Forum Thread
Strange New Game RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Strange New Game RPA few minutes later, the boats bumped against the side of the island. The boy who had been conversing with Angie put a finger over his lips to signify silence and pulled out a large axe from his bag. He threw it up in the air a little, caught it again, and made a motion to the others to begin boarding the island.

The center head was smashed in, and the other's eyes began to flicker like faulty lightbulbs. The tail fell to the ground, smoke hissing from the crumpled metal and electricity sparking from the exposed wires. Still, the other two heads both struck from either side. Creaking noises could be heard as their jaws unhinged to reveal sharp metal fangs.

At the edge of the hilltop, the boy motioned for everyone to get down. They crouched and watched as the large salamanders made their way up the hill. They were shaped like regular salamanders, but large with purple and blue coloring. They sniffed the air with suspicion as their large feet made loud splashing sounds in the water.
The two snakes continued their ascent but stopped abruptly when Goliath's head crashed through the metal, leaving a huge dent bordering on a hole. Their eyes flickered angrily, and as they went in for another attack, Juanita shouted, "Didn't you learn anything from watching Regina? Go for the eyes and you shut them off!"

Megan smirked. "Young lady, I have a feeling you're not telling the truth. We haven't been recording any normal animals, and it is most likely that they are all extinct. Why do you really want to go?"