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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 19:21 (2 Years ago)

Suzume Fujimori's POV

Suzume Fujimori got up from her seat and headed over to check out. She still hadn't adjusted her glasses and they clattered to the floor. Her eyes widened, and she frantically picked them up and checked out at the Bot. She glanced around, getting the impression something was still very wrong...

She exited the room.

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai skipped over to checking out, seemingly in a hurry. "Ughhhh, that was so boring," she whined. "I'm so glad it's finally over." Kowai, also, a little more eagerly, exited the room.

Femi Davis's POV

Femi Davis did not exit the room, as he had not entered the room, but he had no idea what was to come. But he'd have many regrets.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 19:23 (2 Years ago)

Third Person POV

Niwa started after them. "Do you want to go to the cafeteria with me after? Haven't eaten since... breakfast..." He shook his head, forcing a smile on his face. "You must be hungry as well, right? We could eat. That'd be nice... right?"

Suddenly Suko was standing up, only too abruptly. Their face was twisted in rage, the complete opposite of the dazed, happy look they had had moments before.

"Who did it?!" they snarled. "Who took it?!"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 20:43 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

Keiki frowned. "Who...took what-? Suko- you okay-?" They asked, concerned. Did something happen-?

"Do you want to go to the cafeteria with me after?"

"You must be hungry as well, right?"

Keiki turned around to Niwa, looking confused.

"..you have an appetite-? After all that's happened-" They muttered softly. "Wow. You have an- uh. Strong stomach." Keiki said awkwardly."

They blinked.

"I- maybe. I don't know. Still annoyed with you- tomato-brain."
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 21:07 (2 Years ago)
Kōun no Megami
I quicky walked to the robot and told it my name, tears threatening my eyes.

Buraddo Jemu

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 02:07 (2 Years ago)


"O-Oh! No, no worries- I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier. I just- I wanted to keep everyone together, and it didn't seem..." His hair fell over his face. He dropped his head in shame. "No. I'm sorry. No excuses. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have vented my anger out on you. That was wrong of me, and you're right. I'm sorry."

Niwa started to breathe in, perhaps about to say something else, but then-

Suko had been turning in short circles. With each step, the fury brimmed higher and higher on their face- until it boiled over. Niwa's head whipped to the side at the scream. "AGGGGHHHH!" Suko yanked at the strap on their shoulder. "My gun!" they snarled. "Where the h*ll is it?!" With a roar, they slammed their bag into the floor, releasing all of its contents.

Books, papers, random knickknacks- but not the aforementioned gun. They gave a sharp turn to the people gathered by the door. "Give it to me." Their face was eerily calm. "Give me back my gun and I promise nothing will happen." To you, their face seemed to say. But maybe I'll shoot a few acquaintances of yours.

"Your... gun?" Niwa looked frightened. "You had a gun!?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 20:19 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

"..gun? What gun?" Keiki frowned. "I didn't know about a gun.." They whispered.

"Want help looking for it, Suko-?" They asked uneasily- Suko's anger scared them.

Keiki turned to Niwa. "Any idea where it could be-..no? Shoot-" Keiki grimaced. "If we don't find it soon- I hate to think how Suko will act-"
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 20:22 (2 Years ago)

Third Person POV

Suko's eyes skipped over Megami and fixed on Keiki and Niwa. They narrowed in hatred. Despite this, they spoke softly. "Give it to me. I know you have it." Electric blue flashed. "I know one of you took it."

Niwa raised his hands in defense. "I didn't!" he protested. "I- I didn't know you had a gun! If I did I would've stayed far, far away!"

Suko looked straight at both of them. A low growl started in their throat. "I don't know what you're playing at," they snarled. "But you'll give me my gun back right now. And I mean now."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 21:02 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

"What use would I have for a gun Suko-? To kill someone- is that what you think-?" They scowled. "I'm the Ultimate Short-Story Author, darling- not 'Ultimate Shooter' or Gunman like you. I don't use guns, never did, never will." Keiki spat.

"I was sitting over there, half of Monokuma's stupid play-" They pointed. "Other half, I was trying to get you out of the broom closet- d'you really think I could've stolen your gun- then and there-? I'll answer for you, darling. No. The answer is no. I did not steal your damn gun-!"

Keiki yelled.

"Stop flipping accusing me of stealing your gun-! I don't have it. End of." Keiki was fuming.

someone's woken up on the wrong side of bed- jeez-
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 21:10 (2 Years ago)

Niwa Atsushi

Oh boy.

Suko was swelling up like a cobra, rage going through their slitted pupils. They looked about ready to strike. "Oh? So your 'innocent' talent makes you so much better than me?" They smiled pleasantly. "Your adorable speech makes you above labels I can be applied with? Well, darling, at least I don't lash out every time someone says anything remotely mean to me. Mommy issues, perhaps? You need people constantly puffing up your inflated ego, because she never loved you?"

"Th-That's extrapolating-" But Suko wasn't listening. Their eyes were focused on Keiki, blazing with a blue fire more heated than any Niwa had seen before.

They swallowed nervously.

And they'd seen a lot being the middle child of a family of eleven.

And if that fire were sent against the bundle of searing heat that was Keiki... Niwa didn't even have to turn to Keiki to know what was coming next.

Again, he gulped. This could not end well.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 21:58 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

"You freakin- you freaking idiot-! Mommy issues- huh-? REALLY? that's what you're going to diss me about? How original- you stupid gun-loving moron." Keiki pursed his lips. "My ego, inflating- huh? Do you really think I give two damn flips about your petty put-downs and insults- huh?"

"How the actual frick do you think that I 'lash out' at any insult- huh? When did I say that I was better than you, huh?"

Keiki's emerald eyes were burning with hellish flames.

"Hey Suko! The village called- they need their idiot back."

They gritted their teeth.

"Inflated ego- my ass!"

"I was hoping for a battle of wits, Suko- but you seemed to be unharmed. Speaking of me being an author- this is a good story right here, but in which chapter do you shut up-? Hm?" Keiki smiled sweetly.

"Speaking of books, here's a fact I learned- light travels faster than sound....which is why you seemed bright until you spoke."

"You see that door over there, Suko-? I want you on the other side of it. Now. This is getting boring. Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people on the globe, darling."

"You are so full of crap the toilet’s jealous, darling. Do me a favour, and shut up, why don't you?"

" Someday you’ll go far. I hope you stay there.

In the meantime, speaking of egos-

Feed your own ego. I’m busy."

mic drop
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:08 (2 Years ago)

Niwa Atsushi

Suko blinked, eerily calm. "How petty. You resort to childishly insulting me... and not even in an original way, despite how you claim I lack in some way." They granted them a large, empty grin. "Do you really think you're proving any point? All you're doing is pounding out empty insults to distract from how insecure you are."

They cocked their head to the side. Their loops were unravelling, trailing down their shoulders, tangled like some sort of fairy creature- a water nymph. They took a step forward. "I said to give me my gun. You continue to play these ridiculous games, huffing and puffing out insults like a child. I won't ask again. If you don't give it to me, I will-"

"That's enough!" Niwa quickly intercepted. "Look, it could be anyone, you know? If Keiki took it, then wouldn't he react suspiciously?"

Suko's eyes narrowed. "And how would you describe their actions right now? Innocent? Forward?" They smiled humourlessly. "I don't like either of you. You're both so pathetic, lost in imaginary little worlds in your head. You took a step out, and look where it brought you. To a Killing Game. And now you continue to lash out, sewing divisions, laying threats, toying with others, just because you can-"

The snarl on their face was downright alarming. Even without a gun, Niwa knew without a doubt that they could be very, very dangerous.

"Both of you, please, just drop it," Niwa begged.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:20 (2 Years ago)
Kōun no Megami
I was wondering the halls when I noticed a certain demonic bear in front of me. With a scowl, I turned and walked off.

Buraddo Jemu

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:24 (2 Years ago)


"Oh, puhuhuuhuh~ Leaving so soon, Student Megami?" Monokuma popped up in front of her again. Had he performed some sort of teleportation??? How did he keep doing that???

Hisoka Yamanaku

Hisoka breezed down the halls. He was alone. A tightening feeling started in his chest. Oh gods, he had to get out of there as soon as possible- so soon-

He panted, propping himself up against the wall. Oh gods, he- he couldn't stand. What had happened? How had he lost himself there? Hadn't he- hadn't he fixed that? Learned how to stop?
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:26 (2 Years ago)
I stared into the cold eyes of the bear. Its voice was gratingly annoying. "Yes, I am."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:33 (2 Years ago)


Monokuma stared right back at her, red eye glowing with what could only be described as pure evil. Its smirk seemed to stretch even further across the dark side of its face. "I'm so hurt! Boohoo! You hurt this poor bear's feelings. He might just cry to Mother Ursa instead of giving you a big big important clue about the mastermind!"

The bear sniffled loudly. Actual tears seemed to be forming on the plastic eyes, despite the lack of tear ducts. "I suppose I'll go then, if you're truly not interested..."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:40 (2 Years ago)
Don't fall for the tricks. Don't do it Megami. I inhaled and turned away. "Sure."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:53 (2 Years ago)

Third Person POV

"Oh? Sure what?" The bear gazed at her, eyes glittering with mirth. "Sure, glorious headmaster, I'd love to hear of your daring exploits? Or sure glorious headmaster, I'm a foolish rebellious teenager giving up on my one way out of my despairful death?"

The bear cackled. A staticky edge had started on the edges, making a sound like nails on a chalkboard. Grating and irritating, scraping down on the plushie's high-pitched tones.

"This is all just a game, dearie~ Don't worry about any tricks. I would never trick any of my adorable little cubs! You're too precious for me to do that!"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 22:58 (2 Years ago)

Suzume Fujimori’s POV

Suzume turned back and looked at Megami, wondering if she was okay… What was the hold-up? What was Monokuma holding her back for?

…She wanted to go approach her. To- find out her secret- of course. Nothing else. No other reason.

Unless… was she sincerely interested in comforting this girl? Did she consider Megami a friend? Or at the very least, someone she could trust?

Kowai Kurai’s POV

Kowai Kurai was walking, and skipping, and jumping. She overheard something from the people up ahead. Suko seemed to be upset over something…

“Heyo, everyone! What seems to be the problem?” Arms behind her back, look of curiosity plastered upon her face. Reddish-purple hair swishing with her tilted head, brown eyes slowly blinking. What could’ve gotten Suko this angry?... I’m honestly quite curious. Really, quite a mystery.

Femi Davis’s POV

Femi Davis, much to his chagrin, realized that he couldn’t stay in his bedroom forever. His dry tongue flicked in and out of his mouth. His aching knees, shaking, so difficult to move… he swore they might go numb. His eyes widened, and he trembled, but not out of fear.

Femi was slowly dying of hunger, and much less slowly, of thirst. He had to get to the cafeteria… if- someone didn’t kill him first. He forced himself off of the bed, shaky legs, shaky legs, shaky legs, shaky…

You know who you are. You know what you did. You deserve this. It echoed inside his head, as he forced himself, gotta get up, gotta get up, gotta get up…

“N-No,” he whispered. “I didn’t-”

You know you did.

Oh, dear god… someone had to help him. Someone had to help him. And he had no one to help him…

Clawing, crawling, desperately, thump thump thump thud, crashed on the floor…

Head throbbing, heart pounding, he had to get there, had to- had to-

Breathing so heavy, yet so hard.

Growing faint. Growing fainter, fainter.

The pain… stop the pain…

He needed… he needed someone…
To help him out of here…


Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 23:03 (2 Years ago)


Femi's door creaked open.


A robotic foot stood on his backpack. It kicked it away.

Ever so slowly, it reached for his face-

Before he even had the chance to scream, the robot had attacked.

And no less than three minutes later, the two of them left, Femi dangling limply in its robotic arms.

Niwa Atsushi

"Oh- thank goodness you're here!" Niwa was actually glad Kowai was in the room for once. "Could you um... help?" He motioned with his head to the two people glaring daggers at each other. "I think they might start throwing things in a minute or two..."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 23:12 (2 Years ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai glanced over at Niwa, and then at the two people glaring daggers at each other. She considered it a moment. Should I make this matter worse or help out? Ah, whatever. You only live once. Although some people live more than one life...

"Oh, sure thing!" Kowai walked over to Suko and smiled reassuringly at them. "Hey, there! What's the problem? Is everything okay? Should we really be throwing things at each other and potentially killing each other over something? Just saying!"

Suzume Fujimori’s POV

Suzume, against her better judgment, decided to get involved. She slowly walked back into the room. “Hey, taxidermy accessory. All the offense intended, why are you holding Megami here? She looks to be on the verge of an emotional breakdown and I see no reason to continue searching her!” She put her hands on her hips and glared at the bear with narrowed eyes.

Femi Davis’s POV

Femi Davis was trapped.
It was but all a dream… a never-ending dream…
The darkness, the cliffs, the eerie moonlight.
He was running, running, running.

Running… but what from?
He knew. He knew what from.

He just didn’t want to admit it.

He saw the sign. Oh, he saw the sign. But taking a deep breath, and suppressing tears, like he always did, he jumped anyway…

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."