"Fine, fine." Suko stood up with an exaggerated stretch. They stuck
their tongue out at Nakata as they backed away, narrowly catching
their chair before it fell over. "Whoops!" they laughed nervously.
"See ya in a bit!"
They scampered towards the buffet. Niwa glared hard at Nakata for
an instant longer, then returned to talking to Keiki in a low
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Niwa didn't look up, even as Suko pushed past their chair, with
maybe more forced than necessary. Suko flopped next to Nakata and
presented a sandwich.
"Ta-da!" they singsonged.
The sandwich was... something.
It appeared to be constituted largely of sprinkles and sushi. And
was that a cookie-? Or was it a misshapen blob of egg? Or was it-
oh- oh that looked like it was moving.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Suko's eyes widened with horror. "My sandwich? My
baby? Did you just- how could you- No!" They lunged for
their sandwich, yanking the gross dripping thing to their chest.
They clung to it, heedless of the strange black fluid dripping down
their shirt. "She didn't mean it, baby. She didn't mean it-"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
"...oh. It's them." Suzume felt a pang of guilt, as though
her heart stopped for a moment. She had glanced over and seen Suko
Nobu, looking as eager and chaotic as ever, in the cafeteria. They
had been with Koda, and then she had left. It made sense that
things were uneasy between those two.
Femi, Kowai. Both of the ones they were closest with, were dead.
Maybe that was why Suko had been trying to bond with her now.
Suzume almost felt compelled to go talk to them... they hadn't been
taking this well.
Or... were they doing better now? No. Surely it was a
Suko's mouth dropped into an o. "Hey, is that Suzume Snark herself,
glaring at us?" they asked.
The eldritch monstrosity tumbled from their grip and plopped on the
floor. They tried to peer over Nakata's shoulder. "Hey! It is!
Hiiiii, Suzume!" They waved over Nakata's head. Throw-up looking
liquid dribbled down their fingers.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature