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Worlds Unite; a SVtFoE RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Worlds Unite; a SVtFoE RP
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 02/05/2020 03:50 (4 Years ago)
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The general map will be included at a later time, but for now..

All locations that were once called Mewni do exist in this world, such as Butterfly Castle, the Deadly forest, Castle Avarius (and Castle Avarius Ruins), the Monster Sanctuary, the Cloud Castle of the Ponyheads, etc. though they are now further apart and mixed with elements of what was Echo Creek, expanding the land there and making for a unique and large world that everyone involved is growing used to.

Main points of interest are Butterfly Castle is a few miles right of the Echo Creek Suburbs where the Diaz household is, the Monster Sanctuary has placed itself upon the hill in the park, the school and general city of Echo creek has fused and expanded with the general city of Mewni and the forests of Mewni have grown and merged with the outlying forest of Echo Creek, creating a large, imposing border around the city and kingdom. And the Underworld is now accessible via tunnels and stairways scattered through the area, though only those that can withstand the heat, by natural ability, magical residue, technological prowess or sheer willpower will be able to actively explore the areas below.

Ponyhead castle, interestingly enough, moves with the wind and is not tethered to any one place on the map.

The sun rose high in the multicolored sky of Echo Mewni, as the denizens have started calling the new place they called home, overlooking what seemed to be another new "normal" day. Princess Star "Shazi" Butterfly and her squire Marco Diaz were within Butterfly Castle as some of the denizen demanded to see them about the sudden fall in the corn crop among other things that they liked to complain about like the quality of Brita's Taco's not being like the Goblin Dogs, or how this monster accidentally destroyed that villager's home and so on. It wasn't easy for everyone to get used to the new life they had, but it was what they had to live by now.

Deep in the newly named "Foreboding Woods," what was once the many forests of Mewni and Echo Creek's own forest, a few of the deniens decided to stay, mostly monsters who refused to live with Humans and Mewmans and those who felt like they didn't belong or were in hiding for one reason or another.

And elsewhere, somewhere far from the reaches of Echo Mewni a small spark occured, something had happened that no one in the reaches of the town could naturally feel, but, it seems that something, or someone, had managed to create something wild and wonderful, but what it was, only time could tell.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Sat, 02/05/2020 06:40 (4 Years ago)
Within the Foreboding Woods, a loud yell could be heard from within the trees."HE'S TOO SMALL FOR ME, MARIA! HE MUST BE KILLED." King Brudo snarled to her, a knife poised ready to strike in his hand at the young kappa who was crying loudly in his crib. Without a moment's hesitation, a very thin and tall Kappa woman lunged infront of King Brudo and the child, screeching loudly as instead of her child taking the hits, it was her. She could feel the knife edge in and out of her back, causing multiple wounds. With more feral words exchanged, the female Kappa gently grabbed her child and slid past the king, quickly grabbing her hooded cloak before she turned to look at him one final time before making her way into the darkness of the woods. Minutes passed as she found herself pretty deep into the woods, wincing loudly as she felt her back start to be soaked with her blood. But she shook it off and gently glanced down to her child with her eye, seeing him still crying. She frowned gently and lightly started to shush him, lightly running her fingers through what little hair he had. She took a seat on one of the small stumps that was nearby, gently rocking him back and forth as she started to sing him a small tune.

She had hoped that he would calm after that, which thankfully he did. He was scared, but he was calm now, his pale lemon eyes looking up to his mom, his savior, he gave her a smile and playful laugh, this caused her to smile her motherly smile towards him, baring the pain she felt.

"You see, Ludo...Everything will be okay, sweetheart." She told him quietly, gently pressing her face against his, chuckling as she felt his little hand rest on her beak. "It'll just be you and me now..." She then went back to rocking him back and forth, her eye lightly glancing around every now and then to make sure that no one would try to approach them in her vulnerable state.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 03/05/2020 03:17 (4 Years ago)
Princess Shazi with her squire Marco looked down to the people that were complaining, demanding them with a small stomp of her foot and raise of her wand to be quiet. "HEY!" Shazi growled, "One at a time PLEASE!!" Shazi looked towards Marco and rubbed her temples. "Marco please I need your help! What are we gonna do? Your the smart one here! I need help!"
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 17:22 (4 Years ago)
Marco takes another bite of his taco and shrugs. "This is your problem princess. I'm just a squire eating tacos and doing squire'y things." He takes another bite, some juice dripping down his chin. "You can't expect me to do everything for you, you know." He goes to reach for another taco.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 21:36 (4 Years ago)
Within the Foreboding woods the sounds of light steps could be barely heard as someone made her way through the dense trees and brush. Hekapoo looked around, she had heard crying of a child and was homing in on the sound. It was unusual to her, and seemed to stir something within her that she never knew about. The crying sounded louder than earlier, was she close? as soon as she pondered this the crying hushed, a small tune could be heard in it's place along with a child's laughter. This confused her greatly so she approached with more caution, barely peeking through the bushes around her to see before her was a She-kappa, her back soaked red, holding onto a tiny bundle.

"wha...? A.. She-kappa..? She looks hurt..." hekapoo muttered to herself, wondering if she should dare approach the injured kappa and her curiously giggling bundle. In the back of her mind she remembered a small cabin not too far from where they were, it was along a small deer trail of sorts that went right towards the town of Echo Mewni, but far enough away to be generally unnoticed. Perhaps, if she took the she-kappa there, she could tend to the woman and gather supplies and intel from the town. In her thoughts, she accidentally took a mis-step, snapping a small twig nearby.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 21:40 (4 Years ago)
Tamashi walks through the forest, searching for the source of the mysterious cry slash giggle he heard from the goblin dog truck. After searching a bit, he sees a faint glow in the shape of a person. Heckapoo, he thinks to himself. He walks up to the magic council member and notices the Kappa on the ground. "What happened here?" he asks, surveying the damage.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 22:00 (4 Years ago)
Maria continued to play with Ludo, ignoring her now blood soaked back, that i'm sure could be smelt from miles away, attracting whatever monster would try to come after her in her weakened state, but she wasn't afraid, she was a mother, and mother's don't know fear. That's what she liked to think anyway, all that mattered to her was that she had Ludo in her arms, safe and sound. She continued to hum and rock him back and forth upon the tree stump she sat on, chuckling to his giggles before she perked up upon hearing the twig snap. Without a moment's hesitation she used her free hand to reach into her wing, pulling out numerous feather daggers, hurdling them towards where she heard the sound.

Upon taking a small breath, she flinched a little and clutched Ludo close as she turned her head to see a strange Septarian like creature, but he wasn't full Septarian, from what she could see, he looked more Mewman than anything, but she digressed with a small frown.

"Hello." she replied rather sharply before looking around back to where she heard the twig snap. "I mean no harm...I am merely looking to rest after my break out at Avarias Castle.." She then looked back down to Ludo. "We just..need somewhere to stay..if only for a moment so I can take care and feed my baby. Do...Do you know of a place I could stay the night?" She asked rather desperately, something an Avarius is never known to do, they were strong and feared nothing Kappa folk, but she was a mother as well, so she had hoped her plea wouldn't fall on deaf ears.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 22:09 (4 Years ago)
"I can help. I have plenty of room and supplies at my place if you need to stay longer." He helps the woman up off the ground and offers her some water.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 00:07 (4 Years ago)
Tazuli uses her dimensional scissors to go to a dimension called “earth”,they arrive in at a mountain overviewing a city “despite coming here a few times,it still feels like a completely new dimension we never visited”Amane said

“Yeah,they’re technology is much more advance then the ones back at Mewni,let’s go explore that...I think they called a ‘city’ for awhile”Tazuli said back to Amane

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 17:27 (4 Years ago)
Shazi looked back to Marco with widened blue eyes, blinking as to what Marco just said to her. "W-What do you mean? Marco! Yeah! Your my squire! I need your help!" Shazi sighed deeply before running her hand through her rainbow hair, seems Marco was useless as her squire now, she should think about getting a new one, or not have one.

"Fine, Marco." Shazi sighed deeply, "If you're not gonna help then you can leave! I'll figure this out on my own...somehow." A frustrated sigh escaped her as she continued to look down from her stand. The worlds emerging seemed to change everyone, Shazi just wasn't sure it was for the better.

"...I....I can't do this alone." she whispered quietly to herself.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 18:29 (4 Years ago)
"Woah Sta-- I mean... Shazi, I was just kidding." He hands her a taco. "I got this." Marco walks down from the throne and goes to the first person in line. "And what seems to be the problem sir and or mam and or monster?"
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Wed, 06/05/2020 03:59 (4 Years ago)
Hekapoo managed to dodge the feather arrows that were thrown at her with a small startled sound before she stood up from the bushes, finally revealing herself to the Kappa woman and the half-Septarian boy. "Woah! H-hey!" she held her hands up defensively to show she was currently unarmed, her small hands open to show she didn't even have claws.

"Listen, I just heard.. a child crying and came to make sure things were... okay." she slowed her talking, she had no idea who either of these beings were, but one of them looked like they knew who she was somehow. "If..." she cut herself short, she did just hear the septarian boy offer her a place, but she didn't know if she could just trust this unknown-to-her boy and shook her head. "If you'd like, there's a cabin near here. It's abandoned." She eyed the two, one a bleeding mother, the other, a Septarian boy who seemed to want to help, but, she didn't know if she could trust either of them, but she did know that the child needed somewhere safe and soon, at least, before the Mewmans or Humans would start searching the woods again, but she kept a small distance from both of them regardless, staying behind the bushes.

"It's uh... your choice, miss Kappa, where you decide to go though.. but... that baby need somewhere warm... and soon. I don't think you'd be able to fully offer that to him right now, could you miss..?"

Back at the castle a female monster looked towards Marco with repulsion. "Excuse me?!" She gawked, her horns gave a small glint as her anger started to build. "Do you really think I'll just let myself be treated this way?! First the crops are vanishing from the monster fields, and now the royal squire can't even tell a woman from a man?" Her anger seemed to be misguided, but her voice was definately hearable through the main floor of Castle Butterfly.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Wed, 06/05/2020 04:19 (4 Years ago)
*Choco paced through the dark forest, she had been here many times before and wasn't afraid, she was dragging her sword behind her, making a small cut in the soil wherever she walked*
*She hears the sound of faint chatter and talking* "What are people doing out here?" she tought *she changes direction, towards the sound and eventually comes upon the group, discussing a place to stay. She watches the interaction from afar behind a tree, curious, but not enough to get close*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 06/05/2020 05:39 (4 Years ago)
Maria paused a moment upon hearing and watching as Hekapoo appeared from the bushes, her tail lightly frilled a little before calming as her eye scanned Hekapoo, noticing the lack of weapons made her more slightly at ease, but still ever alert to the two she was now speaking with. Holding Ludo close to her, she gently sat herself back down again, wincing silently before she nuzzled into her baby's chest. "Well...You aren't wrong.." Maria spoke softly, seeing how Ludo wanted to sleep, "We just escaped from an abusive man..." She gently looked up towards Tamashi with a hesitation, she's never been acquainted with a Septarian before, but knew they were brutes, for the most part anyway, the ones she's seen at least.

"...I'm....I'm not sure.." she replied a little hesitant, still holding Ludo close, "I'm sure you have a very nice place...But I....I hate saying this but..I am rather desperate for a place that's near here if there is any. My baby he...He needs someplace warm and comforting to sleep...I know that the swamp isn't exactly that..is it now..?" She gently sighed, appreciative that this complete stranger would offer her a place. She then turned her attention back towards Hekapoo, lightly smiling lowly. "You said it's....near here? Please...take me there, would you..?" She reached a free quivering hand towards Hekapoo, retracting it back quickly. "I'm...I'm really sorry but I am rather desperate...It's....It's getting rather hard to maintain keeping awake." She then looked back towards Tamashi. "If you'd like..you could escort us..? You seem very strong." Maria paused slightly, her feathers once again stiffened a little as she glanced around. "I have a feeling we're being spied on...I'm...not sure though...But I feel another presence..somewhere. Please...let's not waste any more time.." She gently rested her hand on her head, "I'm feeling woozy..."
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Wed, 06/05/2020 06:51 (4 Years ago)
Tazuli and Amane was wandering around the forest,they forgot where the path to the city was “Tazuli did you get us lost for the millionth time?”Amane said in a sarcastic tone

“SHUT UP,NOT LIKE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW WHERE TO GO!”Tazuli yelled before hearing the sound of a sword being drag around the ground and some footsteps “hey,do you hear that?”

(*cough cough* sibling fights)

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Wed, 06/05/2020 06:55 (4 Years ago)
*Choco resumes walking, dragging her sword, pondering over the scene she just witnessed. She heard the yelling and quickly scaled a tree to the lowest branch*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 07:34 (4 Years ago)
Marco backs up defensively. "Woah there mam," he says, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "I was just being polite. You never know these days and i didn't want to assume anything. And about the crops, we can upgrade the defenses right away."

Tamashi, stops and turns away, starting to walk towards his "home." They didn't need him. He was part Septarian for Petes sake! He picks up his dimensional scissors and walks through the portal home.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 07:40 (4 Years ago)
Amane drew his sword and aim it at Choco“who are you and what do you want?”Tazuli said,neither of the actually want to fight but both of them need to be on guard in every dimension they go to,including earth

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 07:45 (4 Years ago)
*she wraps her legs around the branch and hangs upside down from it* whoa, whoa, there hothead, i mean you no harm, unless you mean me harm, *she crosses her arms* and i could ask you the same question.
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 07:48 (4 Years ago)
“Earth is a nice dimension,seriously though why are you here?”Tazuli said,she’s always been good at close range distance combat while Amane is good at long range combat,but even then he could also fight close range combat