Forum Thread
Sylveon Twins Sprite Shop (open)
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Fanmades → Spriting → Sylveon Twins Sprite Shop (open)
Aisaka OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 73
Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2020 19:28 (4 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 539
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2020 19:36 (4 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2020 19:52 (4 Years ago)
Oh God they are absolutely fantastic! Thank you!
Forum Posts: 716
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2020 21:21 (4 Years ago)
Blair my Pokémon looks like Cosmog!
Misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a banner!
Items/Pokémon:Could you make a star piece on either end and put a
shiny minior in the middle?
Misc:bidoof is on fire
Credit goes to Grossdrop for these lovely
sprites ^^ Thank you very much!
Forum Posts: 117
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 01:06 (4 Years ago)
Can you please send me the link for my sprite. Thanks!
Name: Zekrom
Adopt one yourself! @
Pokémon Orphanage [/align]
Quote from author
unknown Two man looked through prison bars.
One saw mud. The other, stars
Quote from
Juiceton Failing is the mother of
Aisaka OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 73
Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 01:13 (4 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 512
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 04:53 (4 Years ago)
Seb Tron my 'mon!
Pokemon: mega gengar
Theme/Color(s): vaporwave
Misc :bidoof is on fire!
Forum Posts: 512
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 07:13 (4 Years ago)
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: eevee
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: vaporeon
misc: bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: jolteon
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: flareon
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: espeon
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: umbreon
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: leafeon
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: glaceon
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: sylveon
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
misc:bidoof is on fire
Seb make me a doll!
misc:bidoof is on fire
Aisaka OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 73
Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 21:12 (4 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 21:13 (4 Years ago)
@Godfaking/Grossdrop, I sent you 10k PD, and yet I’m not on the
tips list?
Aisaka OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 73
Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 21:27 (4 Years ago)
we havnt edited it in a few days, were going to add u when blair
wakes up
Forum Posts: 716
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 21:56 (4 Years ago)
Oh wow! I love it so so much! Thank you once again for an amazing
sprite (:
Credit goes to Grossdrop for these lovely
sprites ^^ Thank you very much!
Forum Posts: 512
Posted: Fri, 24/04/2020 12:10 (4 Years ago)
Blair animate my pokemon!
Pokemon(s): komala pastel (shiny)
theme: hearts and pink pastel rare candies
misc: bidoof is on fire
Forum Posts: 611
Posted: Fri, 24/04/2020 12:29 (4 Years ago)
Seb, my pokemons a pop-up!
pokemon: Shiny Wimpod
border color:Periwinkle
background color: Pale Blue
misc:bidoof is on fire
Your sprites are so cute!
Credit to the anime Girl and
Avatar made by Me
Made by Shalmons (TH)
Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sun, 26/04/2020 18:37 (4 Years ago)
Blair my pokemon looks like cosmog!
pokemon: Rayquaza
misc : Bidoof is on Fire
(I'm also giving you a 1000 Pd tip :) )
Posted: Sat, 02/05/2020 12:25 (4 Years ago)
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: Treecko
misc: bidoof is on fire
Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 17:12 (4 Years ago)
Blair my pokemon fused!
pokemon 1: Mega-Absol
pokemon 2: Luxray
misc: Bidoof is on FIRE!
Can it have mega Absols body and horns and wings, with luxrays tail
and mane
Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 17:21 (4 Years ago)
Title: how much do i pay?
Blair recolor my pokemon!
Pokemon:Shellos (west)
Misc: Thank u:D
Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Wed, 06/05/2020 22:51 (4 Years ago)
Blair recolor my pokemon!
Pokemon: Yveltal
Color(s)/Theme: Bright and/or pastel
Misc : bidoof is on fire!
Blair my pokemon was replaced by Mimikyu!
Pokemon: Wooloo
Misc : bidoof is on fire!
Seb my pokemon are in love!
pokemon 1: Yamper
pokemon 2: Indeedee
misc : bidoof is on fire!
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider
in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by
This isn't edited very often-
Forum Posts: 325
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2020 00:32 (4 Years ago)
Blair take my pokemons photo!
pokemon: Incineroar201
color(s): Oh, a normal Incineroar, but for the card, I want black
on the top and red on the bottom.
name: 201
day / month: 12 / 14 (my b-day)
misc: nothing else thx