Forum Thread
Boku No Poke Academia
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Boku No Poke Academia
Kirishima chuckled and gave Sen a hug. "Hey, Sen." He said, smiling his typical sharky smile.
Sen soon sent out her Gengar, it letting out a small hiss at the light, and going under the shade of the tree. "Awwwww..." Sen said, looking to it.

Slowly sitting up he stared out over the roof. He really didn't want to leave. With a light smack on his head from his impatient pokemon, Itsuki stood to get off the roof. His feet slamming into the ground, Itsuki began his trek to the store. He just needed an Iapapa berry, Reuniclus' favorite. Slipping into the small store on the street he started to browse through the stock. All of his pokemon sitting comfortably inside their pokeballs inside his bag.