Regan is a tall, slim woman with pale skin, green eyes, and hair
that is strawberry blonde in color, hanging just passed her
shoulders. She is described to have a graceful gait, and a fiery
sparkle in her eye, amplified when faced with the adrenaline of
battle. She wears a white, rather short dress with sparkling white
tights underneath, all lined with gold, giving her a burning look
in the light. She wears light grey shoes and matching gloves as
Anything else?
Might as well make my own form XD
Regan is a anti social fire enthusiast. Riko is her most prized
Pokémon. They are bonded so well, that Riko can actually speak to
Boltz isn't technically her Pokémon. She found him abandoned with a
Pokeball and assumed the Jolteon had lost its trainer, so she
decided to help him find them.
Something is in control...
Character Name
Pokémon Species
A Raikou with a clawmark on his face, seeming to be from a small
Pokemon, as well as multiple scars on his front legs and paws, and
scorch marks on his front paws, making them partially black. The
scars seem to have carried over from his human life. He walks with
a limp in his front leg, which broke due to an accident very early
on, soon after he was taken by Hoopa.
Anything else?
Chaz was once a friendly, happy person before turning into a
Pokémon. It's unclear what else happened in his previous life, but
that's all he knows. He figures he must have been a trainer,
judging from his scars. He's not very old, probably still a kid,
around 15-16.
He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but whatever force is controlling
him seems to be pushing his morality away.