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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 06:22 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.


"Niiiwaaaa- you seem...different- please, tell me what's wrong-" Keiki looked concerned. "You're acting strange, Niwa-"
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 06:28 (2 Years ago)

Third Person POV

For a long, long moment, Niwa hesitated. He gazed at Keiki with that same expression, his features twitching in agitation.

And then he lowered his eyes and shook his head. "Let's go to Monokuma's show, okay? We need to protect our families right now. Nothing else matters beside that." His eyes closed. "Nothing," he repeated.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2022 09:05 (2 Years ago)

Suzume Fujimori's POV

"Maybe we could... make our own code together?" Suzume suggested. "I don't know what we'd use it for. Maybe... someday when we get out of here...." She trailed off, a faraway look in her eyes once again. As though the old Suzume had been replaced by a new one with an unusual new set of eyes.

If we get out of here, Suzume thought.

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai tapped Suko on the shoulder. "Hey, you!" She then crossed her arms. "Koda has something really important to tell you. Potentially life-saving, actually!" She smiled at them in a way that silently dripped malice. "So. You might want to listen to her, or the consequences might be... dire."

It sounded less like she was talking about the issue Suko faced at hand, and more as though she implied the taking of their life herself.

Femi Davis's POV

Gunshots, blood, darkness, tears, the faint pounding of his own heart... walking through a never-aging never-ending nightmare, where the pain never went away. Where the hurt in his heart never stopped. The hurt... of the past, he was hiding from...

Somehow, it seemed almost as though Hisoka's words pulled Femi back into reality. ...why had his tone sounded... so ingenuine? It was like a fake, shattered pearl, pretending to be a diamond. Everyone knew diamonds rarely shattered. And the pearl hadn't even been real, either.

The words left him, just as Hisoka began to walk away, and he reached his arm out. "Hisoka- wait!" his voice uttered frantically. Why did he call after him?

It wasn't like he understood.

It wasn't like he could figure this out.

It wasn't like he could make anything better.

He was still that person from his past. All that was different now was... his stomach tied itself in knots. Being trapped in a Killing Game?

Did it feel so different from his old life, if he was being honest? And he was still hiding it, even from himself.

The truth.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2022 12:14 (2 Years ago)
Kōun no Megami
"That sounds amazing. Are we doing it now, or later?"

Buraddo Jemu

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 15/05/2022 00:47 (2 Years ago)
Nakata glared at Suko, “I can’t wait to win” She smiled cockily.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sun, 15/05/2022 16:39 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

"Okayyy- fine...hmph." Keiki still didn't believe him. "Let's go to Monokuma's Show thing...fine-" They sighed. There was something wrong, and Niwa wouldn't tell them what.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sun, 15/05/2022 19:22 (2 Years ago)

Hisoka Yamanaku

Niwa Atsushi

"Right," Niwa agreed softly. "To Monokuma's Show." A lump had started in his throat. He should tell Keiki everything. He owed them. They were good, they'd understand.

But no-

He couldn't.

He just had to keep pretending a little while longer. I'm sorry Keiki. He turned on his heel and left the beach house.

Suko Nobu

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sun, 15/05/2022 19:43 (2 Years ago)
no idea what to post, should we just skip to the monokuma thing?
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sun, 15/05/2022 19:46 (2 Years ago)
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sun, 15/05/2022 19:49 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sun, 15/05/2022 21:31 (2 Years ago)
To have our gay babs at the show or not, that is the question
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 01:02 (2 Years ago)

Suzume Fujimori's POV

Suzume found herself unable to answer Megami's question. Their own code... together. Code. Code of conduct, code of etiquette. Etiquette, family... her family...

She suddenly remembered Monokuma's booming voice about the play. Threatening their families.

"Our families... are alive?" She wobbled. "I thought they would've killed them. They could always force us into their games in other ways. I suppose it is a viable bargaining chip," she muttered.

But she had to go. She couldn't let her parents die because of some dumb play.

She had to go.

It was... the only way to...

"Megami. I have to go to that play." Did Megami want to go? She gazed sharply in her direction.

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai suddenly felt very angry. "SUKO!" She tackled them to the floor, glaring. "KODA IS TRYING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. ARE YOU GOING TO LISTEN TO HER, OR DO YOU WANT TO DIE THAT BADLY?"

Femi Davis's POV

"Hisoka... please. WAIT!" he cried out.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 01:26 (2 Years ago)
Kōun no Megami
"Alright, sounds good."

Buraddo Jemu

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 03:04 (2 Years ago)

Hisoka Yamanaku

Hisoka paused. Femi's words were too loud. He couldn't keep walking- even if he had to. He needed to stop.. His heart had ultimately won against his brain.

He jerked his head around to glare at Femi. "What?" He snapped. That didn't mean he was a total fool, though..

Worthless worthless worthless, not a Yamanaku, she sacrificed her innocence to save you and you're still a naive pathetic coward, slave to your heart. His vision was blurry. He sneered in Femi's direction. "I'm sorry, Femi, but I have something to attend." She'd rather be dead than you be weak she'd rather be dead, you worthless coward, she'd rather be dead-

Wasn't she already, though?

Hisoka knew it was a mistake. But he still bit his foot into the dirt and rocketed off.

He left Femi behind him.

And with it, any of the guilt which still plagued his heart.

Suko Nobu

"Okayyy okayy," Suko whined. "No need to be so fussy-"


Pain seared along their spine. They were on the ground, Kowai's hands too close to their throat, a horrid tickle, a giggle working its way up.

Kowai's words barely registered. But when they did?

"Someone wants to kill me?" They gasped. "Oh my god, really?" How awesome! What a cool, badass death! Suko had never been this delighted in their life! Oh so very delighted, what an unexpected death! But... "I need to protect Femiiii, though," they whined. "Can you tell my killer to hold on until Femi's death? Pretty please?"

They shifted unconfortably under her. The teasing lilt to their voice wasn't exactly genuine... My ribs hurt, they grumbled.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 07:48 (2 Years ago)
Koda gave an alarmed squeak. "Kowai!" She snapped in a scolding voice, springing from shadow. "Please, get off Suko." She added gently, prodding Kowai's shoulder. Goodness, that was... sudden. Better check if Suko's oka- Wait. Why do I care? She asked herself with a slight touch of resentment. I wish I didn't care this much about them. If anything happens to them...

It'll be Astro all over again.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 08:08 (2 Years ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai raised her eyebrows at Suko. "I meannn sure. Okay! I'll do that, but Suko, I don't know if your killer will listen to me." Seriously. He's probably the least likely person to listen to me. She coughed to herself. She felt Koda's hand on her... a voice, calling, begging her to stop. Her expression softened. Wait, but why? Oh come on. There was no point to threatening Suko any further, surely that was it. Kowai got off of them.

Femi Davis's POV

Femi swore he heard his own heart jump downwards to the floor and shatter as though it were glass. And then there was this strange pleading whimper, the sound of a strangled, tortured dog, that made its way out of someone's throat. His throat. As Hisoka walked away, Femi couldn't shake the feeling that something in the Yamanaku... had occurred just then. A door had been

slammed shut, and locked up tightly.

Suzume Fujimori's POV

Suzume let out a hoarse laugh. "Too bad the date had to come to an abrupt end... being this stupid game we're trapped in and all. It was a lovely date, Megami. I... had a great time with you. Really." Suzume shuffled on the floor, feeling sick to her stomach, for some untangible reason. "Should we head to the show now?..."

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 09:47 (2 Years ago)
Koda smiled. "Thanks." She gave a blink at Suko. "Should we leave them to... re-adjust? They seem a bit faraway." Koda looked at Kowai, confused.

Eeef... Hope they're okay. Koda thought, glancing at Suko. That looks like it hurt. Yeeooowch.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 09:56 (2 Years ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

"You're quite welcome!" Kowai had hesitated before she said the words. Had anyone... ever thanked her for anything before? Sincerely? She shook her head. "They do seem rather out of it... you might be right." Wait. WAS SHE AGREEING WITH SOMEONE? WHAT WAS HAPPENING?

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 09:59 (2 Years ago)
Koda nodded to Suko. "Feel better." She trotted forward and waved Kowai to follow her, smiling with a sorrowful look, remembering the danger possibly bestowed upon this person. They didn't seem so bad, and Koda was inclined to trust them. She didn't know why, but she did. I'll try my best to protect them...

If I can.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 16:35 (2 Years ago)

Suko Nobu

Each breath seized Suko by the chest and shook them furiously. A rattling sensation was in their throat. They closed their eyes and tried to breathe- a mistake. Everything tightened. And now they had to sit up, or else they'd be lost-

I'll die.

They jerked upwards, with a loud, sputtering cough. Saliva splattered the hallway floor. "Eeeyuck," they grumbled, wiping their face. "Gross! I blame your chunky body, Kowai! Not cool! My ribs despiseeee me now!" They pouted. She was already leaving- was that her arm on Koda's?

A rigid fear had taken their bones. Their lungs were free now- never completely, they could never work properly, not since that one day- Were they being left behind? Abandoned? Were they too slow?

Do they think I'm worthless?


Hisoka Yamanaku

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry- He paused by the sign. The ocean waves lapped at his feet- the tide was coming in. His shoes were being ruined. But he found, with a flash of self-loathing, that he didn't care. Let his shoes be fouled by this filthy water. It didn't matter in the slightest.

I'm going to make it out. I promise, I'm going to escape this place. I'll sacrifice Femi, I'll sacrifice Koda, I'll kill them all, I just have to get out of here-

The event was some beach decorating show. This was probably the place, then. Right by- the beach.

He released a shuddering breath.

Monokuma's Beach Decorating Event That I Totally Didn't Forget The Name Of

Niwa and Keiki arrived. Hisoka was in the distance, reading the signage. Niwa glanced at Keiki. "Hey!" he called. "Come on, Hisoka! It's time to start?"

Hisoka's head snapped up. He stared at both of them, then nodded. Something seemed shakier about him than normal- as if he had shut off something very important. Like life support in Star Trek.

Niwa briefly wondered if that was a good allegory, then immediately dismissed it. Trees were superior.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature