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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]Kubo Atsushi
Kubo jumped, jerked out of his thoughts by the words of a Darcy with- he squinted. Had they gotten their hair cut? Why ever do that while in a murder game? He distinctly remembered some impromptu haircuts as a child, one of which had given him a very prominent bald spot for weeks.
Hmm. Darcy was better than his twelve year old self, at least.
"Focus," his hand twitched by his hip.
"I think we can use that later, after we've established something more important. We know that she fell to her death, from the bridge room. That may be important for alibis later- but for now, perhaps we should debate with the initial method of murder."
"She was stabbed," Miyako cut in. "The killer stabbed her and pushed her off, didn't they?"
There was something in her eyes he didn't like. Some glint of amusement- no more of that self-righteous girl from Kaoru's trial. Something darker had taken its place.
For the very first time, he considered that Miyako might know more than she should.
That perhaps...
"Yeah, so she was stabbed," Setsuna said. "What does that prove? Did anyone not have access to the weapons?" He twisted a strand of hair nervously around his finger.
"Actually!" Monokuma chirped. "I locked the weapons room for all female students because sexism and I wanted people to have the chance to stab Mei, the child thief!"
He grinned. "It worked great! She ended up sooooo stabbed~"
"That's a lie, and if it weren't, I'd have something else to sue you for in this murder game." Miyako rolled her eyes. "I checked the room out with Shi. There's a nice array of knives, but they're fairly high up. Doesn't mean much though, because there're some stools in the closet."
"Oh f**k off Monokuma..." Mei groaned, rolling her eyes.
Akari stayed silent for a moment, thinking while he tried to ignore the blabbering. Miyako's sudden involvement surprised him, but he decided not to say anything about it.
The file...
"If she was stabbed... Well-... We c-can't ignore the head injury, or the broken bones... Plus, internal bleeding was mentioned..." He muttered to himself, a bit too loudly.
"I-... Sorry, we... We already went over this, didn't we..."
idk what to say tbh, sorry akari
Kubo Atsushi
"Focusing on the stabbing doesn't take away from her cause of death- but it can help us work backwards and put together a mental picture of how the case went down." Kubo crossed his arms. Can't these idiots focus on more than one thing at a time? "Basically, while you lot were off dallying with Mei and soothing her hurt feelings, I was examining the body, and I found that the wounds were very interesting."
This was something only a detective would know. So it was only fair he shared it.
The thing was- women, when they stabbed, tended to stab downwards, naturally, because they needed the added power of gravity. Whereas a man usually stabbed upwards.
In this case... the shaping of the wounds- the blood squelched around his fingers as he felt the jagged tears in the flesh- it was a women's stabbing.
But the injuries were high up. And the suit they found was made for a bigger body. You'd think that would implicate Shi, or some other tall girl.
Still though... something in him told him that the killer was male. Someone full of adrenaline, lunging for her, seizing her by the shoulders and plunging the knife into her chest over and over again- the image just made sense to him. Someone who could overpower Futatabi, and presumably Mei at the same time.
His eyes flicked over to her. She had to have been at the scene of the murder. She held back, for some twisted game- maybe she truly didn't know who the killer was-
But as he met her eyes, he knew deep down that she knew exactly what he knew.
"I think... the killer was trying to frame a woman, in some sense. It had to be someone familiar with violent crime, and there's only one person here that I think fits that frame."
Do you know? he wondered. Who doesn't have an alibi? Who tried to frame Mei so desperately they fused the dorm doors shut? Someone who's tall and capable of taking two people in a fight?
Someone... who knew about blood.
Ah... This was getting interesting. Mei readjusted herself as she listened, her fingers still subconsciously rubbing the stitches for some reason. Her smile began to return, albeit faintly and quite slowly.
She looked over at Kubo, right when he looked at her back.
Her eyes said it all, didn't they?
She chuckled a little bit and tilted her head, still looking at Kubo.
"So? Heh... Spill the beans, Kubo. I know you're an edgy asshole of a "detective"," She air quoted, trying to mock him. "But suspense won't help us, now will it? Besides... With that amount of edge, you could've probably... Y'know, killed someone without a knife! Hehe..."
Of course, she didn't mean any of that, Kubo was too busy sleeping with Lucian to kill anyone anyways. She just wanted to jab a little bit, she was getting bored.
Akari gave a small nod at the first statement, saying nothing as Kubo continued.
"Basically, while you lot were off dallying with Mei and soothing her hurt feelings, I was examining the body, and I found that the wounds were very interesting."
Akari sighed upon hearing that, liking Kubo less and less the more he spoke. So, their efforts to save someone, albeit someone who didn't really deserve to be saved, from this mess of a killing game was just thrown aside and seen as "dilly-dallying"? All he could do was shrug that statement off like he usually did, he was used to it after all.
"I think... the killer was trying to frame a woman, in some sense. It had to be someone familiar with violent crime, and there's only one person here that I think fits that frame."
Interesting conclusion, it shocked him. So... Who was Kubo even thinking of? Akari glanced up at him, then everyone else in the room, trying to see if he could figure it out as well.
Lucian Arbred's POV
"I think we can use that later, after we've established something more important. We know that she fell to her death, from the bridge room. That may be important for alibis later- but for now, perhaps we should debate with the initial method of murder."
"...the initial method of murder," Lucian murmured. It was internal bleeding, right? It really brought into question why the other injuries upon her body had occurred. Of course, they could be simple evidence of a struggle… or maybe the killer was trying to confuse them all about what was going on?
"She was stabbed. The killer stabbed her and pushed her off, didn't they?"
Yes. The killer had most likely stabbed her and pushed her off.
"...but… why? To reduce her strength so she couldn't fight back as well? Was it something they were forced to use when she fought back, possibly?" Lucian wondered.
"Yeah, so she was stabbed. What does that prove? Did anyone not have access to the weapons?"
Lucian eyed Setsuna curiously. The boy seemed… strangely nervous. Did he know something? "That's a good-"
"Actually! I locked the weapons room for all female students because sexism and I wanted people to have the chance to stab Mei, the child thief!"
"It worked great! She ended up sooooo stabbed~"
A disturbed look came upon Lucian's face. Okay, that was not good for Monokuma to say, even as a joke. …was he… possibly offering a clue as to the identity of the culprit? Or trying to lead them off the track? It was hard to tell with him.
Mei's stabbing… that whole matter didn't sit well with Lucian. Why? Had she known something? Could she have witnessed something? Had the killer been her attacker, or someone else? Had it been intended for her to be killed… or merely incapacitated?
"That's a lie, and if it weren't, I'd have something else to sue you for in this murder game. I checked the room out with Shi. There's a nice array of knives, but they're fairly high up. Doesn't mean much though, because there're some stools in the closet."
Lucian shuddered. He didn't… he didn't want to think of knives.
Knives, oh, knives. They could protect you. They could save your life. But ever so often… they wound up hurting others.
…he had to focus.
"...Miyako. If that's the case, then if our culprit isn't exactly tall, could it be probable we could figure out if a stool had been used somehow?" He shook his head. " Maybe the killer would have accounted for that. They could even pretend to have used a stool to frame someone shorter… never mind. It wasn't a good idea."
He sighed and shook his head.
"Focusing on the stabbing doesn't take away from her cause of death- but it can help us work backwards and put together a mental picture of how the case went down. Basically, while you lot were off dallying with Mei and soothing her hurt feelings, I was examining the body, and I found that the wounds were very interesting."
Lucian stiffened. "...that… makes sense. Yes."
"Basically, while you lot were off dallying with Mei and soothing her hurt feelings…"
A stern look came upon Lucian's face, and a cold tone to his voice.
"...right," he muttered sarcastically. "...and stopping someone from literally dying." Ah… god. Why had he felt… offended? As though Kubo had been saying that what they had been doing wasn't important? He flinched.
"S-Sorry… I shouldn't have said that. What did you find about the wounds?"
"I think... the killer was trying to frame a woman, in some sense. It had to be someone familiar with violent crime, and there's only one person here that I think fits that frame."
…Someone… familiar with violent crime.
Lucian's knees nearly buckled beneath him. He responded very quietly, in a voice that didn't sound quite like his own.
"What… gives you the idea they were trying to frame a woman? Something about the wounds?... And why… s-someone familiar with violent crime? Who do… you think it is, Kubo?"
"So? Heh... Spill the beans, Kubo. I know you're an edgy asshole of a "detective"," but suspense won't help us, now will it? Besides... With that amount of edge, you could've probably... Y'know, killed someone without a knife! Hehe..."
. . .
"...Mei. Stop it, please. There's no reason to insult him. Especially not insulting the man trying to help keep us all alive." His eyes narrowed to slits. "He– he didn't do this. He wouldn't… do a… thing like that. He wouldn't…"
Lucian's cracking voice trailed off. Did… he know Kubo wouldn't do a thing like that? Or was he… merely blinded by love for him…? Lucian swallowed. God, maybe it was the decreasing oxygen… but the air didn't taste so great.
Darcy Harper's POV
"Setsuna… what did you mean when you said… something about it happening in ESPECIALLY that room? You seemed freaked out. Do- you know something?" He gazed at him, awaiting some kind of answer…
God, he wished he could be more help here. It seemed like everyone else knew what they were doing.
Well… maybe he and Akari were just as clueless as each other… he wasn't sure.
…but he felt… so useless. Like he might as well not be here.
Like in a day or two, he'd just wind up the body being discussed, and then tossed away.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
They wondered, in that moment, if they should try and help. Well, it wasn't like it mattered if they did or not, did it?
This wasn't…
Why was there so much of it, everywhere? It was such a mess. That day that…
That day that…
Sawyer couldn't quite recall.
But the smiling faces… why did they vanish?
Where did they go?
Why did everyone leave the party?
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Sutaraitsu Umemoto
Sutaraitsu stirred and lazily woke up.
"...huuuuuh...oh, has the trial started already..."
He attempted to get onto a nearby chair and failed spectacularly.
Rumia is reading through a very thick book titled "69,420 Ways to Eat a Human".
Mei didn't say anything until Lucian spoke to her directly, not finding much of a reason to care about everything else anyways. Her smile faded and became a more neutral expression, eyebrows raised as she turned her head over casually to look at him.
"...Mei. Stop it, please. There's no reason to insult him. Especially not insulting the man trying to help keep us all alive. He– he didn't do this. He wouldn't… do a… thing like that. He wouldn't…"
"Huh?" She started out, tilting her head as she looked at him curiously, almost like she was challenging him.
"The man keeping us all alive... Are y'all really that dumb? C'mon man, carry your weight for once, will ya? Stop letting this annoying ass b***h do all the work for you, it's unfair! Y'all are smarter than that, aren't you? You guys can be big boys and girls and do some of the work yourselves, right? C'moooonnnnn, just try it!"
"He wouldn't… do a… thing like that. He wouldn't…"
Mei had nothing to say about that, she only looked at Lucian with a smile on her face before turning her attention to Darcy.
"Setsuna… what did you mean when you said… something about it happening in ESPECIALLY that room? You seemed freaked out. Do- you know something?"
Mei giggled and looked at him cheery-eyed. "Hehe, seeeeee? Not that hard! Good job Darcy!" She clapped her hands together a few times before shooting a devious glare at Setsuna, all with a taunting grin.
"Yeah Setsuna, what was that all about, huh? Heard from my good friend Darcy over here that you said somethin' a liiiiiiiiittle funky! So, what was it, huh? What happened, huh? Is there something you wanna tell us, huh?"
idk man he's just being akari
"H-hey!! So ummmm, random question buuuut who was the last person to see Mei? Or like, who was with her before nighttime, when she was killed, right??" Saeko screeched.
"It's kinda suspicious if a person's alibi was 'I was with Mei the whole day', riiiight?"
"Unless we think it wasn't someone was with her that day!!
Lucian Arbred's POV
He felt himself growing pale. He gritted his teeth. There was something about the tilt of her head, the tone of her voice!! That voice!!--
"The man keeping us all alive... Are y'all really that dumb? C'mon man, carry your weight for once, will ya? Stop letting this annoying ass b***h do all the work for you, it's unfair! Y'all are smarter than that, aren't you? You guys can be big boys and girls and do some of the work yourselves, right? C'moooonnnnn, just try it!"
Lucian's face reddened. Had he... Thought of Kubo as some sort of savior or something? When really... He was human, like everyone else here. He was... He was just... Human...
Maybe... Not even human. Is he like me?
Maybe, if he was-
Lucian narrowed his eyes, his glare seething at Mei. "I... I..." He inhaled sharply and gripped at the table, trying so hard to keep from lunging at her. "WE'RE ALL TRYING OUR BEST! And he is NOT an annoying ass b**ch or whatever foul words you insist on calling him! He's... He's... Wonderful, really. And he's really smart. He's... Not annoying at all." There was a sort of wistful peace that his voice suddenly drifted into. "...he's like the snow. Beautiful, but cold. With so much more beyond the surface..."
He blinked out of his thoughts. OH. RIGHT. KUBO WAS RIGHT IN HERE! His face reddened further. "s-sorry! I just... He's... Not that. Is all. And... I'm trying. We're all trying. I'm sorry."
"Hehe, seeeeee? Not that hard! Good job Darcy!"
"Yeah Setsuna, what was that all about, huh? Heard from my good friend Darcy over here that you said somethin' a liiiiiiiiittle funky! So, what was it, huh? What happened, huh? Is there something you wanna tell us, huh?"
"H-hey! Let's not put too much pressure on him, okay? It's... Probably important we know what's going on, Setsuna. So... Could you... Please tell us?"
He flinched.
Mei... Really just went and go as she pleased, didn't she?
Darcy Harper's POV
"good friend."
No. Nononono. NO! He... He wouldn't... See her in Hell. He wouldn't. He bit at his lips, trying not to gasp out loud for air.
"Yeah... Lucian's right. No pressure, Setsuna. It's just this could be important."
How could he ever be friends with... Her?
It would be like accepting that he had done something wrong. He... Hadn't done anything wrong. It was just--
You lied.
You lied to her.
Why did you go and do a thing like that, Darcy? Good people don't do things like that.
The piano's keys broke under Erica's hands, and melted into inky, black and white.... Blood.
The piano melted into more black blood.
The hurt, the dismay, the betrayal in her face--
Darcy prayed that the tears wouldn't travel any further.
"...thank you," Darcy replied to Mei, trying to keep the shaking out of his voice.
Lucian frowned thoughtfully at Saeko's question. "...well. I wasn't."
"I... Was with her, at one point," Darcy replied.
"Oh, Mei Mei? Ehhhhh, I barely saw 'er!" Sawyer exclaimed, rocking from side to side.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Mei rolled her eyes but laughed as she did so, the absurdity of what Lucian just uttered, the nervousness and awkwardness of it all, it was amusing. She probably would've said something about it if Lucian didn't continue.
"H-hey! Let's not put too much pressure on him, okay? It's... Probably important we know what's going on, Setsuna. So... Could you... Please tell us?"
"Hehe... Ohhhh you guys are funny! Pressure is what makes the pot crack, spill out aaaaalll the tea inside! C'mooooon Setsuna, tell us! Pretty pleeeaaaseeeee!" She tried doing puppy eyes but she couldn't contain her goofy ahh grin while doing so.
Oh great. Saeko just had to open that runny little mouth of theirs. Geez, they were so annoying...
"H-hey!! So ummmm, random question buuuut who was the last person to see Mei? Or like, who was with her before nighttime, when she was killed, right??"
...Were they even listening? Didn't their lord and savior Kubo Christ tell them to hold off on the alibis? Ugh... Who knows what'll happen if poor ol' Saeko was ignored, the question brushed aside while they focus on more important things!
Mei looked over at Darcy once he said something, grinning and giving a short giggle. "Hehe, yup! We had so much fun!"
There were more people who just so happened to be around her during the day, and...
She glanced over at Akari, who said nothing. Not like he needed to, his input wouldn't benefit this much, right? then her eyes landed on Idris.
"It's kinda suspicious if a person's alibi was 'I was with Mei the whole day', riiiight?"
Saeko... God f**king dammit... Better not be pulling this BS...
Mei shot Saeko a paralyzing glare before looking back over at Idris, sighing as she somehow maintained her grin. Her eyes softened towards him though, but the rest of her demeanor remained as childish and devious as ever.
She didn't say anything else, she'd let it all happen on its own.
idk insert edgy stuff right here or somethin idk
Miyako Hiroto
"Stool, eh?" Miyako scoffed. Her throat was very dry. "Stop treating this like one of your mystery novels, Lucian. Not everything's important. They were untouched."
That wasn't exactly true- one of the stools had been taken. But she knew that it was unrelated to the culprit at hand. Everyone seriously needed to just shut up and treat this as the clear, precise thing that it was. There was a witness for god's sake, and everyone somehow hadn't even figured that out.
She didn't like anyone here except Shi. She was the only one who mattered.
Her hand found Shi's under the table, and she gave it a squeeze.
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo's heart stilled. Kill someone without a knife...
What kind of jab was that? What was she aiming to say, to accomplish, to prove? Was she just feeling for the gaps in his armour-? Figuring out where his weakest point was, so she could drive her blade home?
"No, Lucian," he cut in. "She's right. We need to consider all angles. At the moment, her accusations are worthless, but later..." He stared directly at her. "It's important to understand the psychology of people like her. Knowing her will benefit you going forward- for as long as this killing game continues."
And then, Kubo went very very still.
Saeko trying to distract.
Lucian saying something.
Mei and her horrid little smirk.
"An excellent line of thought, Lucian," Kubo said calmly. "If I'm right, one of the best, indeed." He turned on his heel to face Setsuna. "Setsuna... why did you stab Mei?"
And then all hell broke loose.
"Setsuna... why did you stab Mei?"
That good-for-nothing, snivelling, whimpering, spineless brat.
He turned around to glare at Setsuna. Idris was so angry, so fuelled of anger, hate and spite that he would've killed Setsuna right there and then.
His fingers curled around the imaginary knife.
Idris had been stabbed before, he knew the pain. How it felt for the life to drain out of your eyes.
His anger boiled and seethed, rising and rising until-
Idris bit the sides of his mouth until he tasted blood.
He deserved a fate worse than death, Setsuna dead.
Being stabbed over and over and over and over was just mercy. That was practically sparing him from the utter pain Idris wished upon Setsuna.
...why did you stab Mei?"
Yeah. Why did you, Setsuna?
I guess everyone will never find out because those pleads and 'I'm sorry's ' and those reasons that will never be justified will never escape your bloody lips.
"It's important to understand the psychology of people like her. Knowing her will benefit you going forward- for as long as this killing game continues."
Mei looked back over to him and smirked, her eyes only getting brighter and brighter. The thirst for blood and excitement only growing more and more clearly.
"You're finally startin' to get it, aren'tcha? Seeeee! I'm not completely useless!"
"Setsuna... why did you stab Mei?"
"Why did you stab Mei?"
Her face darkened but her smile only grew. Her eyes were wild, and it was almost like she wasn't affected by her injuries anymore.
"Uh oh... Looks like someone got caught~ Mind sharin' your dirty little secret, Setsuna?"
His eyes widened slightly as they slowly looked over, almost not wanting to look at the one being accused of stabbing Mei. Did... Did Kubo really think he did it?
...What the hell...?
Due to being in close proximity to Mei, he could feel the sudden change as Mei started to speak.
...Something was going on with her. But... Her reaction only confirmed Kubo's suspicious, right?
But... she acted like she didn't know, didn't she? Back when she woke up... They all asked her... So... Why did she not say anything...?
He looked over to Mei, who's face didn't tell him much other than what he already knew. She was insane. She was crazy. But...
She did it for a reason... Didn't she?
He looked back at Setsuna, then... Idris.
My god he looked pissed. He looked ready to kill. Akari knew that look, he knew it all too well. The sight made his heart stop as he could only stare. He couldn't even begin to wonder what the hell Idris was thinking, what he wanted to do. The thought terrified him, shook Akari to his core. This wasn't good. At all.
...Was that why she did it? Why she said nothing?
He took one last look at Mei, his mind racing, his thoughts refusing to slow down and become tangible. Something different was in her eyes, something that told him that she saw Idris too.
...Did she know?
Did she... Did she say nothing for a reason?
All he could do was open his lips slightly in just pure... shock, inability to breathe or think straight. He didn't even know how to react to any of this, what to say, what to do.
Lucian Arbred's POV
Lucian flinched at what Miyako said. "sorry...," he replied, despite the fact he wasn't really an avid reader of mystery novels. Truth be told, he only knew some things about Sherlock Holmes because...
Kathy always loved those stories.
God, he didn't want to even think of her right now.
But... The look on Kubo's face. The words he said next. Chilled Lucian to the bone.
"...S-Setsuna." Lucian drew in a sharp breath. " That true? Why?"
Why would someone stab Mei? Well... Unless extremely provoked. To be frank.
He found himself staring at the boy. Setsuna, who had seemed so remarkably socially awkward, not exactly... Kind. Fragile. But he seemed... Not like the type to stab people. But of course... Anyone could do it if they had the right reason.
People were often more than they appeared to be, after all...
Darcy Harper's POV
Darcy trailed off. His voice wobbled. He could almost feel the tears stirring.
No, that could have just as easily been him. But... Darcy... Wasn't like that.
You lied.
No, he-
You lied.
. . .
Darcy was just standing there, in trembling shock, unable to utter another word.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Mei was... Mei was... Fine. There was nothing going on with-
Sawyer suddenly got a good look at her. No, she was...
She was...
I thought I heard voices. I don't remember how I got there. It wasn't long after... Well, that day. I don't know why everyone around me was so insistent that it happened.
Because it didn't happen.
"Sawyer Laurens, right? You alright, kid?"
"Of course! I'm doing awesome! Why wouldn't I be?" It almost looked as though there was some kind of hint of sadness upon their face, before it promptly vanished. "You ever wonder if a mongoose has ever piloted an airplane?"
"...look, you don't have to pretend everything's fine. Are you alright... After what happened?"
"...after... What happened?" Sawyer tilted their head. "What do you mean?"
People coming and going. Shaking their heads and asking strange questions. Why were they even brought into this place?
They thought they heard... A conversation nearby. What was going on?
"How can anyone go through something like that... And not even remember?"
"Well. Everyone deals with trauma differently, I'm afraid. I think they're just repressing it. But... Are you really surprised?"
"Do you mean...?"
"Considering their condition..."
Sawyer didn't know what the people were talking about. Everything was great, it had never been better. So why had they been brought... Here?
Something... About the state of Mei's body... strange. Very strange.
"Whoaaa. Setsuna, didja really do that? Why? Was it an accident? Or-- or maybe an epic sword fight?!" Sawyer exclaimed.
Lucian cast Sawyer a worried glance, before looking away. Sawyer didn't hear him say, "...I don't think it was an accident."
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"Everything is going to be okay."
12:30 AM
Rhodes Town, Rhodes, Greece
"Ίδρη Καλλικράτη, συλλαμβάνεσαι ως ύποπτος για τη δολοφονία του R̵̢͓̹͉͆̾͆̏̃̇ë̷͙͕͎͒͆̀̅̔̕ͅo̷͈̔͐͂ͅ ̸̞͍̔̌̀͝K̴͖͌̕a̴̺̼̻̫̫̽̍͂̀̚͝͠l̸̛̫͍͓̄̓͝l̴̛̮͖͔̙̂͒͂̀͛̂i̵̲̱̭̣̘̳̿͘ḱ̷̺̬̦̹̉r̴̢̡̥̥͉̖͆ͅą̸͍͚̿̄͆̐ṱ̶̼͔̰̝̥̱̪͛̆̊͑̋̌ẽ̶̢͉͍̙͇̠̈́̚͘s̴̤̣̭̙̼̘̀̽͜ͅ. Δεν χρειάζεται να πείτε τίποτα. Ωστόσο, μπορεί να βλάψει την υπεράσπισή σας εάν δεν αναφέρετε όταν σας ρωτήσετε κάτι στο οποίο στη συνέχεια βασίζεστε στο δικαστήριο. Οτιδήποτε πεις μπορεί να αποδειχθεί."
(Idris Kallikrates, you are arrested on the suspicion of the murder of @!/,'.]l#@. You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.)
He was....12? Did he even remember anything past the point when the policeman said his name in his gruff voice, thick with an accent? Did he even hear what the policeman said, as the world started to crumble in front of him.
Everything was spinning. Spots of colour danced in his vision. Red, blue, green. Red, blue, green. Red, blue, gre-
Where was the body? He never saw a body, never watched the life drain out of her eyes. Never felt the knife blade strike bone. Never slipped the poison into her drink. Never wrapped an arm around her neck. Never carelessly chucked a match. Never grabbed an axe and-
Red, blue, green.
Red, blue, green.
Blue was always her favourite colour. He vaguely remembered her talking about how she always wanted to dye her hair blue. His mother never let them.
If he could, he'd have red hair.
Idris liked red.
Red was always....angry. Like him.
The colour of blood.
Prison cells were cold and damp. Kinda like his bedroom back home.
He was ashamed to admit he'd grown fonder of the prison than home. It wasn't the first time he'd been here.
Where was the body?
In a garden? In a ditch? In a swamp, in the sea, in a big hole underground with nothing but the worms to keep her company?
"Ανεπαρκή αποδεικτικά στοιχεία."
Insufficient evidence, that's what they said.
The world seemed cold and empty without her. He walked along their usual route, stopping where she stopped to watch the waves rise and fall. He stopped where she'd normally sit, and sigh, and wrap an arm around him, much to his annoyance. He stopped at the spot she loved most, looking over the town, and there she'd point out the school, the shops, their home. She'd point out her favourite flowers, favourite birds, trees and even clouds. There was always a spark in her eye and a smile on her lips and she brought sunshine to him, warmed up the house when it seemed lonely, kept all the nightmares and demons away. Made sure that he knew that there was always someone, something, waiting for him back home. Someone that loved him.
He stopped. Looked at the birds, flowers, trees and clouds, and walked away.
The usual path grew darker behind him as the sun disappeared. The wicked moon replaced and stayed.
Goodbye sun.
Here comes the cold, wicked moon.
And she brings pain.
"Why him? He... Has been seeming like he's known something, but... He didn't stab Mei, did he? Why? Why would you..."
Yeah, Setsuna, why would you?
Mei knew why.
"Setsunaaaa~ Better say something before-"
Before what, Mei?
What, cat got your tongue?
Is it getting hard to breathe?
Is your weak, vulnerable, defenseless little body wearing out on you?
What, gonna let a few stabs hold you down?
Mei coughed. She coughed and she coughed and she coughed. She coughed until the blood came back. Then she managed to stop, but all she could do was lie in her chair, hardly able to move.
Hardly able to breathe.
She was fighting her body's desperate pleas to rest, to finally close those eyes so she could recover, but she refused. She fought.
...And for what?
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
Getting hard to not let the pain overwhelm you, isn't it?
Getting hard to focus, isn't it?
Getting hard to talk, isn't it?
Getting hard to stop the flood, isn't it?
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
She looked over at Setsuna.
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
She looked over at Kubo.
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
She looked over at Saywer.
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
She looked over at Miyako.
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
She looked over at Idris.
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
Isn't it?
It's getting hard to breathe.
It's getting hard to breathe, Mei.
It's getting hard to talk.
It's getting hard to breathe Mei.
...I don't want to die...
I find that hard to believe, Mei.
Mei, snap out of it.
Stop it.
They can see you, ya know.
They can see you shaking.
They can see you on the brink of death.
...You've been dancing with the devil a lot recently. Why are his hands cold? Why do you keep tripping over your own toes? Why does the music not sound the same? Why isn't there a smile on your face?
...Why is there blood?
Why is it hard to breathe?
Mei wake up. Snap out of it.
Mei, wake up.
She was staring at Idris the entire time. Her entire demeanor had completely dropped at this point, she was so tired and distant that she just couldn't anymore. All she did was stare. Pain and exhaustion in her eyes. She almost looked like a different person.
They were still talking about Setsuna.
She shouldn't have said anything. Now Setsuna was their target.
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
Damn right it was. It's hard to breathe when you feel the cold hands of regret and pity wrap around your throat. It's hard to breathe when you try all the wrong things to fight back, pull those hands off but they only get tighter.
It's hard to breathe knowing you wanted this, but now you regret all of it. It's hard to breathe when you don't know what the hell you're doing, what the hell is wrong with you, what the hell is going on in your head.
It's getting hard to breathe, isn't it?
She looked at Idris the best she could.
Her voice was quiet and low, but she made sure he could hear.
But it was getting hard to breathe, wasn't it?
Can't keep doing this.
...Are you even listening?
Of course you're not.
Because you're not Mei, are you?
You want to be Mei, though.
Don't you?
But you'll never be her.
You'll never be Mei because deep down you're still --------
You cling to that name so badly.
But you want to forget it.
Just like you forgot the one who gave it to you.
You're weak, --------
i genuinely don't care enough to think about edgy s**t for him
"Ugh, com onnn, Mika. Wake up!" Rumia sighed as she blasted our dearest fluffy marshmallow back to the mortal realm with Moonlight Ray.
She continued to munch on her human flavored popcorn while doing absolutely nothing else.
Mika Uyehara
Mika was promptly unisekai'd back into Blood and Water from the Realm of Perpetual Chuku Arcs and Phasing Out of Existence. In a nutshell, he finally decided to contribute to the trial.
" you guys think the killer could have been blackmailed by Futatabi? Like what Horatia did to Kaoru last time?" He asked apprehensively.
Sutaraitsu Umemoto
luck is an intrinsic
Setsuna Jun
Setsuna's shoulders dropped. They were shaking- when had that started? When had he first noticed?
He released a long, choked laugh, a horrific sound- void of amusement, void of regret, void of anything a laugh could've meant. Empty- familiar.
Everything was empty.
"I-I-" He struggled to find the words.
"Setsuna stabbed both of them." Miyako's eyes were very blue. So very blue- they pierced right to your soul, waves crashing down over you- sucking you beneath into their eternal depths.
So very ghostlike.
If there's an afterlife-
And then the hysteria hit him. "You can't prove that! You can't prove anything! Why did you bring my name up? WHY THE HELL DID YOU BRING MY NAME UP?!"
Miyako seized him by the arm, and he flung his fist forward. It smashed into her nose and she tumbled back, falling on her butt. A horrible gasp escaped her, and her hands flew over to feel at her face. They came back bloody.
He whipped to Kubo.
"You're the killer! Not me- What the hell are you doing, accusing me and-"
The flesh embracing the knife. The slide of it through. The hypnotizing slow movement as it sheathed itself in an abdomen- and the explosion of screams and blood when you tore it out.
He felt nauseous.
"Why don't you all look at him, huh? Acting like this- acting like-"
Tears sprung to his eyes.
"Why do you keep looking at me? God, why are you all looking at me? I didn't mean to- I didn't mean to hurt anyone, Sutaraitsu-" He whipped to him. "You know that, right. I didn't want any of you dead!"
Miyako stood up, wiping her nose, but more blood gushed to replace it, so she let her hand fall to her side. "Blackmail, huh?Nice line of thought, Miko. He seems pretty panicked." Her eyes were cold- they weren't water, they were ice. Glaciers. You could fall into them, but ultimately it'd pierce your abdomen. You'd be shriked on the tip, Setsuna kebab.
His mouth went dry. Didn't he know this would happen? Didn't he know that Mei-
She isn't supposed to be here, something in him whispered. This is a dream- and Kubo and Mei and Miyako are your enemies.
Lucian Arbred's POV
"Hey... Miyako. Are you okay?"
He inhaled sharply, blinking rapidly. Attempting to comprehend what Setsuna was saying.
"...Setsuna... Did you really stab them both? You didn't mean to? What do you mean?"
A sickening feeling took over Lucian.
Setsuna... Why?
He could feel the beginnings of tears in his eyes.
"...another person I couldn't help. Another person I couldn't save," he choked to himself. "...if I had just jumped, this never would have happened. Setsuna, I'm so sorry."
He wanted to think Setsuna was wrong. That Kubo would never do such a thing.
...was... Setsuna really the killer?
...did he really...
Lucian hung his head. He felt like he was going to vomit. So dizzy. The whole room was spinning. Was it because they were all so high up, all so high up in space?
It felt like the breath had left him. He just wanted to hug Setsuna.
"...this was all my fault. If I was dead, nothing like this would have happened..."
They would have recognized his suicide. And then, they all could have headed back.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
When Sawyer looked at Setsuna...
...Setsuna. Who was that? Who was there?
Was that... Setsuna?
Sawyer blinked.
For a curious moment, a very curious moment...
"Stabbed them. Stabbed two people. Two people. Why'd Salsasuna go and do a thingy like that? That makes me really sad. Why would you do things that make people sad? An accident? What happened? Did you care about them?"
There was a distant look in Sawyer's eyes. Like they were thinking about something else.
They watched Lucian weeping, insisting it was his fault.
...why'd Lucister think it was his fault?
A bloody knife...
"What'd you go and spill all that sauce for anyway?..."
Darcy Harper's POV
Lucian shook his head. "'s my fault..." he kept choking out, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"But Setsuna... Why? Why did you... Stab them?"
Darcy didn't feel anger. He only felt... Pity.
Pity for this teenage boy breaking down in front of them all.
Nothing but pity...
And he felt it for Miyako, too, somehow. Looking at her, like that...
What was Sawyer saying? What did... They mean?
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Mei watched as Setsuna went into hysterics, watching as he hit Miyako, watching as he accused Kubo. She wanted to laugh, she wanted to join in on the fun, but all she could do was watch. She could only stare with a dull look in her eyes, no emotion in her smile that had long been gone.
It was getting hard to breathe.
All she could do was stare at Setsuna, with eyes that didn't have a single thought behind them.
Sorry, Setsuna.
Her eyes didn't even advert to Lucian when he went over, she could only look at Setsuna's face. He had cracked. Setsuna had cracked, and all she could do was watch.
"Just breathe, --------, just breathe..."
But all she could do was watch.
Akari sat in silence as everything went down, unsure of what he could do. Miyako had took a massive blow, something he didn't expect from Setsuna, and everything somehow became more chaotic than it already was. What the hell was going on? How did it come to this? He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, lowering his head once again. He just wanted this to end, but he knew what would happen if it did.
He'd see blood again, he'd see another dead body hanging from whatever sick tricks Monokuma had up his sleeve. He didn't want that, he didn't want any of this.
That was all he could mutter, a single curse that only he could hear.