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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 22/02/2022 23:24 (2 Years ago)

Third Person POV

Suko was fast- no, not asleep, fast under concussion. That was worrisome, but hey, who cared? This performance was far worse than any head trauma, and honestly, if Suko were awake, they'd agree.

"All students are required to watch." The Mono-Bot/Exisal was right behind Keiki. Mechanical eyes fixed intently on their face. "Return to your seat, Student Keiki Meyumi, or Order 30 will be undertaken."

"Mmm... green-eyes...?"

"All students are required to watch." The robot was glaring at Suko now. "Return to your seat, Student Suko Nobu, or Order 30 will be undertaken."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 22/02/2022 23:32 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

Shut it R2D2-

"Alright, alright, I will-" Keiki groaned. "Jeez- ...but i- uh...don't think Suko can. They're in a bit of a pickle-"

"Mmm... green-eyes...?"

"Yes. Green eyes. Amazing aren't they-? Dazzling if I do say so myself." Keiki muttered. "Suko, we've got to get to our seats-.."
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Tue, 22/02/2022 23:37 (2 Years ago)
Kōun no Megami
I turned to her and smiled. "It's ok, I know what you mean. The only thing coming to mind, though, is The Nutcracker." I began scanning the crowd and reviewing my knowledge of each one.

Amano seemed off, i'm not a fan.
Niwa seemed interesting, but I don't have an opinion of him yet.
Hisoka seems a bit rude for my taste.
Suko is similar to Hisoka.
Koda- well, I nearly forgot about her, but she seems decent.
[Redmonda doesn't exist]
[Flowander doesn't exist]
Nakata doesn't seem too bad.
Suzy. How do I describe her other than amazing?
Buraddo, nope not gonna think about hir.
Femi is- wait, "Where is Femi?" I accidentally said that last part out loud, but luckily it wasn't loud enough for anyone but Suzy to hear.
Kowai is an interesting character. She seems like a manipulator, a skilled one at that.
Magic Man. He's an odd one, but aside from the whole "double life" thing he just seems regular, in a "being normal is weird" kind of way.
Keiki. I'll have to observe them more, but they seem to have their priorities out of order.
The late Nagisa. I didn't learn much about her, but he seemed nice.
The late Chika. As much as I want to hate her, she's no worse than me.

Buraddo Jemu
I watched the crowd with curiosity.

Amano is a classic coordinator, he sees people as pawns and life as Chess. This seems to have humbled him.
Niwa will need further examination.
Hisoka is rude, but in a blunt and forward manner. He doesn't sugarcoat.
Suko seems like the jealous type, like the human embodiment of envy.
Koda is like an uncalled witness, with everything to say but no chance to say it.
[Redmonda doesn't exist]
[Flowander doesn't exist]
Nakata will need further examination.
Suzume seems odd, it's hard to tell how genuine she is, but Megami seems to have a soft spot for her.
Megami is... okay.
Femi isn't here, which is odd.
Kowai could be any number of types, mostly criminal ones.
Magic Man seems morally flexible, which i'm always a fan of.
Keiki seems like the type to kill without regret, but appears to have a soft spot.
The late Nagisa i'm unsure about.
The late Chika seems interesting, but I doubt I can truly blame her for murdering Nagisa.

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu
I looked out across the people with curiosity.

Amano seems fun, he'd be a nice coordinator if I ever got into the dance business.
Niwa seems like he'd be no fun one moment and fun the next, but overall pretty meh.
Hisoka seems like the boring type, no fun at all.
Suko seems like the boring type who eventually becomes fun.
Koda i'm unsure about.
[Redmonda doesn't exist]
[Flowander doesn't exist]
Nakata seems okay(?)
Suzume is an interesting character, potentially fun.
Buraddo is a bit serious, but could probably be fun when in a good mood.
Femi isn't here, which will probably lead to something interesting down the line.
Kowai seems like a fun, partner-in-crime type.
Megami seems boring but useful.
Keiki seems okay, but i'm not sure.
The late Nagisa seemed like a fun Eros type.
The late Chika seemed boring.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 00:04 (2 Years ago)

Niwa Atsushi

Niwa managed to get over their trauma to survey the people before him for a single moment. Already, in a few days, opinions had started to form within them. So selfish, so wrong- He bit his tongue, stifling the thought.

That was fine.

He could have opinions... right?

No matter how cruel they were...

Amano... Niwa had found himself distrusting that person from square one. He was constantly trying to drag him and the others into things. Niwa had known the other didn't like him. And that stung, honestly. Niwa had genuinely tried to be nice at first, but each attempt being shot down had filled his heart with resentment. And the selfish attitude he'd taken when everyone was crumbling- wasn't he supposed to be the Ultimate Director? Wasn't he supposed to lead them?

Niwa might never forgive him for that.

Hisoka, Niwa found himself liking, surprisingly. He had opposed Amano, he knew. Said they would all die. The kind who sewed divisions bluntly and sometimes without reason, no matter how much he lied to himself that there was. Niwa had been insecure most his life and could detect those hints within others. And he'd never seen someone with quite as many masks as Hisoka. And that connection stirred within Niwa's heart. He would forever avoid him, but only out of kindness and understanding he hoped was returned.

Suko was... weird. They were somebody, and yet they weren't. They laughed and yet they lashed out the minute things changed up. So many inconsistencies, and yet... Niwa found himself disliking them, not seeing the masks he'd seen on Hisoka. Maybe it was because of Keiki, maybe not. But he just didn't find them very trustworthy, and he expected them to be a killer down the line.

Koda was cold. Niwa disliked her and that vicious attitude had sent chills down his spine. He would prefer she stayed far far away from him.

Redmonda was a scaredy cat. Niwa didn't have anything against her and he'd like to get to know her better. Maybe... she was like him. Maybe he could find a mask on her vegetable face.

No opinion on Flowander.

Nakata was scary. Niwa had stuck with her from day one, and each moment he'd seen the lingering effects of a mask... one molded onto her very flesh, a very part of her. Every moment he saw her set his teeth on edge. But she was trustworthy... he supposed. She didn't have anything against him and if he kept his distance... no, if he kept close, he'd probably be fine.


Suzume had been one of Megami's group. He'd found himself liking them- they were cold, confident. Niwa trusted Suzume, most of all. She was confident in an awful way and he knew she'd never kill someone. She was safe. Although- maybe that one needed a 'maybe' too.

Buraddo, okay, Niwa had no idea about that person. She was always there, okay? He didn't like it! She felt too close to Megami and he felt absolutely terrified of people like that who formed connections and oh goodness he was rambling and OKAY NEXT PERSON

Femi was someone else Niwa didn't have an opinion on. He hadn't seen much of them- what was with that? They seemed to dislike Suko though, so he felt slightly positive towards them.

Kowai... now that was someone Niwa was certain on the fate of. Every time she walked, every time she spoke- terror shot up his spine. He knew the fate the most masked person here would come to. He would have to be careful of her in the meantime though. If she went after him...

Niwa nearly shuddered at the thought.

Megami was with Buraddo constantly. She disliked Amano which he supposed was a plus. But she was too cold. Too calculating, yet too emotional.

The kind who's mask would crack were the most dangerous kind.

Magic Man had a literal mask. He seemed nice enough. Maybe Niwa would get around to talking to him...

Keiki- now Keiki, Niwa had absolutely no clue about. It wasn't like he didn't know them. He did! Probably... better than anyone else here, excluding maybe Amano. They were just so confusing, though. What did they want? Why were they sticking with him? What was with that nickname? Niwato- Niwa nearly became a Niwato at the thought. Maybe his impressions would make more sense with time... but for now, it was all just confusing!

The late Nagisa- Niwa had to admit he had hated her with every fabric of his being. Where were her masks? Where was her honesty? How could he- how could he trust someone who he couldn't catch lying? Maybe it was best that she died first... no matter how awful that thought was.

The late Chika was... well, he didn't know her. He barely saw her! She'd been hidden away the whole time- and then the whole deal with Nagisa- brrr. He had a feeling that she had a mask- the angry types always did- but he hadn't seen one in the little time he'd known her. So he'd just write off his impression as "neutral".

And that was that... his impressions.

Huh. That felt... really nice to say- I mean, think! Sorry- I mean, I shouldn't be apologizing, but um- right- right-
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 02:19 (2 Years ago)

Suzume Fujimori's POV

"Ah! Oh, I... thank you. The Nutcracker? I'm not familiar with that one." Suzume bit her tongue and facepalmed. Why was she so startled? Megami had... a nice smile. Wow. Okay. No need to act so weird.

Your possibly trustworthy acquaintance has a nice smile, and- agrees with you on something. “Ah, I don’t know where Femi is. Do you think he might still be in his room?” Suzume noticed Megami scanning the crowd, and she decided it'd be wise to do the same…

(Was going to do this alphabetically but I’ll just- do the rest in a random order.)

Amano. Hmm. He'd seemed a bit too bossy to Suzume, but perhaps he was just an individual that desperately needed to have a feeling of control in situations. He seemed really broken and out of it lately. She wondered why. Perhaps it was simply because he’d cared a lot for Nagisa.

Buraddo. Suzume didn't have much of an impression of her yet. She wasn't sure if she could trust her. Was that just an intuition?

Chika, who was... no longer with us. Suzume couldn't help but wonder why she did what she did... what could have motivated her to kill someone she'd hardly known?

Femi, who was, no longer with us, but only because he wasn’t in the room. Where was he? What was he doing? Suzume didn’t know him very well, but from what she had seen, he was a very fragile, nervous, and sensitive person. She suspected he might be very traumatized about something.

There was Megami, who was next to her right now. She wasn’t sure how she felt about her. Maybe she considered her… a friend? The idea of considering someone a friend felt so strange. She hadn’t had real friends in… so long. Megami seemed to be a rather level-headed and intelligent person, but… it seemed like she broke down under the pressure of the killing game at the idea of revealing her secret. I guess that was something else they had in common. She also seemed to be a generous person, but Suzume couldn’t very well know that from just one small thing…

The late Nagisa Aoki, who Suzume, again, hadn’t known very well. He seemed rather optimistic, polite, accomodating, and like a very caring and selfless person. However… she hadn’t gotten to know him very well… it could’ve just been a mask.

Kowai Kurai. She was… rather odd. Suzume didn’t know what to make of her. She seemed to be an energetic and friendly person- or at least- most of the time. She found it funny that no one had been able to figure out who killed Nagisa and that they were all going to die… even Suzume found that a little disturbing.

Hisoka… Suzume was again unsure. She wasn’t exactly opposed to him. But he seemed a rather unpredictable individual. He wasn’t… chaotic, but- it certainly seemed like he was hiding something. And he wasn’t very nice… she guessed that was because… he didn’t want to get close to anyone?

Suko. Suzume didn’t know them very well, but again, a chaotic and unpredictable mind. Sadistic, joking, serious, angry, judgmental… a million contradictions, all folding in on each other like a house of cards. She wasn’t sure if their joking manner might be a coping mechanism of some sort… she would have to observe them further.

Keiki. Oh, dear. Were all the individuals here so difficult to comprehend? Hyper-flirty, hyper-social, seems to be obsessed with meaningless things. Seems to strongly desire attention from others, and wear their heart on their sleeve. Suzume couldn’t possibly imagine why… wouldn’t you want to keep such thoughts locked up tight, where no one could find them?...

Koda? Who was that again?... Suzume would have to pay more attention…

Despite spending a lot of time around Megami, she didn’t have much of an opinion on Buraddo and Magic Man. Buraddo seemed rather funny, and also intelligent, but she wasn’t sure what else she thought. As for Magic Man, she didn’t know him well enough to form an opinion.

Niwa ...oh, him. She really didn't understand Niwa, spending so much time around that... Keiki. Niwa... He was soft, sweet, from what you could see. But also so harsh, stern, cold... Unforgiving. And Hisoka just reminded her of that.

Nakata. Nakata worried her. She hadn’t actually talked to her, but her behavior had changed erratically. She seemed she might be a rather selfish person, and to go through sporadic mood swings from time to time…

Remonda? Flowander?... It bothered Suzume to realize this, that she didn’t know a few of the people here well… that could be potentially problematic…

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai looked as though she was waiting for something -- like for the play to end. She was dying of boredom! And everyone looked su-uper miserable. What a pain...

(Kowai's opinions on other characters below.)

Hisoka. Oh, she hated him. She hated him and the smug looks on his face. She hated him and how he knew, he knew... he knew and she wished she could take back the fact that he knew. She'd slit his throat if she knew she could get away with it, stab him, watch the blood pour out of his heart as he gasped, or maybe screamed in agony... she wanted to watch the life seep out of him.

Nagisa. Honestly, she didn't give a d*mn about him. All that sappy, over-the-top “Let’s all escape together” nonsense. It made her want to vomit. Honestly, she really was such an idiot!

Amano. Jeez. He seemed so broken! Always in his head, all the time. Really needed to get a grip. Seeing two people die? That’s nothing. Although… perhaps Kowai only thought this because she had hated Nagisa. Not that that mattered, though. Ugh, he was being so pathetic!

Femi. Speaking of broken, wimpy babies of humans. She’d barely seen him, but all he was was a twitchy, nervous mess from what she could see. He seemed like he was hiding something, but didn’t everybody? Too anxious to tell anyone what his secret was about. His secret’s wording implies he might not be who he seems to be.

Chika. Now, Chika! She was certainly interesting. Kowai actually thought she might respect the girl. She’d had the guts to lash out and kill someone first. Plus, she had to thank her for the amusement that it provided her with, to watch the other Ultimates squirm when they couldn’t figure out she was the killer. It was priceless! It really was too bad she couldn’t have stuck around.

Buraddo. She didn’t know her very well, wasn’t sure if she had an impression.

Suko. Kowai wasn’t exactly certain if she could figure them out. Seemed rather chaotic, joking, erratic… serious, and breaking apart the next minute. Super flirty with others. Was Suko trying to distract from certain secrets they had? Kowai would have to put an “Undecided” for this one. Not that she liked people often. But she certainly found them a fascinating mystery.

Megami. Hm, Megami. Seemed intelligent, resourceful, excellent at figuring out puzzles. Seemed so rational, and yet so very emotional. Kowai had to admit it was entertaining to watch her piece together the first case. So, she might be one of the few people that Kowai could respect, but- of course, like she was with most people, she didn’t trust her.

Keiki. Seemed like a rather shallow individual. Rather flirty, obsessed with surface-level things, got a certain way of speaking… just rubbed Kowai the wrong way. Gross.

Niwa. Hmm, a rather casually friendly and shy individual. He seems nice but she certainly didn’t like him.

Koda. Seems rather distant. Doesn’t seem to like others much. But, she actually kind of liked that!

Magic Man. How fascinating it was that he always wore a mask! She hadn’t interacted with him and didn’t really know him, however.

Redmonda. Who? She had no idea.

Flowander. Again… who?

Femi Davis’s POV

Femi would be incredibly bored if he wasn’t so afraid. Slowly, he picked up a notebook. It’d be a good idea to orient himself. My name is Femi Davis. I’m the Ultimate Animal Trainer. I’m seventeen years old---

He paused, trembling as he wrote it- and I’m afraid. I’m afraid I might die here. I came here with the impression that I would be going to a school to earn money for my family…

I wonder how they’re doing now. But instead, I’m stuck inside of a prison where we’re all being forced to slaughter each other. Two people have already died. And I’m terrified I, or someone else, might be next.
He couldn’t bring himself to write any longer…

(I’m going to write just his impressions of Suko for now. I’ll edit the rest in... Maybe.)

Suko. He. Hated. Suko. Beyond belief!! They had claimed to be his friend… he wanted… to be friends with them. He thought, he might like them. But… they- the way they acted… about people dying. He couldn’t forgive them. He could never, ever forgive them!

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 16:44 (2 Years ago)

Hisoka Yamanaku

This entire play was exhausting Hisoka in more ways than one. And yet, he chose to keep his eyes peeled. The bear was not to be trusted. Its core desire was to drive them against one another. And while he may be foolish in many ways more than he'd like to admit, he knew in the depths of his heart that a boring play wasn't enough for that disgusting creature. He had another way to drive a wedge in them.

He was sure of it.

But even so, he felt his eyes wandering. Taking in his companions. He didn't know most of them, of course. He'd barely spent a few days with them. But perhaps it was best to take account of them- The mastermind was among them, he was sure of that.

And... with his secret...

It might be best to figure out which ones he could trust.

He would need relationships with as many people as possible if he wished to remain undiscovered.

So, the choice weighing heavy on the dark shriveled remains of his raisin heart, he took in each of his classmates.

Amano Tetsuo. Him. The first one of that pathetic lot Hisoka thought of, and the one he disliked the most. Selfish, arrogant, brash- he had little to no concepts of what a person wanted, no matter how much he thought otherwise. People like that... how annoying. In his petulance, he had earlier thought that Amano might be the first killer- he would've attested that to his grave. But it wasn't true. It was Chika, a person he'd felt kinship with, someone he might have even dared to call a friend. His feelings still remained split on the matter. He had learnt his lesson, yes, Yamanakus were not arrogant, they would accept their own foolishness, of course- and yet that lingering dislike still refused to leave. Surely... Surely Amano would kill someone? Surely he wasn't wrong... He saw things from other's perspectives. He could read people far better than that "Ultimate Director" brat. Right?

Niwa Atsushi- The name was too long for that quiet, unassuming presence curled up at Amano's side. He was pitiful, hiding and clinging to people, trembling when the Monokuma-Bots emerged. He'd seen through that disgusting mask the moment he'd met him. He hadn't believed him for a second when those obvious lies emerged from his lips. Weak.

Suko Nobu, on the other hand, had too short of a name for their eccentric, bombastic attitude. Bombastic- yes, overinflated. Foolish. Were all Ultimates like this? They had a little bit of a sharp tongue on occasion, but Hisoka didn't care too much for that either. They were not someone he found himself interested in, or very trustworthy. Yet despite all that, Hisoka considered them as an optional ally. He couldn't sell too many people short or he'd be in trouble. He could narrow down his options... His fingers twitched, longing to write all of this down. Organization was important in all aspects of a Yamanaku.

Koda Starikuma was someone he felt positive to. But he still disliked her attitude. She was cold and violent and downright feral- Some good traits for Hisoka here, of course, but not one that belonged to a Yamanaku's association. Nothing like someone he should be around. Certainly nothing like his sister, no matter how much those violent blue eyes spoke to him- whispering of a greater death.

Redmonda... Had she ever spoken a word before? Had he ever heard her say something? He squinted at her across the room, momentarily distracted. Was she a carrot? How had he missed this before? Why was a carrot in Hope's Peak Academy?

Flowander- little to judge her on, but she seemed frightful. He'd have to further understand how that fear wormed within her before he made any decisions about recruiting her.

Nakata Namiko, another of Amano's group- he hadn't noticed her too much, but Amano seemed to be clinging to her earlier. He supposed that meant a new power was in place. He couldn't help but dislike her by association and had little interest in cultivating a relationship. Perhaps he could put her beneath him, but she unfortunately seemed like the stubborn type. Good in literature, he'd admit, but difficult to deal with. And her voice grated on his ears. No, she was not an option.

Kōun no Megami... Hm, he was vastly neutral towards her. They had spoken little, but he had respected her ideas and the leadership role she had taken. If only he had taken note of her talent before. He found himself interested in what she might do. And her secret- one that had driven someone as controlled as she was to leave. (He kindly described it as 'leaving', though 'running for her life' may have been more accurate. He felt generous in his choices. She was admirable enough, he didn't mind being kind in some small ways.)

Suzume Fujimori, a person he knew little about, but who seems quiet and a follower. She was an excellent option. He found himself intrigued by her talent. She could likely hold her own in a debate as well. One of the people he was certain on. Quite pleasing to have someone at last.

Buraddo Jemu, hm? Always with Megami. He had done his best to observe the three, but Buraddo had made little lasting impression on him. There was definitely a selflessness to her. Hisoka wasn't sure about that. The forms kindness could take were sometimes quite twisted and worrying. He resolved to keep a better eye on him from now on. That would be the safest option.

Femi Davis- he recalled the name and looked around, but to his surprise, couldn't find him. Oh well. The fool would perish at Monokuma's hand. He was too erratic for any purposes anyway. Hisoka had little interest in the lamb-hatted teen. Either his fear was effectively faked, or he was pathetic. Either had little to no appeal.

Kowai Kurai... Kowai... Kowai... No, he couldn't risk her. No matter the promises she'd made, he had no reason to legitimately trust her. She was constantly looking for a way around things. Fake, down to her core and capable of manipulating that fakeness and controlling everyone beneath her. If he had to suspect a mastermind, it'd be her. She had driven so many wedges between people and so effectively. He needed to find a way to separate her from him. His life grew increasingly risked the more time he spent with her.

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu- well, that was a long name. English had its way of irritating him in every way. He would sooner die than pronounce that mess out loud. Yamanakus were poised- they did not stumble over people's ridiculously, novel-length names. Hisoka resolved to keep far, far, away from that poor freak and whoever had spawned him with that name.

Keiki Meyumi, another annoying one like Suko. But he didn't have as strong a reading on them. They seemed close with Niwa... what was with that? Ugh. He nearly grimaced. Why did people have to befriend one another and make him... make him... Huh, maybe I'm not much better than the racket after all.

The Late Nagisa Aoki, he may have considered at some point. But she was dead, and that was that. He had little use for the dead and he was quite confident in her fate. Victim suited her far too much.

The Late Chika Tsukamoto's death had shaken him down to his core. He had no idea... no idea of who he was dealing with. People with all their layers of humanity unraveled, no more lies, no more deception- they were far more frightening underneath than he'd believed. People desperately needed order and control.

Or else something like her might happen again.

He'd gotten everyone, right? He counted down on his fingers, stopped because that was juvenile, then nodded affirmation to himself. Good. Now he'd just need to work out the ones he'd decided on...
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 18:47 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi

All these people- are untrustworthy, aren't they? All their little tricks and talents. It's- it's scary. I can't trust anyone, can I-?

Keiki peered at all the students nervously.

Amano Tetsuo: A sad sack in my opinion, pathetic and....hm. Amano seems to a tad bit fragile, I think. He looks on the verge of shattering into thousands of sad pieces. Boo hoo. I don't care.

Niwa Atsushi :...tomato faced idiot....

Hisoka Yamanaku : Don't like you, never did. Annoying face, annoying clothes and annoying voice. Bossy and annoying. Annoying. Me even thinking this is annoying, ugh. I don't want to go near you, much less talk to you. Annoying, Too big for your boots.

Suko Nobu: Almost broke my ribs, you silly goose. You're very- unpredictable. Something about you makes me nervous- you're either happy, or sad, or being launched by a robot and landing on top of me. How rude. Didn't even say sorry.

Redmonda: why the frick is there a carrot here-? i'm just imagining it now, a carrot murdering someone, bizzare.

Flowander: Who are you-? Only seen you once, don't know who you are, get out of my mind, you're not important. Thank you.

Femi Davis: ....I- you've disappeared-! Where are you Femi...scuttling around doing Monokuma knows what...I wonder why you've left- hm. You seem like a sensitive soul...poor lamb. This too much for you-?

Kowai Kurai: Ahhh I don't trust you one bit. You seem so...fake- all your actions, your words. If you were any faker you wouldn't exist. You can manipulate better than everyone. Breaking people's trust, being downright scary...ugh.

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu: Majikaru-what now. That....that is a long name. Oh gosh. I don't have the braincells to say this name.

Keiki Meyumi
Oh my gosh this Keiki person is so-ooo amazing. I love their hair, their clothes, their personality. They're so hot and seem like so an amazing and smart and funny and witty person, I love them so much. Keiki you're amazing- you have a better taste than Monokuma in fashion. Keiki is amazing.

Nagisa Aoki, the victim: ....I'm sorry- I barely knew you. Never spoke to you. And I- I wish I did. I'm sorry you were killed, you didn't deserve it. No one does.

Chika Tsukamoto, the killer: I never- never predicted it'll be you of all people. Such lies- this was one of those detective mysteries all over again. A skilled killer- but a killer nevertheless. Why Chika, why.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 19:11 (2 Years ago)

Suko Nobu

Mmm. Unconsciousness was wonderful. So many pretty, pretty guns- and so many pretty pretty people- all of them throwing themselves over cliffs... sigh. Wonderfulness was in the world of Suko Nobu, the Ultimatest Gunmanest.

They gave a giggle.

Ultimatest Gunmanest. That would be a nice name... Maybe other talents would sound better. And better and better and better. Oh, that sounded so pretty too... like poetry, like that Ultimate Poet, Purple-Haired cutie...

They smiled. Oh, everyone was so very cute... And then the thought darted out of their head

What were they just thinking about?

OH! Right! The others!

Like that cutie with the Green Eyes. Green Eyes was so pretty... and loud and fun... Suko giggled at the thought, snuggling further into their good friend the broom. Suko liked Green Eyes. Green Eyes was nice. Green Eyes was the kind who you could make so much out of...

Oh, and Purple Hair! He was less fun, admittedly, but- but a storm raged beneath. A storm... like that one time... Suko's vision was fuzzy again. That was nice. Pain was familiar... but that wasn't pain? Did they feel pain?

Their brow furrowed. Mm... Other people. No sadness, not while it was funtime.

Hisoka, yes, that person- they didn't like him. He didn't get to be called Cutie or a nickname because he was annoying and gross.

Femi didn't get a nickname either, but he was far superior to Hisoka. Femi was perfection and adorable. Suko and Femi were going to be best buddies and Suko would drag them skiing or die trying.


Suko snuggled deeper into the fuzzy feeling in their head. Happy thoughts... happy thoughts, yes, fun thoughts.

Braid-girl made them sad and mad. No fun thoughts so ignore that.

Dead-person was dead and that was the saddest thought of all so ignore that.

And that was everyone who was important, right?

They were so tired...Everything was so tiring, because- because- Suko could narrowly see the end of a mop. Mmm... broom closet...

And then everything went black and Suko only knew fear.


The Exisal was reaching for Keiki, metal hand flexing, reaching- and then all the lights in the theator shut off. From their position on the floor, Suko gave a squeal of fear. Then their arms embraced Keiki and the two were tumbling into the center of the room.

"AHHH! AHHHH! LIGHTS ARE GONE!" Suko screamed, shoving Keiki away.

Niwa was wailing in terror, and Hisoka was yelling at him.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 21:27 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

"AHH-" Keiki's scream was cut off. They landed with a thud on the ground.

"Ooof- ack...owch..." Keiki grumbled. "The- FREAKING LIGHTS ARE OFF-" They yelled. Keiki was extremely upset.

They clenched their fists, pushed Suko off them, and stood up. Keiki immediately doubled over, clutching their stomach.

"My ribs....ack..." Keiki moaned. "Stupid- rusty...R2DS knock-off-" They snarled.

"If these lights don't turn on anytime soon- I'm hitting someone. Very hard. I don't care who it is- they are getting a whack." Keiki muttered.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 21:45 (2 Years ago)

Suzume Fujimori's POV

Suzume's eyes widened, and she jolted out of her seat. "Oh, no! Drat... I had a feeling something would go wrong. We have to find a way to get the lights back on!" Someone else might end up dead... we have to do something! Was this deliberate?! Or an accident?

Femi Davis's POV

Femi Davis, completely oblivious to the situation, was within his room, staring down at the pages of his notebook. He wanted to write more, but he found he had difficulty doing so... what if someone found this?...

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 21:48 (2 Years ago)

Suko Nobu

Suko was drifting now. They could barely feel Keiki pushing them off- just the pain and the dizziness and the-

Someone was withdrawing something from their pack-

With a hiss, they gave a shove, and it was torn loose. Their arms wrapped around their pack, they curled up into a ball, they couldn't breathe they couldn't-

The lights turned back on.

Hisoka was curled up into a fetal position.

Amano had a permanently blank look on his face.

Niwa was.

Niwa was sprawled across the rows of chairs, potentially dead.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 23:00 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

Oh god. Niwa-? Tomato-face....is he okay-? Oh shoot. Shoot. He's not...dead-? Is he-

Keiki rushed to Niwa.

"Oi. Tomato-face. Wake up. It's not bedtime." Keiki said, his voice shaky. "P-please- wake up." They poked Niwa in the side.

"Niwa- Niwato- c'mon. Wake up tomato-face."

Their voice grew increasingly more panicked.

"Niwa- NIWA-?"
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 23:29 (2 Years ago)


Niwa's head slowly lifted to stare lifelessly at Keiki. Then he gave a groan. "Is... is it over?"

Niwat- I mean, Niwa was alive! What a surprise! How awesome! No one died for once! But what a strange blackout- what purpose could it have served in the roleplay?

Monokuma's play was still going on like nothing had happened. The bear was kissing a new love interest while... the ghostly one floated overhead? Was that a hologram projection?

Who knows? I certainly don't.

It took several minutes for Niwa to untangled himself from the chairs. Hisoka finally fell out of the ball he'd crumbled into, then leapt to his feet, dusting himself off. He surveyed the people gathered, then cleared his throat.

"Ahem... that was odd."

"No talking during the performance." The Exisal stared down at them.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 00:48 (2 Years ago)
Kōun no Megami
I sat, head leaning back, staring up at where the lights were. Next thing I knew, they were back on, and I collapsed onto the floor with relief.

Buraddo Jemu

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 01:06 (2 Years ago)

Suzume Fujimori's POV

Suzume shuddered. For some reason... she had a strange feeling. She had a strange feeling something had happened. She looked over at Megami, who seemed relieved.

"Megami?... you look like you're happy it's over. But for some reason, I get the feeling something bad might’ve happened. Do- you have a slight feeling of that? This might have been a coincidence, this might have been put up by Monokuma, or- this could’ve been caused by a potential killer. I don’t know how, but…”

She looked uneasy and seemed to not notice her glasses were dangling off of her face, contributing to her disjointed appearance. “Or maybe even something else. Either way… I have a bad feeling about whatever just went down.”

Kowai Kurai’s POV

Kowai Kurai flopped down in a new seat, and tilted her head, staring in puzzlement at Monokuma on the stage. “Wait, the performance is still going? After that? Whoaaaa, did the bear even notice? Does he have night vision?”

Her eyes glimmered with a sparkling curiosity, her hands curled into little fists, that contributed to her look of innocent curiosity, curled loosely rather than angrily.

I wonder if it worked.

Femi Davis’s POV

Femi Davis was completely oblivious to what had happened, and was not doing anything of interest you need to hear about. Probably…/

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 01:27 (2 Years ago)
Kōun no Megami
I stood up and looked at her with a stone gaze. I never told her explicitly, but I had had that feeling too. And until she said something, I didn't realize what it was. But now I did. "Femi."

Buraddo Jemu

Majikaruman Dōseiai-shadearimasu

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 16:01 (2 Years ago)


The show was over. The curtains slipped shut. Monokuma took his bows, even as the Ultimates thrust glares at him. The doors opened.

The Exisal stood in front of them.

"All students are required to attend the showing," it stated. "All students are required to check out upon the completion of the play."

Niwa fell off of the chairs. "Oomph!" He sat up, rubbing his sore chin. He looked back and forth between the Exisal and Keiki. "Oh- I guess we'd better check out then..."

"Very well then." Hisoka stood up. Niwa nearly flinched as he approached. A bruise was blossoming on the side of his face. Niwa made a noise of sympathy, but Hisoka made a sharp right turn and headed for the entry doors. He stopped in front of the robot, lifting his chin.

"Hisoka Yamanaku."

The robot nodded and stepped aside, letting him through.

That spurred Amano to action. He rose, and crossed the room, stopping in front of the bot. "Amano Tetsuo."

The robot nodded once more, and Amano passed by it, vanishing into the dark corridor.

"Do you think someone's missing?" Niwa asked Keiki softly. "Everyone- everyone was so unhappy earlier..." He wrang out his hands, but his fingers wouldn't stop trembling. "If someone's missing... what will the bear do to them?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 18:12 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

Why the heck is he talking to me-? He embarrassed me in front of everyone, scolding me like he's my mother.

Keiki didn't respond to Niwa. Those emerald eyes only shone with anger and sadness.

They balled their fists, looking down at the ground.

If there was one thing Keiki hated, it was humiliation and embarrassment.

It was the bane of their existence.

Stupid tomato-face.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 18:29 (2 Years ago)

Third Person POV

Niwa looked up at them, confused. "Keiki...?" He reached out, fingers starting for the other's shoulders or perhaps his face, but-

"All students to the doors," the Exisal boomed.

Niwa winced a bit, but eventually nodded, standing up, brushing off his pants. "Guess we better listen to it," he mumbled. "Stupid Exisal..."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 18:39 (2 Years ago)
Keiki Meyumi.

Keiki scowled.

They walked past Niwa angrily, and stalked towards the doors.

Stupid rusty robot.