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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 17:58 (13 Days ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"I think we're a little past that point, Idris. But I appreciate the sentiment, even if my all-knowing detective's intuition suspects there's a little taste of classic Idris sarcasm in there."

He grinned. "There is always some classic Idris sarcasm in everything I say, my dear Kubo. Your detective's intuition never fails to show!"

"Alrighty then, partners it is. We'll take down the mastermind together. We can meet up in the infirmary after dinner, alright? I'll work to disable the cameras while everyone's busy eating, and then we can put together our plan after."

He nodded. "I'm liking the sound of this already. Sounds like one of my netflix documentaries."

"Infirmary sound alright? Or would you prefer somewhere else?"

Idris hesitated. The memory of watching Mei's unconscious self lie on the infirmary bed flashed in his mind. He winced. "Y-yeah. Sounds...awesome."

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 20:01 (13 Days ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Kubo tilted his head to the side, studying Idris's expression. For some reason, Idris seemed hesitant on that last little point.


Undoubtedly it was something he'd missed in those days he'd spent in and out of his own mind, just wandering the halls alone. It was an odd thing, to think he'd spent the same amount of time here that Idris had, but he was totally out of the loop.

Was it a trauma response? Did something happen there? Perhaps Idris had a fear of doctors, or needles or just clinics?

It would be difficult to change the location now though, and something in Kubo knew that Idris would pick up on pity and hate him for it. So the infirmary it was.

"Operation expose the mastermind is underway then." Kubo closed his eyes, drumming his knuckles on the bedside. "Well, I'll be going then. Can't say I care too much about prom, but missing dinner'll only piss the bear off. I'll have to pop in for a minute before I get to work on the cameras."

He got up, only taking a moment to pause and pull his leather jacket back on and shooting Idris a half-remembered wave as he left for the cafeteria.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 02:13 (13 Days ago)

Sutaraitsu Umemoto

Sutaraitsu stirred a bit in his sleep, and the announcement's loud sound helped push him over to the border of awareness. Curling his body upward, he subconsciously tugged Setsuna's arm a little for support, sitting in an upward position with his back faced toward the wall or bedframe or window or whatever.

Now that he's napped a good amount, he wouldn't be getting any more voices in his head, right?

"Y-You hungry Suta? He said it was dinnertime... did you eat?"

"...want ice cream..." He managed to mutter, still a bit sleepy. But ice cream at the start of the day sounded like a great idea to sleepy Sutaraitsu. Maybe strawberry or pistachio today, or even caramel swirl...

i will do a mika post eventually
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 20:00 (12 Days ago)

Setsuna Jun

"Then let's go!" Feeling a strange compelling to move to the cafeteria, not at all triggered by an impatient roleplayer, Setsuna snatched Sutaraitsu's arm and dragged him aggressively towards and then out the door.

Then they were immediately teleported towards the cafeteria.

The Cafeteria

Kubo Atsushi

Kubo arrived at the Cafeteria, intending to be in and out, but noticed with a grimace that it was already full of people. People who hated him.

Darcy, Miyako, Akari... The holy trinity of people to run like hell from.

But unfortunately, he had to find Lucian. Who, thankfully, he spotted sitting by the window.

"Hey, Lucian..." he said, sidling up by him. "You have a minute? I have something to ask you... something important." He bit his lip, considering... but it was too late to change his mind.

Miyako Hiroto

Miyako found a seat, and a delightfully assorted plate of dino nuggies- (triceratops! Who made them in triceratops shape? A genius, that's who!), pulling her girlfriend to sit beside her.

But even as she cracked a joke about the holiness of carbs and processed chicken, she couldn't keep her eyes from going over the room. Once, twice.

He wasn't here.

Why was she disappointed? She shouldn't be. He never showed up to eat.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Thu, 10/10/2024 03:36 (11 Days ago)

Sutaraitsu Umemoto

Huh... something seemed off about the cafeteria...

But it was nothing important, was it? He didn't even remember what was right in the first place.

"Setsunaaaaa... I want ice cream..." Sutaraitsu mumbled, holding onto their arm. He was feeling a bit warm... wonder why that was. Ehhh, nothing some ice cream can't fix, right?

lazy sutaraitsu post

Mika Uyehara

Mika groaned as he, very begrudgingly, got up from his bed. God dammit. But it's not like he had a choice, right?

Mmmm... he kinda wanted bread- maybe a sandwich or something. Guess he had to go to the cafeteria now- or alternatively, at least he could eat (almost) whatever he wanted for breakfast now.

Camping out in a library was always kinda annoying in terms of getting food. Was that an oxymoron? Does Mika even know what an oxymoron is? He was too sleepy for this.

Pushing open the doors to the cafeteria, he was graced by the presence of more than one person, which was just amazing- huh, wasn't there a body here just a bit earlier? That was odd... but ehhh, he could probably worry about that later.

"You have a minute? I have something to ask you... something important."

He glanced at the figure of indeterminate height that seemed to be dripping with edge- at least to him, that is. That was definitely a very suspicious thing to say, even though Mika himself basically had no alibi.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 10/10/2024 19:39 (10 Days ago)

Setsuna Jun

"Ice cream?" Setsuna blushed, imagining Sutaraitsu with an ice cream cone. Holding it all cutely, smiling up at him, licking it-

Suddenly, an image of Mei flashed through his mind. Her last moments, the flicker of her mouth as she swallowed, reaching for the gun. The pink of her blood, the same colour of Sutaraitsu's hair, oozing over the steel barrel...

He suddenly found that he wasn't hungry, not entirely sure why. His mind was dissolving into goo, he couldn't think, couldn't remember, who the hell am I- and then he blinked.

Sutaraitsu was hanging on his arm. His adorable Sutaraitsu was right there. Why was he thinking of anything else?

"Yeah... ice cream." That's what they were talking about. Ice cream. Sweet strawberry ice cream, the colour of Sutaraitsu's hair, dripping down the sides of a metal container.

Everything was fine.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 00:49 (10 Days ago)

[color=black]Shi snatched a dino nuggie and looked around, noticing her... roommate seemed to be scanning the room as well. After some deliberation,

"Is someone missing?" Shi decided to play it safe and ask a less pointed question.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 03:15 (10 Days ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Hey, Lucian..."

Lucian's brown eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows shooting up as he whipped around to face Kubo. He had been jolted out of his thoughts to hear that familiar voice. The one that always made his heart skip a beat. It was... such a relief to see him again.

. . .

"oh! Kubo? it's... you." His tone was gentle, soft, betraying only a slight note of surprise. A slight smile crept up on him, as his eyes met those of the Ultimate Detective once again. It felt like so long since they'd spoken last... and yet, it really hadn't been that long at all.

(Only several months.)

"You have a minute? I have something to ask you... something important."

Something... important?

Lucian's heart leaped. He fiddled cautiously with his scarf, clasping it gently between his fingers. His heart stirred slightly, almost breathlessly in the way that it pounded, albeit so carefully. With the event that Monokuma was to be putting upon them all... he couldn't help but wonder if...

Yet, he couldn't dare hope for that. Could he?

"ah... yes. O-Of course. What do you need?"

He silently cursed the heat that flowed to his cheeks, for it might give him away when... if...

If I have the wrong idea.

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

It felt so strange to be in the cafeteria now. He spotted Kubo approaching Lucian... and wondered what that could possibly be about. And then there was... ugh. Miyako, hanging out with her precious girlfriend. He wasn't sure how to feel about her. Darcy mostly found themself staring at her begrudgingly.

Ugh. I'm sure she would have left me to die if she could have. Even after that.

At the same time, he wasn't entirely sure if he blamed her. Anyone else would have. Even if he had protected her from some terrifying Monokuma abomination... it didn't mean she owed him anything. She wouldn't have even thought twice about him just being left to die. Completely, entirely forgotten.

But Darcy couldn't help but dwell on one thing in particular.

The plan to get out of the school. Was it even feasible? He hoped they could all find a way out, but it just didn't seem too likely. He didn't want to dare hope about it.

And Sawyer was despondent, as usual, these days. So, so very quiet. So unlike their typically chaotic self. Darcy couldn't help but feel like something was on their mind, what that was, he could never say. But especially not now. Their eyes would move from side to side, as though merely silently observing everyone. It was almost... creepy.

Darcy never thought he'd use that word to describe Sawyer. Sawyer was clumsy, ditzy, a total mess, absolutely scatterbrained, and sometimes even a bit dumb and impulsive. But they were never creepy. Quiet. Distant. Calculated. No, that seemed much more fitting a description of other people here.

They had seemed relieved when they saw that Darcy was alive. When he'd come back, through... he didn't even know, after Kubo came to get him... well.

Sawyer had blinked and stared in puzzlement for only a few moments, before they ran forward and hugged him. Darcy had smiled slightly, softly, relieved to see them again. Relieved to see them alive and well.

But Sawyer kept uttering that one thing over and over...

How they "couldn't afford to lose Darcy" and "That isn't supposed to happen. Not again. Not again. Not again. Not again."

When Darcy had inquired...

"Sawyer... are you referring to when... I left?"

". . ."

They'd just stared at him, silently, with the most peculiar expression.

It was almost like...

They knew.

He didn't know HOW Sawyer knew.

Nobody knew.

ESPECIALLY not them.

How could... how could they know?

Of all people.

. . .

Especially... when their memories were such a mess. How could they realize?

How could they know?

I don't know if I can even hope for that much.

Darcy hoped Sawyer's memory would come back. They were behaving so strangely. They were always weird! But not like this.

Not... creepy weird.

Not quiet. So quiet. That wasn't Sawyer.

Looking at everyone with such familiarity, and yet such alienation.

He had only one hope... to help them remember.

And he had to put his trust, his faith, his intuition into that.

Darcy could only hope.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 03:24 (10 Days ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"No." Miyako shook her head and gave Shi a smile. "Not anymore. Everyone's here now." She did her best to keep her gaze focused on the dino nuggies.

Yeah. Shi.


Her triceratops slapped Shi's stegosaurus down onto her plate.

Kubo Atsushi

The way Lucian moved... touching at his scarf, lips curving slowly into a smile, everything about him was so soft and gentle. He wasn't anyone to be feared. Kubo was... safe with him.

"ah... yes. O-Of course. What do you need?"

Always asking what Kubo needed. He always let Kubo be so selfish, use him however he pleased, without regard for his own wellbeing. He'd thought Lucian stupid for it, and now in hindsight it just crushed him. How could he hate someone, just for being good?

That didn't mean he wouldn't take advantage of it. No, he had to still.

One more time.

I'll hurt you one more time Lucian. And then I'll set you free, caged bird no longer. Take flight out into the world, and find people like you, who'll love you the way you deserve to be loved.

He took in a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "I need you to meet up with me in the infirmary after dinner. Don't tell anyone." It occurred to him that that sounded a little... "Idris'll be there. You can ask him if you're worried. I just need you to be there, okay?"

Kubo sighed, running a hand through his hair. He could only imagine how Kaoru'd scold him for this, when it was all done and over with.

But we aren't ending up in the same place.

He shook off the disturbing thought, because he didn't want to worry about what place Kaoru was in. And as he did so, letting his eyes drift over the people, looking for something to distract him.

Kubo made eye contact with a pair of shockingly blue eyes. For a second, he gave a jolt- then realised they belonged to that boy. The quiet one. Doesn't... Miyako call him Miko?

Why was he watching Kubo?

Did he... want to say something to him?
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 04:31 (10 Days ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

Lucian watched with bated breath as Kubo hesitated before responding at last.

"I need you to meet up with me in the infirmary after dinner. Don't tell anyone."


The infirmary? But why? Why that specifically? And... it needed to be confidential. Which would be something Lucian would understand. Especially if it was just for another one of their sessions together.

But this... seemed different. Very different.

He opened his mouth slightly, about to ask why, but then, Kubo explained further.

"Idris'll be there. You can ask him if you're worried. I just need you to be there, okay?"

"...alright. I understand. I'll be there."

Lucian pondered it, for a moment. His mind swirled with questions. Of course he hadn't suspected Kubo of anything dubious. Not completely, anyway. He wanted to trust him. He met Kubo's gaze once again, this time head-on.

"I don't have any idea what this is about. But, if it's really that important to you... I'll see you there. And we can sort out whatever you need to talk about. Okay?"

I'll always be there for you. Like I promised.

"Was there... anything else you wished to speak with me about?"

There was almost something he longed to ask him. But he just couldn't say it. Not directly.


Sawyer's eyes wandered over to the dino nuggets. A spark jolted into their expression, as they got up from the table, running over to...


. . .

They almost thought they heard something along the lines of-- "Sawyer? What are you- oh my gosh."

Miyako. Huh. Right... that was...


And... well. Sawyer didn't think they ever had much of an idea who the heck that other person was.

Liquid. Liquid everywhere.

Mannequin... right. A mannequin.

In pieces.

I didn't know those were sharp.

Why would someone... want to pierce a doll?

That looked like a person...?


That's not right.

Sawyer's hands swooped behind their back and they beamed at Miyako. They were smiling so hard that it almost seemed... forced. Had anyone looked, they'd see pretty much the majority of their braces.

"Hii, Mimiii! Whatcha got there? Are those Yoshis?"

No. Wait. Scratch it, scratch that.

Sawyer picked up one of the Yoshis(?) from the table and stared at it, blinking over and over. They tilted their head to the side.

"Huh. That's odd! Did these ones get... left behind?"

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

Lord have mercy.

Darcy cupped his hands together, pursing his lips and closing his eyes. They wondered if they should go after Sawyer or not. Maybe... probably. It was a little frustrating sometimes.

The way that he often had to look out for them. As much as he did.

And they'd been acting so... strange. No, strange was how they usually were. That was normal.


Darcy slowly opened his bleary blue eyes, stained with messy, blackish mascara. He cupped the right side of his face with his hand, letting out a weary sigh. Sawyer was making a fool of themself as usual... honestly. He was surprised they hadn't made a Triassic Playground reference.

In his lonely, absentminded state, Darcy wasn't sure what to do. Or who to talk to.

Kubo? That would just be awkward.

Idris? Oh, again, would you look at that, AWKWARD. Heyy, buddy. Sorry about all that stuff I said to Mei that might have just pushed her further over the edge.

Setsuna? He was probably too busy making snow angels with Sutaraitsu or... whatever the hell those two did.

Sawyer? Well. Not a good idea for obvious reasons.

Miyako? ...ugh. Not her. No.

The list just went on and on and on...

But he couldn't help but notice Mika Uyehara out of the corner of his eye. What was he doing?
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sun, 13/10/2024 04:17 (8 Days ago)


Shi fake gasped as her nuggie was slapped away in a brutal dinosaur brawl. "My baby, my poor, delicious baby, destined for consumption, given life for the sake of death, my baby. You have wounded my dear, beloved nuggie. You shall pay with your life!"

Shi took a mock-jousting pose.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 15/10/2024 17:55 (5 Days ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Kubo waited with baited breath, anxiety drumming in his chest. This would make or break everything. Nothing would matter if Lucian said no. Everything he'd thought, every change he'd made these past few days...

It would all be gone. It would all be worthless, and therefore... Everything she said wouldn't matter anymore. So...

Please, Lucian.

"...alright. I understand. I'll be there."

Kubo froze under Lucian's gaze. There was some immeasurable depth in there. Maybe a hint of sadness, maybe some sort of premonition- of seeing something Kubo couldn't.

Lucian knew what was coming.

But he'd said yes. So no matter what... Lucian would live. The world would be okay again. It'd keep turning, and this precious person would go on and live the life he deserved.

"Thanks, Lucian." It was pathetic. But that was all he could say. He'd just have to hope that Lucian would hear and understand the rest, the words and feelings he couldn't figure out.

Lucian was a therapist. If anyone had a shot at understanding the tangled mess that was Kubo's head, it'd be him.

"I don't have any idea what this is about. But, if it's really that important to you... I'll see you there. And we can sort out whatever you need to talk about. Okay?"

He swallowed down all those strange words, the things trying to bubble up and out of his mouth. "Okay." His voice was barely audible.

"Was there... anything else you wished to speak with me about?"

Anything else?

Kubo blinked.

"Not that I'm aware of..." He glanced away, not sure what to make of the intensity in Lucian's eyes. "Is it just me, or is that person staring at us?"

Miyako Hiroto

"Oy! No touchy!" Miyako smacked the dino nuggie out of Sawyer's hand, quickly swooping down on it and gobbling it up. "We must put our differences aside! Protect the yoshis, Shi! There's a dino snatcher on the loose!"

And then her hand froze on the plate as her eyes caught someone's across the room. What's HE doing?
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 15/10/2024 21:51 (5 Days ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

"Thanks, Lucian."

Lucian nodded, swallowing slightly. His neck bobbed slightly as he did so, but it’s not like you would see it underneath his scarf, which he clutched at like a lifeline. Perhaps he was holding onto her in a way, by doing so.

It covered him, covered his scars, those echoing reminders of the past. As Kubo thanked him then, he smiled, just a little. But there was something sad about it.

”...of course. What are friends for?”

He betrayed a bittersweet hint of hurt in those words. So slight, so subtle, that Kubo might not have even caught it.


That was what they were. And there was no point in thinking of anything else. Anything more. And how could he even afford to think of such a thing, during such a dire time? Then again… Lucian couldn’t recall a time when his life hadn’t been quite so dire.

When everything had been alright.

When he wasn’t protecting everyone he held dear.

And failing.

And maybe, just maybe, he could protect Kubo too. Like he’d promised.


Lucian could only nod at that acknowledgment. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was more on Kubo’s mind, or… no. Perhaps not. He was a very troubled person, but it couldn’t be that.

"Not that I'm aware of..."


Right. Of course.

”I see.” That was all he could think of to say. What else was there?

"Is it just me, or is that person staring at us?"

Lucian froze. He slowly turned over, noting… wasn’t that Mika Uyehara? What was he doing, skulking around like that?

”Um… pardon me. It’s not very polite to eavesdrop. Did you have something to say?”

Lucian knew there were often situations where you couldn’t get the answers out of others directly. There were… plenty of them. But, given Mika’s talent, and how he had lied about it…

Kubo had done that too. But he wasn’t a specialist in weapons.

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If you can’t see the image:
"...Mika Uyehara. Ultimate Archivist. Now if you'll excuse yourselves, I'm heading to the Nurse's Office to create a bomb."

. . .

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If you can’t see the image:
"Please do not build a bomb. It is an unsafe venture for both you, and whoever you're bombing."

Oh… Kaoru… was still with us back then.

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If you can’t see the image:
"It's just for fun! No one'll get hurt, Kaoru!"

No, Sawyer, that’s not-

He couldn’t help but glance over at them for a moment. Still causing chaos, even when their memory was so foggy…

Lucian furrowed his brows.

”Mika Uyehara… what are you planning?”


"My baby, my poor, delicious baby, destined for consumption, given life for the sake of death, my baby. You have wounded my dear, beloved nuggie. You shall pay with your life!"

Sawyer felt like they had just activated a video game cutscene. Wait.

Oh. Yeah. That makes sense.

Sawyer equipped a butter knife from the table and started swinging it. “Oh, yeah?! Well, you TOTALLY killed my father! So, pay for that!”

Perfect. A classic line. Probably.

. . .

"Oy! No touchy!"

Sawyer’s eyes widened as the yoshi was flung from their grasp, and swallowed by the Mimi(?) abyss. They gasped, and grabbed their own wrist, staring at it, dropping the butter knife with a CLANG!

. . .

"We must put our differences aside! Protect the yoshis, Shi! There's a dino snatcher on the loose!”

“A dino snatcher?!” Sawyer glanced left and right. “Where?”

Put our… differences aside.

That sentence numbly repeated itself in their head.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Tue, 15/10/2024 22:09 (5 Days ago)

"Yes, I did kill your father. My name is Shi no Shiryō, you killed my nuggie, prepare to die."

She saw Miyako freeze in place, staring across the room. Shi caught her gaze and traced a line over to...

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 01:03 (5 Days ago)

Kubo Atsushi

"Mika Uyehara… what are you planning?”

Ah, so his name was Mika. Kubo must've misheard... or at least, Miyako had. It was good to have one mystery cleared up. But still...

He scanned the kid, determining that he was probably a few years younger which should have made him non-threatening. But there was also a certain gait he possessed that made him seem so much older. Tough, almost- which was ironic, considering that he was tiny. Looking at Mika gave Kubo an odd sense of foreboding. He had a hunch that something was about to happen.

Something bad.

And this one was at the centre of it.

"Mika, was it?" he inquired. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm afraid I didn't catch your talent."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 03:03 (5 Days ago)


"Yes, I did kill your father. My name is Shi no Shiryō, you killed my nuggie, prepare to die."

Sawyer's eyes widened. "Of course, IT WAS YOU!" They batted at Shi with the butter knife. (Darcy watched from a distance while facepalming with a groan.)

❄️ lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Mika, was it? Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm afraid I didn't catch your talent."

Lucian visibly squinted. Okay, Ultimate Detector, he thought.

Earlier, he had been willing to excuse Kubo hiding his talent, because it didn't seem to be for nefarious reasons. But even his eye twitched a little upon hearing that bit of hypocrisy from him.

Most of all though... he still wanted to know what was going on with Mika.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 03:29 (5 Days ago)

Mika Uyehara

Huh... all the attention was on him now. He knew he shouldn't judge people based on their appearances, but... maybe this was some sort of reverse psychology situation, where the scenario was rigged in order to frame the blue-haired person to be so obviously suspicious that there was no way any reasonable person would assume them to be so...

Or maybe he was just making things up at this point, who knows.

"Mika, was it?" he inquired. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm afraid I didn't catch your talent."

He glanced at the Kubo again, vaguely suspicious even though he was obviously the most suspicious person here. Maybe this wasn't the best place to gloat about having multiple Ultimate talents, or something. Even if two out of three had nothing to do with murder, they'd obviously latch onto the one that did, right? Mika thought he'd heard some sort of whisper too, but he was too busy thinking about thinking of his own thoughts to tell if they were really someone speaking or just the air vents being loud.

He took a deep breath. "Um... hi," Which one of them was the least suspicious-sounding again? Maybe... "Uhm- I'm the Ultimate Toxicologist... and also the Ultimate Archivist..."

The excessive use of ellipses was definitely going to trigger some fanfic reader in the next 5 years if this roleplay ever got transcribed into fanfiction form. But Toxicologist would go well with what he's said earlier, right?

Well... toxicology's used for forensic and medical reasons anyway, and he doubted those other people looking at him would figure out in time that making explosive chemicals was not indeed part of studying chemicals. Probably.

Sutaraitsu Umemoto

having ice cream with setsuna idk
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 05:53 (5 Days ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Two ultimate talents? That was... weird. Somehow, Kubo felt that Mika was leaving something out still. And with the way those familiar blue eyes were fixed on him...

"Is there something you want to say to me?" he asked coldly. "I'm afraid if you're looking for an easy victim, you'd do better against someone without a knife. There are certainly better targets here."

A BANG sounded. A plate had hit the floor. Kubo looked to see Miyako standing above a knocked over chair, her eyes fixed on them.


Her eyes were two cold hard stones as she stormed over to them. Something in her expression made Kubo reach for his knife.

She stopped in front of him. "Are you threatening him?"

Kubo raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe I am. If anything, he's threatening to shank me with his eyes." Scoffing, he gestured vaguely at her. "Case in point. If you ever wanted an easy victim, feel free to take a stab at her."

Miyako laughed dryly. Her eyes didn't move from him.

It was beginning to unnerve Kubo. "Look, this isn't about you. Just go hang out with your girlfriend and the loud one. There's nothing going on. We're just talking."

"Talking, huh? And calling him the wrong name. While he lies to your face and pretends he's someone he could never be."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 05:58 (5 Days ago)

Mika Uyehara

"And calling him the wrong name. While he lies to your face and pretends he's someone he could never be."

So that's how it's going to be, isn't it?

He pulled out a small glass vial from his hoodie and flung it toward Miyako- but of course, it completely missed her, shattering harmlessly as it fell toward the floor and splashing an oily transparent liquid. And perhaps it's better that way...

Maybe he did something wrong, that stopped it from exploding. Or maybe he knew he wouldn't have wanted it to explode regardless.

Glass shards glimmered on the floor, artificial light reflecting off of their sharp edges. He probably shouldn't have done this- now he'd have caught everyone's attention, and he'll never get away with anything again...
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 06:14 (5 Days ago)

Setsuna Jun


Setsuna's head snapped up, darting wildly back and forth. One second he was leaning in for a kiss, the next he was on the floor, staring at the cracks in the tile, then up at the scene and Mika's outstretched arm and Miyako standing there and holy sh*t-

Mika just tried to blow up THE CAFETERIA.

And he could be next. With a squeak, he grabbed Sutaraitsu by the waist and pulled him under the table. He watched the scene with wide eyes from behind the wooden leg.

Kubo Atsushi


Mika just threw a bomb. At Miyako. Miyako who was saying something, who was now silent, staring at Mika.

"Lucian..." he warned. "Careful..."

He looked at the two, and suddenly it all clicked into place. Where he'd seen those blue eyes before. The hair, so similar with just a hint of soot in it...

Miyako Hiroto


An explosion reverbated behind her and with a gasp she pulled her hoodie tight over her head, just in time- the smoke hit her nose next.


Miko just threw something at her. A weapon. A bomb. Something. He'd meant to kill her. To shut her up and make her stop talking.

He wanted her dead.

Miyako took a moment to look at Miko, her first real good look at him in years. He'e changed so much, but still she saw that same child's nose, same big blue eyes, and that messy white hair. He was that person still. Her little Miko.

Who just tried to kill her.

She started laughing. It wasn't a nice laugh. Rough, all sharp edges, cruel, mocking. But really, just a real good hard laugh.

Because this was funny.

This was hilarious.

"You're that desperate," she said between giggles. "To keep that little secret of yours, Miko? You'll change your name, renounce your sister, and throw a little bomb? You'll tell everyone all about those harmless little secrets of yours, but nothing else, not even your own godd*mn name."

Her fists clenched and she stopped laughing.

"Miko Hiroto. My pathetic little brother has become a murderer. Now that's a story for the ages. Was dad even your first one? You seem experienced."

He hadn't even hesitated. A bomb thrown at his sister.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature