Forum Thread
Hidden High School (A Pokemon Roleplay)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Hidden High School (A Pokemon Roleplay)The doors are open!" They whisper into your ear. "You are free at last! Follow us, children, we have a place to stay." It's the dead of night, crickets sing their song around you as the secure doors of the testing facility slide open. Waiting on the other side of the clearing is a long line of buses, ready to take you away. The strangers open up the buses, and you walk into the nearest one with shaky limbs. Freedom! Finally, after (at least) 15 years in that horrid place, your dark life seems to be changing a bit...or at least you hope.
Years ago, infants from families
across the regions were demanded by a mysterious government for
horrible gene splicing and genetic testing. Some were handed over
meekly, some required a fight from OPT parents, but they were all
taken in the end. The testing was with genes from very powerful
pokemon, Legendary pokemon. Not long after the children were taken,
they were put into test tubes and fused with the DNA of one of
these pokemon, granting the subject the ability to shapeshift into
the Legendary chosen for them. They could either half-shift, into a
human-pokemon hybrid, or full-shift, into the Legendary, as well as
assume full human form. You, unfortunately, were one of the infants
taken. You don't even know who your parents are or were, you can
only hope you weren't one that was handed over willingly. You grew
up in 'The Facility' as you and your fellow test subjects called
it. The only good thing about your life were the other subjects,
like family to you. They help you get through the torture and
testing and the screams at night while smiling at least a few
times. You receive a strange message one day, a paper obviously
slipped in undetected. After you and the others read it, you
discover you are now in communication with someone who actually
seems to be trying to help you! It's an owner of a privately owned
high school that has known about your program for years, and is
offering you shelter and an education to boot! Hooray! They
offer you a pokemon and some other classes and promise to hide you.
What could go wrong?
The school is a normal school, for
the most part. Normal classes. The School is called The Kanto
Arcanines High School. You pick your electives and everything, as
well as your pokemon. The thing that sets it apart from the others
is the Shelter Program, hidden from the other students. Your
program. There are places to eat, sleep, and even play board games
on weekends! This is your new home, after all. You pick your
classes and pokemon and are ready to live a free life! They also
offer you a chance to train and use your new powers, without the
torture and the screams. Your old life seems to be over as, at
last, you've found a safe place. With possible new
You and your fellow subjects live
your life in the new school, the first few months seem to be fine,
no problems! You're safe and hidden! What neither you, nor the High
School knows, however, is that the government wants their treasures
back. They've found your hiding place, and have sent highly trained
High School aged agents to infiltrate the school. They are sent to
blend in, make friends and everything, and of course, find the
escaped subjects...can you or the other subjects spot these spies
before it's too late?
1: No Powerplaying/bunnying ect.
2: Shouldn't have to say this, but PH rules apply of course
3: Not semi lit, but do try not to go crazy with one liners
4: Cursing (Minor) is allowed. But don't go crazy and be sure to bleep it out.
2: Shouldn't have to say this, but PH rules apply of course
3: Not semi lit, but do try not to go crazy with one liners
4: Cursing (Minor) is allowed. But don't go crazy and be sure to bleep it out.
My forms
Username: FurryStar
Character's Name: Zeta
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Legendary: Zeraora
Moveset: Plasma fists | Close Combat | Discharge | Fury Swipes
Partner Pokemon: Meowstic (Female)
Username: FurryStar
Character's Name: Sheira
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Norm Student or Agent?: Agent
Partner Pokemon: Liepard
Username: FurryStar
Character's Name: Lisa
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Norm Student or Agent?: Student
Partner Pokemon: Leafeon
Character's Name: Zeta
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Legendary: Zeraora
Moveset: Plasma fists | Close Combat | Discharge | Fury Swipes
Partner Pokemon: Meowstic (Female)
Username: FurryStar
Character's Name: Sheira
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Norm Student or Agent?: Agent
Partner Pokemon: Liepard
Username: FurryStar
Character's Name: Lisa
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Norm Student or Agent?: Student
Partner Pokemon: Leafeon
She shook her head a little, dismissing the ruminating thoughts. She would not fall prey to her memories. Clean slate. This was her new life. She could reinvent herself. a fully new person. She barely remembered anything about herself from Back Then anyways, so it was pointless to even think about it. And at that place? No, those thoughts were better left in the dark and dusty recesses of her mind.
Tine sighed quietly and curled up tighter, pressing herself more firmly into the corner, dodging the streak of pale moonlight filtering in through her window, splashing against her short red hair. *'These window coverings are...insufficient...'* she thought to herself as her orange eyes flitted across the room - again - surveying everything in it. It was a boring room, but it was more than she had had in...years.
Maybe this place She dozed off - for the moment at least.
Tayla tucked her black, with a soft purple sheen, hair behind her ears and surveyed her room, heterochromatic eyes taking in everything. Her right eye dark purple, the left dark blue. She had set things up exactly how she wanted it. Books here, pillows there, bag over there, all according to the grand scheme of things. Even down to the blankets neatly settled on the bed, the clothes hung tidily in the closet.
With her hands on her hips, her bottom lip bitten firmly, but not too hard, between her teeth - a bad habit she's had since she was little - and a frown creasing her brow, she went through the mental checklist of things...again. For the twentieth or so time. This had to be perfect! She had to prove she was capable of doing this. She was an adult for goodness sake! Ok, almost an adult anyways - but close enough! She finally finished the checklist and nodded. "Alright. Good. Done. It's good. Now, I can go to sleep. Finally! What a day it's been. Jeeze! I'm exhausted." She said with a sigh.
She had already changed into her pajamas, so she turned off the light, made sure the door was closed properly, and then went and climbed into bed, curling up and snuggling down under her blankets. She smiled to herself. This was going to be awesome!
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Lisa yelled a command at Cocoa to use leaf blade. She was locked in a pre-school training session. Her opponent was a gengar, attempting to counter with shadow ball, but Lisa's leafeon dodged and used the attack, hitting the ghost type on the side. "Good job, Cocoa!" Lisa cheered her partner on.
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
The Liepard fell asleep on Sheira's bed. She went to sleep beside the pokemon, and made sure everything was sorted before bed. She couldn't afford to mess this up. She was appointed commander of the agents and had to set an example. She hoped they had prepared as well as Sheira had, otherwise ol' Miko had some punishing to do.
Cocoa ended up winning. The sleek and graceful pokemon had used its flexibility to win once again. Lisa had prepared this year, not planning to let her partner lose a single battle. She walked down the side walk to reach her neighborhood and house, and took the time to wonder what school had in store for her this year.
Emily was still up, sitting on a large rock near her house. Pheromosa was standing behind her, a bit worried. "I'm fine," she told the Ultra Beast, "I just need to think about the school and the stupid plan the other agents are doing..."
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Emily woke up and got ready. She ate a small breakfast and walked over to the same rock she was at last night, holding onto Pheromosa's Luxury Ball. "Today's the day, huh..." she muttered, glancing at the sky.
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
(Also soclipede school hasn’t started yet)