"..." Suzume was lost in thought. Suddenly, she realized
something. She'd... heard something? Wait.
Suko was speaking. Suko was looking at her. They had been talking
to her? Had she really been glaring?! Not again. Unsure how to
react, Suzume gave a small, awkward wave and what was supposed to
be a smile. "Hello, Suko Nobu," she greeted. Wow, this was awkward.
She had barely had any character interactions with them.
What was she supposed to say? "It's good to see you! How's Femi
been doing?" As soon as the sentence slipped out of her mouth, she
realized. Wait. WAIT. What did I just say?!
I got myself a delicious plate of potato perogies and garlic bread,
with a cup of spearmint tea. "Ah, how I have missed the simple joys
of certain foods." I hope I said it loud enough to drown out
Suzume's comment. "Suko, would you like any?"
"Great, actually!" Suko beamed, propping their chin up on their
elbow. "Right?" they tilted their head at Nakata.
Then the faded look in their eyes vanished and they were bright and
shining again. "HOW ABOUT YOU?" they yelled across the cafeteria.
"Is that you?" Hisoka demanded. "Are you following me?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Suko giggled. "You're so bad at eating! You really should've
accepted my sandwich." They poked at their ruined coat. "Ah, the
tragedy of my lost masterpiece."
Hisoka emerged around the bend. "Koda," he greeted coldly. He
stopped against the wall, tilting his head against it. "Why are you
following me?"
Straight to the point.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Suzume was visibly sweating and shaking with a nervous
smile upon her face. "Is... that so? Oh! Great!" She laughed
awkwardly. "Tell him I-" Wait a minute. What the hell, what the
hell. Slow down, slow down. He's dead. He's... dead. Suko just...
thinks he's not?...
No, it's not like anyone saw it happen, but how could a mannequin
in that little time be tailored to look so much like the charred
body, and to have all the appropriate details, the question of Femi
being missing, and more, him being alive... just didn't make
And yet she almost wanted to believe it, as she thought back to the
almost-stranger crying in the Nurse's Office...
When she thought back to what Kowai had said to Suko. That. That
How could she?
Nothing personal about Amano. Maybe that was forgivable. She might
as well have put him out of his misery by doing that. But... the
amount of suffering she put Femi through... and everyone else, for
no reason. Was beyond unforgivable.
Then, she snapped back to reality. "Oh!! Yeah, definitely. Things
are..." Her eyes began to water. "Great. Things are
His eyes snapped open but he didn't retreat from her hand. He just
looked more... wary than anything. Like a cornered animal that
wasn't sure if it could trust the hand that fed it.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
"No. Don't be. You were being- a person." Hisoka blinked. "That
sounded strange. I meant- a real person. Someone who acts when they
see others suffer. Someone who's conscience twinges, even in the
presence of someone they hate."
He gave her a tired smile. "Sorry. I'm not making sense right now."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
"I don't hate you." Koda said quickly. "I respect you, Hisoka. Even
if it doesn't seem like it, I respect you for who you are. I have
an.. odd way of showing it." Koda admitted. "My grudging way."