Forum Thread
Crossover Heroes 4 (Sign-ups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Crossover Heroes 4 (Sign-ups)Its Been Sometime Huh? About A Year... Lets Get To The Point!
Link To RP: here!

Unknown Voice 1: So... the day has
finally come right?
Unknown Voice 2: Yeah! This is gonna be so much fun! Right sis!
Unknown Voice 3: Yeah... say leader... what about... him...
Unknown Voice 1: oh... him... simple... that little jirachi he has back in his normal world is making him wanted their... so lets make him wanted... EVERYWHERE!
Unknown Voice 4: So is that the epic noise that means I should turn on the epic swag world fusing thing
Unknown Voice 5: Can we kick the dumb idiot off our team
Unknown Voice 1: no... he is useful as something else... (probably bait...) now! ITS TIME TO FUSE THE WORLDS! FOR THE FIRST TI-
Unknown Voice 5: actually its happened 3 times already
Unknown Voice 1: WHAT! HOW?
Unknown Voice 5: don't question it... I mean whenever it happens most of the time they just end randomly without warning... Like they could be in a warzone one minute and then the worlds just unfuse...
Unknown Voice 1: *sigh* anyways... you guys got those minion things to help us out?
Unknown Voice 2: what the shadowlings? those small cute shadow people we are gonna force to do crime in every world to make that one person wanted and hunted down until he is dead and then destroy all worlds
Unknown Voice 1: yes
Unknown Voice 2: ok!
Unknown Voice 1: anyways... TIME TO FUSE THE WORLDS FOR THE FOUR-
Unknown Voice 5: oh wait I just remembered... they actually fused 4 times... its just the 4 is very forgetable...
Unknown Voice 5: oh and counting that one discord RP that happens that takes place in the future...
and thus the worlds fused
Unknown Voice 2: Yeah! This is gonna be so much fun! Right sis!
Unknown Voice 3: Yeah... say leader... what about... him...
Unknown Voice 1: oh... him... simple... that little jirachi he has back in his normal world is making him wanted their... so lets make him wanted... EVERYWHERE!
Unknown Voice 4: So is that the epic noise that means I should turn on the epic swag world fusing thing
Unknown Voice 5: Can we kick the dumb idiot off our team
Unknown Voice 1: no... he is useful as something else... (probably bait...) now! ITS TIME TO FUSE THE WORLDS! FOR THE FIRST TI-
Unknown Voice 5: actually its happened 3 times already
Unknown Voice 1: WHAT! HOW?
Unknown Voice 5: don't question it... I mean whenever it happens most of the time they just end randomly without warning... Like they could be in a warzone one minute and then the worlds just unfuse...
Unknown Voice 1: *sigh* anyways... you guys got those minion things to help us out?
Unknown Voice 2: what the shadowlings? those small cute shadow people we are gonna force to do crime in every world to make that one person wanted and hunted down until he is dead and then destroy all worlds
Unknown Voice 1: yes
Unknown Voice 2: ok!
Unknown Voice 1: anyways... TIME TO FUSE THE WORLDS FOR THE FOUR-
Unknown Voice 5: oh wait I just remembered... they actually fused 4 times... its just the 4 is very forgetable...
Unknown Voice 5: oh and counting that one discord RP that happens that takes place in the future...
and thus the worlds fused
Don't Forget You Can Add More To The Sign-Up Thing If You Want To Add More Detail To Your Sign-Up!
Origin World:
Origin World:
My Characters:

Name: Tyler
Age: 15
Appearance: A brown haired, brown eyed boy with a blue and black scarf
Gender: Male
Ability's: Sword
Origin World: Pokémon
Notes: Is Falsely Wanted In Every World... For Many Things... Has A Massive Bounty On His Head... Like a lot of money... (example of the crimes he "committed", Robbing a lot of banks, hitting a bunny, saying pineapple is good on pizza (I mean... I find pineapple on pizza is alright...) having an opinion on the internet, killing many people, AND MANY MANY OTHER CRIMES IN MANY WORLD)
Name: Neo
Age: 15
Appearance: A Black Haired Kid With Blue Eyes
Gender: Male
Ability's: Sword
Origin World: Spiria
Name: Emera
Age: 9 (or 1009 depends on if you count how long she was asleep for... but she is realistically 9 since she didn't age during her sleep... LOOK I DONT UNDERSTAND EITHER...)
Appearance: A normal Jirachi
Gender: Female
Ability's: None... She is useless... she can't fight... and is very very weak...
Origin World: Pokémon
Note: Normally is hidden in Tyler's bag, is the reason Tyler is being hunted by those people...
Name: Ella
Age: 14
Appearance: A pink eyed, blonde haired girl
Gender: Female
Ability's: Cosplay I guess? (though is cosplay even a ability?)
Origin World: Pokémon
Note: is a cosplayer!
Name: Makoto
Age: 15
Appearance: A Black Haired, Red Eyed Kid with a mysterious mark on his Right Hand
Gender: Male
Ability's: Has a special mark on his hand, if he touches someone who isn't a human, (example a cat) he will gain the ability to shapeshift into the creature (once he has shapeshifed into something once he gains the ability to change into it whenever he wants)
Origin World: ???
Notes: is Right Handed
Age: 15
Appearance: A brown haired, brown eyed boy with a blue and black scarf
Gender: Male
Ability's: Sword
Origin World: Pokémon
Notes: Is Falsely Wanted In Every World... For Many Things... Has A Massive Bounty On His Head... Like a lot of money... (example of the crimes he "committed", Robbing a lot of banks, hitting a bunny, saying pineapple is good on pizza (I mean... I find pineapple on pizza is alright...) having an opinion on the internet, killing many people, AND MANY MANY OTHER CRIMES IN MANY WORLD)
Name: Neo
Age: 15
Appearance: A Black Haired Kid With Blue Eyes
Gender: Male
Ability's: Sword
Origin World: Spiria
Name: Emera
Age: 9 (or 1009 depends on if you count how long she was asleep for... but she is realistically 9 since she didn't age during her sleep... LOOK I DONT UNDERSTAND EITHER...)
Appearance: A normal Jirachi
Gender: Female
Ability's: None... She is useless... she can't fight... and is very very weak...
Origin World: Pokémon
Note: Normally is hidden in Tyler's bag, is the reason Tyler is being hunted by those people...
Name: Ella
Age: 14
Appearance: A pink eyed, blonde haired girl
Gender: Female
Ability's: Cosplay I guess? (though is cosplay even a ability?)
Origin World: Pokémon
Note: is a cosplayer!
Name: Makoto
Age: 15
Appearance: A Black Haired, Red Eyed Kid with a mysterious mark on his Right Hand
Gender: Male
Ability's: Has a special mark on his hand, if he touches someone who isn't a human, (example a cat) he will gain the ability to shapeshift into the creature (once he has shapeshifed into something once he gains the ability to change into it whenever he wants)
Origin World: ???
Notes: is Right Handed
Name: Yung
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Ability's: He has the ability to create barriers and bubbles with his aura. He knows some light magic as well as wind magic spells, and has started to learn water spells too.
Knows the moves: Aura Sphere, Psychic, Calm Mind, Water Pulse
Origin World: Fire Emblem Three Houses/Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Name: Emerald
Age: Unknown, but he’s kind of like a teenager
Gender: Male
Ability's: Has similar abilities to his father. However, his doesn’t have as much magical abilities. Mainly wind magic
Knows the moves: Force Palm, Swift, Ice Punch, Calm Mind
Origin World: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Age: 27 (Doesn't act that age)
Appearance: Tall man with brown hair and green eyes. His right eye is covered by an eyepatch due to a serious burn that made him blind in that one eye. Has a floofy fox tail and fox ears that are tipped brown/orange.
Image: boop
Gender: male
Ability's: doesn't have much, but can wield a gun. Always carries a glock, knife and grenade. Loves grenades despite being injured by them one too many times.
Origin World: a spirit world called Etherealia. Its a spirit dimension kept on one of the many different Earths.
Notes: loves sweets/chocolate. Will do anything to eat them. Has been on sugar rushes before, but tends to avoid them. His friends normally wonder why he is skinny despite all the sweets he eats. He's also basically a spirit due to his past life as living as a part of someone else's mind. Same with Lloyd
Name: Lloyd
Age: Doesn't care about his age anymore. He just says that he is the same age as Erin and it sort of works.
Appearance: sort of tall man with black hair and blue eyes. Has scars across his face. He has a dragon tail that is dark green.
Gender: male
Ability's: knows how to wield guns, but doesn't like touching the stuff. He likes knives and prefers using them instead.
Origin World: Etherealia.
Notes: has changed his life to be more peaceful. Now runs a coffee shop in Etherealia, so he knows how to make his coffee good. Overprotective, but doesn't show it as he prefers to not ruin relationships. Thinks of Erin as a little brother.
Age: 14
Appearance: Silvery-blue hair and eyes.
Ability's:Wing, dove wings.
Origin World: Maximum ride.
Age: N/A
Appearance: A porygon-z
Ability's: Signal beam, discharge, tri attack, and magnet rise.
Origin World: Mystery dungeon.
Appearance:Pale skin, slightly dirty, brown curly hair and brown eyes. She often just wears whatever she grabs from her closet first, which is some non-color coordinated outfit.
Gender: female
Ability's:is decent at seeing in the dark and can hold her breath for a long time.
How she involuntarily got wound up in the adventure: she grew up in Oreburgh, playing in the caves. One day, all of the sudden, a something she couldn’t recognize chased her out. She’s gonna get her playhouse back, one way or the other.
Party: Grotle, Graveler, excadrill, crobat, quagsire
Origin World: Pokémon
Name: Gadian
Age: must be about 8000ish now
Appearance: dis guy, you know him, I know him :)
Gender: Male
Ability's: Create vines from the ground, natural strength and wielding a very heavy axe. If others touch the axe, thorns will emerge from the axe and poison the holder. They will certainly die if this happens.
Origin World: I haven’t got a name, but it’s a world of a buncha animals who are always at war. Just call it Gadian’s world for now lol

Age: 21
Appearance: 6'10, human, sports black hair and a ponytail, alongside an (unnecessary) bolt-shaped hair clip, wears a lab coat and jeans mostly, sports a bracelet with six vials attached
Gender: female
Ability: above-human endurance and speed, but nothing major.
Her main perk is her Gene Incorporator. Due to her genetics being flawed and mixed with an Eevee, she can implement any DNA that she comes into contact with into her human self, creating a hybrid between human and the target. This includes abilities of said target or genetic diseases/benefits. She does not gain immediate knowledge about said ability though. (It has drawbacks too but I'd put them in the RP, if I happen to be accepted.)
Origin World: Pokémon