your party at the moment that you would have been able to receive them. And I’m wondering, are there any events that would result in you receiving more than one egg at once, meaning that you’d need to have multiple spaces in your party or else lose one or more of them? I guess I’ve gotten lucky so far not missing out on any event eggs, but will need to keep one space in my party open from now on, but would one space being open at all times be enough to not risk missing out on anything? I’m pretty worried about this now.
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,066
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2022 02:59 (2 Years ago)
I have never seen an event that requires two open party spaces. I think you should be fine with just one.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 741
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2022 21:24 (2 Years ago)
just to note that while what BlackReshiram said is true, you should be careful if you're adopting retro eggs from rumbling, as Pokémon adopted from the rumble may fill your party first, causing you to lose the egg