“If they know that’s all right then. Good day to you, Prince Loki,
and you, whatever you name is. Please refrain from acting so
suspicious, using illusion magic to sneak one into the castle is a
matter that will raise suspicion. Had it not been you, I wouldn’t
have hesitated to attack.” Turning to the girl, she gestures her
spear at her, asking again. “You are Frigga’s apprentice, are you
not supposed to be on an errand?” It was more of a statement for
the girl to get back to whatever errand she was on. She bows to
Loki once more, fixing Jax with a stern glare. “Welcome Midgardian,
and make yourself comfortable. As long as you promise not to cause
chaos, I welcome you. Otherwise, consider us sworn enemies” On that
cheerful note, she left, returning to Lady Sif