Forum Thread
Event Breeding Shop (OPEN)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Event Breeding Shop (OPEN)Welcome to my Breeding Shop
I am always interested in buying Perfect Event Breeding pairs, please PM me if you want to sell any.

#52 Female Mewton M. Meowth
#114 Male Impasta
#122 Female Mr. Moody OR #439 Female Jolly Jr.
#222 Male Shaysola
#225 Male Santa Bird
#234 Female Rudolph
#241 Dirndletank
#255 Female Torcharch
#299 Male Nosepharos
#320 Male Wailmer (Babylonian)
#327 Female Space Spinda
#370 Male Chocoluv
#438 Female Blossomly
#556 Female Scaractus
#557 Female Sandwebble
#586 Female Snowbuck
#586 Male Sawsbuck Easter
#612 Female Sir Haxelot
#662 Female Messenger Fletchinder
#670 Male Floette (Eternal Flower)
If you want me to breed a pokemon for you please copy & paste and fill in the form
Event pokemon cost 10,000pd

OR you can offer me another event that I don't have
Normal pokemon cost 2,000pd

Gender Requests
I accept gender requests
Event pokemon gender requests will cost an extra 5,000

You will have to pay the breeding price in

Normal pokemon gender requests cost 500

I can try to breed you an event pokemon that I don't have a perfect breeding pair for, but due to the increased difficulty it will cost double.
If you want see the unmatched Event pokemon I have please check the list at the top of this post
Once I have hatched your Event I will PM you and put it in the GTS as a private trade, if you do not respond to the PM or accept the trade within 7 days I will assume you've cancelled and sell it to someone else.
I will only take payment after your pokemon has hatched
any payments not attached to the GTS trade will be considered donations

#12 Buttercream
#35 Clawfairy
#37 Witch Vulpix
#52 Lepreowth
#65 Autumn Alakazam
#77 Dark Ponyta
#80 Yorebro
#87 Ikkakugong
#103 Disguised Exeggutor
#104 Cubone (Hylian)
#179 Summer Mareep
#181 Autumn Ampharos
#194 Woopice
#203 Jesterig
#323 Winter Camerupt
#334 Candaria
#354 Banettenstein
#427 Easter Buneary
#448 Lucario Sensei
#450 Hippowtain
#456 Gloweon
#457 Cosmoneon
#517 Nightmare Munna
#619 Mikofoo
#635 Teslagon
#673 Gingergoat
#678 Maneki Meowstic Male & Female Variant
#702 Tendenne Female & Male variant
#707 Wreafki
Perfect Pokemon Breeding pairs I have
Spare Event pokemon I am selling
#12 Female Buttercream
#64 Autumn Kadabra - holding everstone, please tell me if you want me to remove the stone so it evolves when I trade it to you
#79 Male Slowyore - Can be evolved by feeding honey
#179 Female Summer Mareep
#181 Male Summer Ampharos
#213 Male & Female Pumple
#673 Female Gingergoat

I would like to purchase your spare female Nightmare Munna for 10k pd please!

Credit goes to Grossdrop for these lovely sprites ^^ Thank you very much!
The total cost for a female Charizard would be 4500pd and you have to pay it all in one go, if I hatch one from the Lab I'll let you know and you can pay 500pd for it, otherwise I'll have to breed one for you and you'll have to pay 4500pd.
Pokemon:steamo (im not sure if you do this)
How many:1
Payment(pd or event trade):10k
Pokemon: Summer mareep evo line
How many: 3 pokemons in total
Payment(pd or event trade): 30k
i have another perfect pair but that one has my over lvl 200 luxray so im not very easy to donate that perfect pair