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「➳」Genshin Impact

Forum-Index Fan Clubs 「➳」Genshin Impact
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 13:23 (3 Years ago)
Watching the genshin debut stream for 2.1 and holy these characters are looking great!
And the trailer too! :'D got me so hyped
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 461
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 13:59 (3 Years ago)
I'm 100% saving for Baal even tho I like Yoi... she's skippable for me... bewba sword calls lol. And Free multi? yes pls! And I have Venti almost FR 10 :yosha:
“I, Iudex Neuvillette, hereby declare…
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 14:32 (3 Years ago)
All the codes in the 2.1 livestream, claim them asap.
Send missing/Toucannon plushies!
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 14:52 (3 Years ago)

Ty for the codes !

I'm yet to see the 2.1 trailer-

However, I managed to get Sayu in a random single pull, I love her so much ;w;

So I think I'm just going to save up my Primogems now for Baal the new banners now c':
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 15:00 (3 Years ago)
I just watched the trailer and how are they going to fit all of that into one update that's insane!!
Looking forward to it alot though!

Me before trailer: Not interested in any of the 2.1 banner characters, easy skip.
Hears Kokomi's voice: Oh no... why does she sound so cute?
Trainerlevel: 132

Forum Posts: 1,117
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 15:46 (3 Years ago)
The trailer was super exciting!! I couldn't believe my eyes at one point, I'm really glad to see a certain character making a reappearance finally!! I can wait to see those moments and play the story behind it ahhh 😭 💕
Banner wise.. uhh, I'm gonna skip sort of want to save my gems for "him" if he ever gets his own banner or pops in as a 4*. Kokomi is cute and Baal is cool but there's not enough appeal for me, I'll certainly try for them at a later date if they ever get reruns but I know which characters I'm eager for and I'd rather focus on them, I mean if they get reruns and /more/ characters are announced that I may want, then that is a little unfortunate aha. I like Sara quite a bit, she's really cool!! o ^o but as a 4* I might just wait to see her promoted again at a later date since she'll likely come back around - as all 4*'s do - gotta hoard them gem for now!
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 16:18 (3 Years ago)
Love the stream thingy. Watched the trailer.
Also la signora is coming.

Please girl. Be Co op able. I can't beat you alone if I can't see you.

GOD shes so pretty. I want her. Here's to hoping I get lucky and get her in the 20-30 pulls ill do for Sara cause then I stand a chance for Ganyu too.

I have 56 fates saved rn. So I'm fairly certain with all the new events I can get enough for pity and a bit more.

So fingers crossed I don't lose 50/50 on baal and especially Ganyu.

Also. 69th pull on standard banner. 5 star where are you?

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 461
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 16:36 (3 Years ago)
Nice Taavi! I'm on my guaranteed pity within the next 10-20 summons so I'll start saving from now til Baal cos AHHH her kit is really nice and I do have a Polearm or two for her xD
“I, Iudex Neuvillette, hereby declare…
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 17:09 (3 Years ago)
Which polearm are you planning on using on her?
Cause she needs the most energy recharge plus the higher the better cause her attacks and her kit scale off of ER.
Her burst is the highest cost yet.
Plus the emblem set is the biS for her.

I don't think there's any ER polearm is there? Maybe the favonius ones? Or sacrificial ones? I don't have any lol.
Just one crescent pike for my rosaria. And the white tassel for my xiangling.
No other polearms.

Sad. I didn't think about that lol.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 17:21 (3 Years ago)

Skyward Spine, Favonius Lance, Prototype Starglitter, all give Energy Recharge

At a push, you could probably also use the Kitain Cross Spear

I've just seen some of the EU Livestream and, oh my gosh-

Signora- when? c':

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 18:02 (3 Years ago)
Signora in 2.1
So soon I guess. Spoilers below

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It was in the live stream.
Man she's cool. Literally. She is like cryo and pyro

I forgot about the star glitter one. Guess I can actually use onw for her.
0lus a new one is coming along with the fish weapon so maybe ?

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 461
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 20:45 (3 Years ago)
I have the Favonius and Starglitter Polearms I could use, and ofc the new Inazuma one if I really needed but the new arti's also help with her ER so I'm not too pushed for that atm
“I, Iudex Neuvillette, hereby declare…
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 14:36 (3 Years ago)
Am i the only one who is very disappointed with the anniversary awards?

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 349
Posted: Sun, 22/08/2021 13:15 (3 Years ago)
Ahahah, second 10-wish and I got Sayu too! :>>

I think the game is happy I came back to it. Also Inazuma is beautiful! I think it may be my favorite region so far!

23 - Capricorn - Masc Enby - Coffee Addict

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 349
Posted: Sun, 22/08/2021 14:42 (3 Years ago)
I was messing around and trying to make something for my signature and I ended up making this-

If any of you guys want to use it for Genshin OCs or anything you totally can! Just credit me, lmao.

Im gonna make more too, for all the other elements!

23 - Capricorn - Masc Enby - Coffee Addict

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 02:18 (3 Years ago)

Eula has hit friendship level 10 ❤︎

It’s now 3am, and have just got off of a 3 hour session with some randoms c’:

I’ve picked up the habit of joining the lower level domains to help the lower ARs

It’s super fun and refreshing to run around their worlds and help them with puzzles

And I find that they’re a lot more talkative and appreciative-

and they don’t make fun of my Amber

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 04:34 (3 Years ago)
I'm working on Rosaria cause her namecard is sooo pretty.
60 wishes saved.
slowly getting there. Just 120 more.

also getting good at killing stuff. a few enemies still beat the hell out of me like the ruin hunter etc
cleared floor 8 with 8 stars. the ruin guards are hell to kill, take so much time.


Im in need of an honest opinion.

Baal or Ganyu?

Which do you think I should pull for?

In terms of playstyle I love both. In terms of design I love both.
I love the kits of both too.

Both are gonna be amazing supports. Both are great sub-DPS cause damn the ults are crazy.
Ganyu can dish out consistent charged attack damage. While Baal can dish out consistant skill damage that anyone can prock.

Ganyu is the best DPS in game rn. Baal is an Archon so definite broken character.

I can't decide.


Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 16:02 (3 Years ago)

Nothing good from the weekly bosses but I got a couple of nice Crimson Witch pieces today cx

Feather Timepiece Headpiece

Hopefully they'll get some decent rolls so that I can swap them onto Hu Tao c':

Also, in before v2.1:

I betting that I'm going to lose my pity to, either, Mona or Qiqi-

Giving me a Jean would be too generous, as I already have her at C1 and I use her the most-

Diluc was my last standard 5* (although, I got him on the standard banner at a pity of like 3 but still-)

I don't have Keqing - she'll be that one character that the game refuses to give me (like they did with Chongyun)

Whilst Mona is my least favourite character

And Qiqi is, well, Qiqi.

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 18:33 (3 Years ago)
did all my weekly bosses,

got a possibly decent troupe piece, just gotta hope that all rolls into crit dmg :')
edit: it did not roll all into crit dmg!! but it did turn out good i'd say, it rolled into crit dmg a couple times

got a claymore billet too!! i was wanting one just earlier so i could possibly refine my archaic- or make somethin else idk

some other things that've happened, reached ar 48 recently (Like 3 days ago), also got diluc to friendship 10 ! he's my first character to get to friendship 10 so thats nice, also got all his talents to 6, i've been neglecting talents a lot so im glad im working on them, theyre really helping. i should probably also work on artifacts

i should also probably finish up the current inazuma main quest before 2.1, i still gotta do ayaka's and yoimiya's story quests before i can continue it though.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 370
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 22:05 (3 Years ago)
So a few days back I had gotten Xinyan and Sayu. Usually I wish one at a time (mostly cos I don't wanna save up to 1600 primos :P). They came home back to back which was pretty nice :D

Either way since Sayu arrived I decided to finally play through the archon quests to get to Inazuma.

Well the main reason I'm saying this now is because of what happened just a while ago. I did a single pull on the banner as usual and saw my wish turn gold...

Hex yea she came home :D

Tiiiny status report since I don't wanna make multiple posts:
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-Until yesterday I was like AR 42 and my charas were at lvl 60 or less without even ascending. Even the lowered world level was such a pain lol. I explore way too much ig :|
- My first wish 5 * is actually not Yoimiya, but Keqing, who I got from the Acquainted banner recently.
- Completing all the hangout endings is such a pain since I had the best ends in Noelle, Bennet and Barbara for a while ;-; but I still did most of them. After hardhitting quests (emotionally), I just love to play through Noelle's. She best girl with best Shield :))
- With so many charas I wanna build and even my main team being at ~65, boy am I thankful for the doubled leylines.