Forum Thread
Vincula Amoris, DX
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Vincula Amoris, DX
ShadeKinoSoul’s Charas
Shade / 16 / Male / Ghost Fur Eevee
Creampuff / 16 / Female / Wooloo - Eevee
Blitz / 15 / Male / Cosmog - Eevee
-Scolipede’s Charas
Moon / 16 / Female / Shiny Sylveon
ChikoritaMining’s Charas
Windy / 13 / Male / Galar Ponyta - Marill
Hornet’s Charas
Astral / 14 / Female / Shinx - Lunala
Burn~Drive’s Charas
Iris / 14 / Female / Slugma
The Elder / 97 / Male / Shiny Trevenant
Aftershine’s Charas
Luxcade / 32 / Female / Premier Gardevoir
Shock~Drive’s Charas
Aquamarine / 40 / Female / Duraludon

Credit to YungRover for allowing Luminia and Yume Island to make a appearance.
Credit to ChikoritaMining for allowing usage of her locations such as Sylvania Kingdom and Unown
As the Moon settles down on the horizon the sun began to rise, a Dodrio cawed out at the sun, Pikipeks could be heard throughout the Forest, and in Nezailo Town…
Chapter 0: Enter the Fastest Thing Alive!
Location: Nezailo Town
A light purple Eevee woke from his slumber and raced to bathroom to groom his Fluff. ”Damn my fluffiness… *yawn*” he finished his grooming and headed downstairs where he was greeted by his Mother, a Magearna-Meleotta Fusion ”Morning Sweetie!” the Eevee dashed to her and nuzzled her ”Morning Mom!”
Creampuff was waddling through Eclipse Forest and made it to Nezailo Town, She was accompanied by Blitz who was holding 2 presents. To them it’s a special day, being their best friend Shade’s Hatchday!
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Melody hugged her son ”Happy Birthday my sweet little poffin!” Shade smiled and hugged his mom ”Thanks Mom! What’re we having for breakfast?”
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1

:”Another plain old day... better get ready.”
She then chopped up some Oran Berries for herself, and left a note for her family, since she woke up so early. Gone for now. Will be back soon :) Iris grabbed her tote bag after having her share of berries, and went off.
Elder towered by many of the trees in the forest. He dared not move, as to waste what life left he had in him, but ready to move if needed. A Pikipek landed on his shoulder. He smiled.

: ”Hello there, little one. What brings you here at this fine sunrise?”

: ”Chirp!”

: ”Oh, are you lost? The towns over to my left.”
The Pikipek flew over to the village, seemingly thanking The Elder as he seemed to get smaller and smaller to the bird. Elder then began to fall asleep, in order to gain more energy to keep going.
Melody had made Hashbrowns and Pancakes with a Bacon substitute made from Magic, glazed in Codenian Maple Syrup. ”I know how you love Hashbrowns and Pancakes, and I dappled in Magic and learned how to make substitutions for meat, it taste precisely like meat, not made from plants, and food made from magic does boost your magic ability slightly!” Shade smiled and hugged Melody ”Thanks so much mom!”
A dark storm covers the skies over the ocean in between Saphfyria and a land far away, where a city in the sky laid hidden
Latios and Latias rushed to the scene
”Br-rother, What’s happening?” the Latios looked out in disbelief ”It’s coming…”
//Back With Shade
Shade ate his breakfast happily, He was very thankful of how much effort Melody puts into making his life a good one.

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Shade finished his breakfast and then nuzzled Melody ”So what now?” The Eevee is estatic, to which his mother replied ”We have some fun activities buts let’s wait for the guests!”
Blitz and Creampuff made to Shade’s house and knocked at the door
Erio had woken up in the tree where they usually slept, whenever they did sleep. Though they didn't really sleep much, usually sleeping for only two to three hours at a time, they were more active during the night then they were during the day. Howerver, their adoptive daughter was more active in the day and slept during the night. So, here they are...
”Heya Blitz, Wassup Creampuff! Blitz ecstatic, nuzzled his best friend back. Creampuff nuzzled Shade lightly ”Happy Hatchday Bro!” ”Ha-appy Hatchday, S-Shade.”