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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]Sawyer Laurens's POV
"Uhhh, yeah, I'm okie-dokie. I think! I am kinda hungry now that you mentioned it. I never got to eat anything yesterdayyyy." They let out a yawn. Wait... yesterday? Was it even yesterday? Is there time in this universe? Was I asleep or something? Heh. Dream within a dream, I guess...
"Why does my arm kinda hurt? Hf. Ow. That's weird. I must be imagining it!"
". . ." They felt her hand over their forehead. Wow, that was weird. Actually feeling it. They felt their face growing warm for some reason. Wow, that was weird. Haha.
"Did I miss anything?" they asked, staring at her and blinking.
Lucian Arbred's POV
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Third Person POV
"I hope that's normal," Kaoru muttered as if to herself. She withdrew her hand and stood up. "You passed out, Sawyer. You got cut on your arm, but thankfully, the bleeding stopped."
Her eyes grew distant. "The only risk is infection. But it seemed like the utensils were fairly new... it should be fine." She shook her head and smiled at them. "Sorry about that. I can help you up. I wouldn't recommend putting any strain on your arm for now."
"...Yeah, sure..." Akari hauled his roommate up and helped him walk to the door, then took Sutaraitsu to the cafeteria. Ugh... most everyone was already here, this was going to be a fun morning. He said nothing as he gave a small wave to greet himself, bringing himself and Sutaraitsu to the table.
Akari was just now realizing how awkward this situation was, and he really hoped no one got the wrong idea. He didn't want to have to explain things...
Too late, Mei was already making up the craziest things in her head. She stared at everyone entering, her eyes landing on Akari and Sutaraitsu the longest. What were those two up to... She gave a small snicker as she turned her head away. "Looks like someone already made 'friends'..."
Setsuna Jun
Setsuna burst through the cafeteria door. "I HAVE ARIIIIIIiiiived.... ammmm going to the bathroom, bye!" He ran away.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Lucian Arbred's POV
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom - Border of Life
[Yuyuko's Theme Remix by NyxTheShield]
Sutaraitsu sat down on his chair
He tried his best to ignore the mild pain pulsating throughout his body.
Horatia Aionios
Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - Drunk as I Like
【Intense Symphonic Metal Cover】
...No response? How absolutely rude.
Horatia returned back to her dormitory to work on her leek summoning circle.
Kaoru Kajiwara
She fought to keep her irritation off her face. Really. You could try to make my life easy. But no, onto swordfights and suicide.
The word made her shudder. She turned her attention to Sawyer, helping them up. "Don't use that arm," she cautioned. "I'll stay with you, okay?"
She smiled at them.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Lucian Arbred's POV
That's so odd. How did they know I liked that so much?...
He walked over and picked up the plates. Surely, they weren't poisoned, unless an Ultimate had tainted them. And he highly doubted that. After all, no one here knew his favorite foods. He'd check them for poison anyway, but he saw no reason to be alarmed. It just didn't make sense for them to be poisoned, after all.
It felt a bit strange eating these in the morning, but for some reason, they tasted better than anything he had ever eaten before.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Lucian Arbred's POV
That's so odd. How did they know I liked that so much?...
He walked over and picked up the plates. Surely, they weren't poisoned, unless an Ultimate had tainted them. And he highly doubted that. After all, no one here knew his favorite foods. He'd check them for poison anyway, but he saw no reason to be alarmed. It just didn't make sense for them to be poisoned, after all.
It felt a bit strange eating these in the morning, but for some reason, they tasted better than anything he had ever eaten before.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Mei turned back to the table she was sitting at, probably sitting in the most informal way possible. She had already gotten her food, her favorite meal in the entire world.
Dino nuggies and fries, with a side of ketchup and peanut butter dipped apples.
Her eyes widened and the biggest smile appeared on her face, she could almost squeal with joy. She acted like such a kid sometimes, was that even part of her act? Or was she genuinely like this? Anyways, as rich as she was, she was never able to eat this heavenly food. She couldn't just go out to a store to buy them, she had... issues, which made going out so casually a pain in the ass. She instead had people who pretty much forced themselves into her home and cooked for her, even when she refused so. many. times. They always made the fancy stuff, always thinking the food she genuinely enjoyed was "too informal", whatever that meant. The last time she had this was when her mother was still alive, and that was... over 12 years ago now?
Hey wait a minute... How'd that damn bear know what she liked? No one knew about her little guilty pleasure, and she herself had almost forgotten this stuff existed. Weird... But Mei was too excited to care.
Agh... It was too noisy in here... His head was starting to hurt... Akari wanted to cover his ears so bad, but he couldn't really do anything right now. Occasionally, Akari would glance over at Sutaraitsu to make sure he was ok, always relieved to see he hadn't passed out yet or something. He had gotten a plate already, which surprisingly had one of his favorite meals. One he hadn't seen in years, and one that brought back painful memories. The smell, the looks, and probably the taste, all reminded Akari of his beloved father. This was also the first full plate he'd had in years. He had been living off of the same bread rolls and the occasional cheap microwave meal for the longest time, he almost forgot what good food tasted like. The food on his plate was just a simple slab of steak, a bowl of rice, and a small number of fries, all seasoned to perfection. He could tell from the smell alone that it was made the exact same way his father made it, which made poor Akari stare at it in awe and disbelief. How could they even know what he liked, when he literally only ate bread? How long had they known about him?
Before Akari could even get his fork, a single tear from his right eye fell to the table. Only one single tear could escape his eyes before Akari noticed his own actions, and quickly did something about it. No, he couldn't cry here, nobody here could learn anything about him. He couldn't look vulnerable, that was a death wish, even if that's the one thing he had right now.
But Akari Xenauta, the Ultimate Engineer, had shed a tear. Akari Xenauta had made a fatal mistake.
Kaoru Kajiwara
Kaoru inhaled sharply through her nose. She did her best to smile kindly. "No, of course you can. We're going to the cafeteria." She opened the door, careful not to jostle their arm.
She then took the lead down the hallway, in case anyone made an abrupt corner turn. Better not to aggravate Sawyer's injuries.
They arrived at the Cafeteria. It was quiet. Just the rustles of sleeves, and the klink of forks. She frowned, studying the various tables. She recognized most of the people.
She sighed. Kubo's eyes met hers. Her sigh caught in her throat.
"Let's sit over there," she muttered to Sawyer, not taking her eyes off Kubo. She gestured towards Lucian's table. He was the sole occupant. It was safe.. hopefully.
Setsuna Jun
"In the bathroom. Alone. Again."
Setsuna sniffled, wiping his face with toilet paper.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Soon enough, they arrived. For some reason they felt like they couldn't stop looking in Kaoru's direction. What color were her eyes? Ooh. What if she didn't have a color seeable by humans, and her eyes were like ultraviolet colors or something?! Now THAT would be cool!
"Let's sit over there," Kaoru had told them. They made their way into a seat.
They sat down. And... there was someone there. Someone startled at their and Kaoru's presence.
"Hiii! Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before!"
Lucian Arbred's POV
Is that... even a thing? Not an official medical term, no, but it definitely is the term I'd use for it.
Then, he remembered. That person had been injured. Sawyer had been badly injured. It seemed like Kaoru was taking good care of them though.
"...hello," Lucian stated.
"Oh my gosh, you can talk?! I was beginning to think you might be mute or something! Hey, Kaoru, who is this?" Sawyer asked.
An anime sweat droplet effect would have occurred on Lucian, if that were a real thing in this universe. The polite thing to do is to ask the person directly.
But, from what he'd seen, Sawyer was rather... out of it.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
After giving up on my morning shower, I groggily made my way to the cafeteria. My eyes began to settle, noticing an abundance of plates, one in particular catching my eye.
Barbecue chicken, a plate full of it. My mouth watered almost as much as my eyes did.
The memories flooded back. Ichido and I sitting side-by-side, a plate of barbecue chicken each (15 pieces each, to be exact), having our weekly race to see who finished them first. Ichido and I sitting side-by-side, a couple of pieces left each, taunting each other as we slowly finished our last few. She usually won, I'm not a particularly fast eater, but we had fun nonetheless.
The floodgates were open for bittersweet memories to pour into my thoughts, bringing tears to my eyes as I ate through the chicken on my plate.
Shi no shiryō
(Idk, I'll write her later lmao)
Solaro's eyes were caught by a plate of fish. Salmon, in particular. Slightly salted. She cocked her head seemingly. Is this tainted- How did they even know my favourite food? She narrowed her eyes as she took a bite. It tasted perfectly fine. She caught Akoras eye, who was picking at her food, and gestured at it with her eyes.
Akora, who got home late often, busy working with animals, barely ate. But during her days off for holidays, she'd often dine out somewhere for her favourite food, which was onigiri and mochi. She looked at Solaro, who was eating eagerly. Alright then. She took a bite gingerly. "Hmm." Akora hummed thoughtfully. She began to eat the rest.
Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom - Border of Life
[Yuyuko's Theme Remix by NyxTheShield]
After a moment of hesitation, Sutaraitsu decided to get food as well.
Peering at the trolleys, he found his favorite food neatly stacked in the shape of a pyramid.
Mmmmm, brioche gelato sandwiches...
He took a few and placed them on a plate, being careful not to accidentally take too much. Returning to his seat, Sutaraitsu began nibbling on one, licking at the silky, decadent ice cream nestled within.
He looked at Akari.
It had been a few moments and the boy hadn't even picked up his fork. Akari had his arm placed on the table, propping up his head with his fist placed on his forehead. He tried to keep himself as low as possible so no one could see the pain written on his face. He had been able to maintain a stoic and monotonous demeanor up until now, how the hell could he crack from this? God... This was so cruel... He was trapped in a building with a bunch of strangers, forced to kill them to get his freedom back, then they start feeding him a meal that he never thought he'd have again? By the looks of it, everyone was just as shocked... How did they know...?
Someone's looking at me...
Akari somehow managed to quickly get himself together, wiping away the tears that welled up in his eye and taking a few deep breaths. He slightly turned his head in the direction of the piercing stare, not expecting it to be Sutaraitsu. His hair was blocking a lot of his face, so it was hard to see exactly what he was thinking. He tried to open his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Ugh... this was so awkward...
Instead of wasting his time trying to talk, Akari decided it would be best to just eat. He wasn't sure if his stomach could handle this much food, but might as well make the most of it. Slowly lifting his fork, he plunged it into the rice bowl and lifted the small pile to his mouth. This was pathetic... Why was he so hesitant?
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo grumbled, turning his attention back to the girl at his table. Something about her seemed unstable. He'd decided to gather information, in case he needed to neutralize her.
"I-I'm Kubo." He twirled his hair around his finger nervously. "Wh-What's your name?"
Please answer. I don't want to talk to somebody for no reason.
Kaoru Kajiwara
"This is Lucian," Kaoru said softly, though internally she was relieved. Kubo had looked away. "Haven't you two met? You may have been out of it, Sawyer..."
Setsuna Jun
"No!" He cried, jerking to his feet. "No more cowering! It's time to embrace the future!" He pumped his fist in the air. "Come on world! To the cafeteria!"
He ran to the door- and paused. Carefully, he entered. Everyone was eating. No one looked at him.
He coughed.
"Okay," he whispered to himself. "Try one of those... awful amount of dishes... And make friends."
He spotted Mei, sitting next to some girl he didn't recognize. Her hair was kinda nice, he supposed. Two pigtails. Her face was kinda covered.
"Maybe a future friend," he mumbled. "She's probably shy, if her design is anything like... her."
The little gremlin was so excited to eat her food that the entire plate was already gone, and Mei was licking her fingers. So good...
"I-I'm Kubo. Wh-What's your name?"
Mei's head turned towards the voice, curious to see who was dumb enough to talk to her while she was finishing her meal. Well, whoever was dumb enough to interact with her in general. Kubo, huh... Bright blue hair, weird pigtails, and golden eyes... Mei had a feeling that she had seen them before, but couldn't quite place her finger on it. Oh well, she'd find out later.
"Hmm... My name? I'm..." She pause for a brief moment, almost like she was trying to think about how she was going to say her next words. It's such a simple question, there's literally no need to get so deep... "Mei, the name's Mei." There, short and simple. No need to overcomplicate things.
Once I finished the first plate, I wiped my eyes and took a break.
I guess I'll have to eat her plate for her, too.
I looked around, spotting the person from the library cramped in with a few others. Wow, lucky them, I think sarcastically.
Shi no shiryō

Dorky's POV
Darcy Harper's POV
And in this-- possibly intimidating person's hands -- was a box of well-decorated, sweet-smelling chocolate.
"Boy! Hope's Peak! I sure hope it's appropriately named!" She beamed. "I wonder if I'll find the one here? Hehehe! It's sure going to be a lot of fun regardless, I'm sure!"
Look out, everyone! Here comes Darcy Harper!
With a twirl, she inserted her ID card from an angle. She hadn't even gotten a good look at it.
ID#444, Ultimate Chocolatier, the card read. Her eyes twinkled as the door opened.
"Heh! Time to go in!" she exclaimed, as she started to run through the ga-
When all of a sudden, she collapsed.
[Present Day]
When Darcy came to, she could have sworn she heard all sorts of things that didn't make sense.
Something about a Killing Game. People dying. Someone holding them here?
Oh, well, what better place to have a fun time and to find the one for you, under such dire circumstances?!
...but by the time she was fully awake, everyone was...
"Whoa, just how long have I been out?" She blinked, and stared around the room.
Little did Darcy know, she had literally been half-unconscious through everything, and no one had noticed her (by the power of not existing yet in the roleplay lmao)!
"What a strange dreammm!" She stretched. "Welp! I'll go see what sort of cuties there are here! I wonder if they have alcohol? Wait, is that legal at a school like this? We're all minors, right?"
I dunno, maybe?
She scurried, unknowingly, in the direction of the cafeteria.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
"You have any idea why he doesn't talk much?" they asked Kaoru. "OMG, wait, is that FOOD?" Sawyer gasped, seeing what looked like a sugar overload mountain. There was this actual volcano of food on a tray, namely chocolate, candy corn, jelly beans, cheesecake, gumdrops, gummy bears, taffy, it was... ridiculous, it looked like there was so much sugar it would kill anyone who ate it. "MY FAVORITE!!" They dived after it and fell flat on the floor. "OWWW! I didn't know there was a floor there!"
Lucian Arbred's POV
It's not really a matter of if I can trust you. It's merely a precaution, I assure you. Besides... I don't really like talking much. Still. It's good to see they're safe.
He sweated as Sawyer dived for the unholy sugar mountain that was... their favorite food? Was it even a real thing?
Good grief. They ate that before, and they didn't die?
How the heck was this person even still alive--
Oh, no. They were on the floor now.
He gave Kaoru a look that said Should I... help you pick this idiot up?
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"Everything is going to be okay."