Forum Thread
T0X1C's Derpy Doodle Art Shoop! (Closed)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → T0X1C's Derpy Doodle Art Shoop! (Closed)
Hello, I make Pokemon/animal/animal-like arts. Please order some arts! 10k pd or 1 mystery item (no blue boxes) for an art
Have a nice day and thanks for checking this out :)
- All PH rules apply
- Be nice
- Send payment asap and I'll send over un-watermarked version of the art
- No human characters (idk how to draw them lol)
- No gore/nsfw
- Don't steal/trace/recolor my art (If I drew art for you, you can resize it though)
- Credit me
Some notes
- My art style is simple and slightly more on the doodle/sketch side so some details may be simplified
- I can take requests for lineart color, shading/highlights, backgrounds, type of art (profile picture, halfbody, etc.), and size of the art (My doodles are kinda if you want something bigger
- Art takes a week or less depending on my workload irl
- Yes, I can design stuff too! Just uh please don't do something like ask me to draw every legendary combined into one fusion
- I don't mind drawing multiple characters! Please send extra in your payment since I'm drawing more than one character!
Please send payment when you get the chance! I'll collect it when I'm done with your order :)
Edit (for PenguinPowerful):
Edit (for ~PokeStar~):
Accepted! Please send payment! :)
Edit (for kelbunny13):
Edit (for Hipsterpotamus):

I'm actually kinda proud of this...might've spent more time than I meant to on this whoops XD
design notes are in the 3rd tab, and lmk if you need an unwatermarked/less-watermarked ref! <3
Yeah accepted! Send payment please! :D
Also, just curious, but what stuff does he carry in his bag?
and payment sent, ty! <3