Forum Thread
World Nations University
Forum-Index → Roleplay → World Nations University-
Sage arrived himself at the archery range, stopping in their tracks soon as his eyes lock on a Target, with a flick in their tail he instinctively pull out there Silver Arrow into his hand. with the arrow in hand sage subjects it into position, with a concentrated look on their eyes at the target, they grasp onto one of many arrow is on their back putting it gently into the bowstring, beginning to close his eyes shortly afterwards as they counted themself "1...2...3!" With a flick of the wrist, the arrow land only a few inches from the center. Sage opening his eyes just to see that it's almost barely the center, "guess I got to work on that a bit more" telling himself as he trots towards his Arrow, yanking it out and putting it back into the colster

"you were too correct"
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079