Forum Thread
Shades of Gray(Thread)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Shades of Gray(Thread)"Isn't this carnage beautiful, Athena? the ash... It looks like snow."
Or is it
You decide.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
"Wrong with me? No. there is nothing wrong with me. I'm not insane. I'm not unhinged. In fact, I'm the only sane person in this city."
His grin was unnerving, psychotic.
"They've wronged us for so long. They've allowed this world to go to hell. of course this is beautiful. How could the daybreak of a new age be anything less than beautiful?'
He inhaled deeply, breathing out a wisp of smoke. He took the cigarette out of his mouth.
Or is it
You decide.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
He turned fully, revealing his full appearance. His dark jacket and white shirt were splattered with red, his boots looking like he'd trudged througha pile of corpses. Which he probably did. The jade knife he held in his hands dripped with blood.
"In this situation, I control everything. I pull all the strings. I am the shark. You are the clownfish. I am the strong. You are the weak. Do you not get it?'
he inhaled deeply, and exhaled a wisp of smoke. He seemed... calm. He had completely gone off the deep end, sure, but the cigarettes were calming him. Instead of the unhinged look in his eyes, there was a uncharacteristic cold, calculating look.
"Insanity and Evil is subjective. And, it doesn't matter much in combat. The winners of the fight write the history."
Or is it
You decide.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
he turned back to the carnage. he dropped his knife. In the distance, buildings rumbled as they collapsed.
"That would be our dear friend Luce."
He spread his arms out, taking in the carnage and chaos.
"Do it, Athena! Stab me through. Kill me. Let my blood spill to the ground and allow me to be one with mother earth once more!'
He threw off his scarf and jacket, leaving only his ripped, tattered T-shirt, revealing the burns and scars on his body. He let the cigarette slip out of his mouth, allowing it to drop to the floor. He took in the beautiful scene. Carnage. Fires. Death. It was everything he'd dreamed of.
"End my miserable existence, Athena! Do it!"
Or is it
You decide.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
"I knew it. You're not strong enough. how... disappointing you are."
Kendo walked to the edge of the building, peering down. he walked back a few paces, then took a running leap off the building, melting into a shadow. He was off.
Or is it
You decide.
Grabbing a nearby can of spray paint, abandoned on the ground, she found a crumbling wall that was newly on display. Using the white paint, she made a rough sketch of the capital. Grabbing the black, she painted dark slashes and cracks across her entire artwork.
Words lined the bottom:
The government is lying.
They don't care about you.
We the people, are the future.
We are better than our spineless heroes.
The villains will rise, bringing our necessary evil for good.
She continued to walk. Luce had only punished those in the wrong. The innocent were always suffering, stifled by anyone with half a bit of power. Now that their suffering was obvious, even to them, they would see the government wouldn't lift a finger. The heroes would be divided; those that helped the people would see the issues, those that helped the government were brainwashed beyond imagination.
She sighed. Luce still had her doubts, but she quickly buried them.
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My current RP work:
He Grabbed His Assault Rifle
"Hey! You Think Where Done?"
A Jammer Has Appeared Nowhere Disables Every Abilites
"Fight Me Face To Face Without Any Ability"
A Horde Of Infantries Holding A Rifle Also Fighting For Their Lives
Then the bullets fell. The remaining aerial troops were shooting at her. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she began weaving her way through them, getting to the edge of the roof and leaping off, making her way to the ground. Whatever she chose, she had to make sure she survived first. Everything was going well until... Oof. A stray bullet caught her square in the chest. Luckily, she was only a few meters from the ground. She hit the ground at an uncontrolled roll, crashing into a pile of rubble. The wound was bad, really bad. Fatal, in fact. Well, if she was going to die, it was her fault, letting herself get distracted.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
"A jammer? How cheap. That stuff only nerfs abilities, y'know."
A ball of orange-red flame hovered over Kendo's palm.
A wave of fire blasted forth, disintegrating nearly all of the soldiers and heroes, quite easily as they no longer had strong enough powers. Most of their abilities had been set to E or D tier, while his was still at A tier. So, they died.
Or is it
You decide.

Drake stood over the dead soldier that Foxglove had thrown, rubbing his chin. “It seems you’re quite skilled with a knife, kid. Too bad this isn’t a dinner party” he said to Foxglove while his hand started to produce steam.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
A figure was slumped in the streets, blood slowly starting to pool, staining the rubble they had crumpled on crimson. "Athena." Elucian knelt down next to her friend, panic rising the bottom of her stomach. She briefly looked at Violet.
"No-no-no-no." She frantically tried to stop the bleeding. Why was she the designated medic? Gently lifting her fallen friend into her arms, she levitated the two of them through the rubble. The fallen steel beams were messing with the Earth's EM field, but Luce was able to compensate quickly. She didn't look back, didn't even care if Violet was following. If she did, Luce figured she'd be respectful enough to let her work.
"Stay with me, Athena." They were back in a familiar lab. Luce extracted the bullet. It had missed most of the major organs, but Athena would have bled out in another few hours.
Entering into her unbreakable focus, Luce used her iron manipulation to carefully reconstruct the circulatory passage ways. The girl's heart was still beating, a local EM field keeping it stable. Four hours, some stitches, skin grafts for the burns, and a plaster rib cast later, Athena was in stable condition.
A hypospray brought her back to consciousness.
"Athena. How do you feel, my little villain friend?"
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟
My current RP work:
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
"Hello, Violet. I- I'm sorry, I panicked. Thank you for taking care of Athena."
She dusted off her hands and apron. Luce turned back to Athena. "So. What... happened?"
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My current RP work: