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Renegade- RP Signup

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Renegade- RP Signup
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Tue, 19/11/2019 12:58 (5 Years ago)

For 10 years, a person who goes by the name of “The Renegade” has been building up a force to overtake the government. They won, and this resulted in them ruling the nation, soon spreading to the rest of the world. 15 years ago, this “crisis” happened. They have deemed the survivors “Defenseless” and try’s to get rid of all that won’t join. Some of you are some of the only survivors, while some of you are following “The Renegade”.


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1. Pokeheroes Rules Apply
2. No Powerplaying
3. Be Fair To Other RPers
4. Don’t Escalate The Plot Unless I Say You Can
5. 4 Characters MAX
6. Password Is Your Favorite Animal, Put In “Other”


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RP Name:
Renegades or Defenseless:
Crush/Loved One (Optional):
Backstory (Optional):

My Form(s)

Username: Cosmixx
RP Name: Mandalyn Mariashaka
Nickname: Mandy
Renegades or Defenseless: Defenseless
Ability: Healing
Age: 17
Personality: Shy and insecure. She doesn’t like to talk much, but she is the sweetest thing once you know her
Crush/Loved One: Open
Backstory : Her parents were in the middle of the crisis. She was only 2 at the time it happened, but she didn’t forget.

Username: Cosmixx
RP Name: Kamarishi Paliatra
Nickname: Rishu
Renegades or Defenseless: Renegade
Ability: Psychic (Telekinesis, Mind reading, etc) His weakness is that it removes the effects of his medicines that keep him calm. He has a serious mental issue that makes him go crazy and really bad things. So he doesn’t use it too much. The more he uses it in one move, the more the effects wear off
Age: 20
Personality: Short Temper, reckless, and prideful. He protects those he loves with his life
Crush/Loved One (Optional): Mandy
Backstory (Optional): To Be RPd


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Cosmixx-Mandalyn, Mandy|Kamarishi Paliatra, Rishu
koindorii-Dante Rockbell, Danhai, Rocma|Emil Rockbell
~Fahrenheit~-Xela Xokana, Ella
SharkWillBraviary-Isabelle, Sneaker|Vinne, Silo
LightofArcana-Azriel Seuralnum, Az|Arlaekh, Laekh
HowlerMoon-Nova Greenleaf, Nebby
Kayuna-Eclipse Nova, Solar|Apollo Nova, Sol|Dia Nova, Demon
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Tue, 19/11/2019 13:34 (5 Years ago)
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Username: koindorii
RP Name: Dante Rockbell
Nickname: Danhai, Rocma
Renegades or Defenseless: Defenseless
Ability: Foresight
He has the ability to look in the future, so he can predict the future. The drawback is he can only use once every 24 hours.
Appearance: minus the wings
Age: 18
Personality: He tends to put everyone else in his top priority list, as long as they're safe. He will try his best to protect everyone and is wary of his surroundings. He doesn't put his trust one hundred per cent on someone, although he chose to help people.
Crush/Loved One (Optional): open
Backstory (Optional): to be rp'd
Other: axolotl / he's blind

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Username: koindorii
RP Name: Emil Rockbell
Nickname: Emi
Renegades or Defenseless: Renegades
Ability: Invincibility
He can vanish in his will. The drawback is it extremely exhausts him.
Appearance: x
Age: 18
Personality: He's the kind of person who sticks to the "do or die" rule. Hence, what happened with Dante's eyes. He also is the type to look down on people and would not accept failure. Emil also has a very short fuse.
Crush/Loved One (Optional): open
Backstory (Optional): to be rp'd
Other: axolotl / Dante's twin

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Tue, 19/11/2019 20:36 (5 Years ago)
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Username: ~Fahrenheit~

RP Name:
Xela Xokana


Renegades or Defenseless:

Quick Draw: Whilst not very good at hand-to-hand combat, Xela is quickly able to retrieve her throwing knives, accurately aim at her targets, and strike from a fair few meters away.



She may seem like the dumb blonde of the group at first (kind of is). However, Xela enjoys playing innocent, constantly pushing her luck, in order to get what she wants, no matter friend or foe. She's a huge aichmomaniac and is known for stabbing people in the back (quite literally).

Crush/Loved One (Optional):

Backstory (Optional):
Xela was raised single-handedly by her father who was a part of the original forces (I hope that's okay). She has no recollection of any other family members.

Numbats are super cute c':

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Username: ~Farenheit~

RP Name:
Tempest Boreas


Renegades or Defenseless:

Short Circuit:
As well as being able to generate electricity, from playful static shocks to full-on lightning storms, Storm can also cause problems for nearby electronics by just being in their presence. People may notice their devices freeze and suddenly shut down, or may even find that a fuse has blown or a battery has exploded. But just like a generator, producing electricity also produces heat energy, putting Storm at risk of over-heating if she uses her ability too much.

The markings only show when she uses her ability


A boyish teen who would prefer nothing more than to sit down at a computer with nothing but a couple of energy drinks at hand to keep her fueled whilst either gaming or hacking coding for hours on end. Outside of the virtual world - where she rarely likes being - it’s almost like Tempest forgets how to socialise, always on edge whilst trying to keep up a tough persona.

Crush/Loved One (Optional):

Backstory (Optional):
Her computer knowledge was passed down from her grandfather to her father, and then to her. Even with high levels of security, with enough time, Tempest is usually able to get into others' computer systems and steal information with ease.

Quolls are super cute too~
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Tue, 19/11/2019 21:17 (5 Years ago)
Both Accepted! (Yes that’s fine)

Forgot to mention, you can RP as one of the upper classed leaders in the Renegades
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 00:47 (5 Years ago)
This seems interesting
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Username: PhantomX
RP Name: Zane
Renegades or Defenseless: Renegade
Ability: Evasion: He can move quickly and dodge things to. The draw back he ain't the flash if use to much he use it to much he can get tired. If used to much non stop he can faint.
Age: 28
Personality: will Be shown thorough out the rp
Crush/Loved One (Optional): None but optional (just pp me)
Backstory (Optional):
Other: Wolf

Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 223
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 01:02 (5 Years ago)
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RP Name:Isabelle
Renegades or Defenseless:Renegade
Ability:Mind Reading, X-Ray Vision (If used too long will make her temporarily blind), Super Hearing (If used too long will make her ears bleed)
Personality:Reserved, Bold
Crush/Loved One: Vinne
Backstory:Spy for the Defenseless

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RP Name:Vinne
Renegades or Defenseless:Defenseless
Ability:Telekenisis, Creating Energy In Hands (Will implode if not handled carefully )
Personality:Bold, Brave, Outgoing
Crush/Loved One:Isabelle

Until The Sun Rises (RP Sign-Ups)

Please level up my Tobies!

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 01:18 (5 Years ago)
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Username: Immortes

RP Name:
Azriel Seuralnum

Az / Darkened One

Renegades or Defenseless:
Defenseless - rogue

Umbrakinesis + Telepathy
Umbrakinesis can only be done if the light is dim enough
Telepathy gives him painful headaches on occasion



Azriel is a very serious, calculating and some would call ruthless person. He is highly skilled at analyzing a situation before making any decisions, a skill that seems to run dominantly in his bloodline. Nonetheless, Azriel possesses a certain regality, poise, and clarity of thought that could commend respect in anyone. Despite being the youngest of all the defenseless leaders - or at least the ones that are still alive-Azriel has shown herself to be quite capable in making strong and mature decisions, and he doesn’t easily flinch in the face of adversity or darkness, instead meeting it with a steel-hard will. There is no denying that he is very proud, stubborn and even reckless, as he is willing to give his all if those he cares about will make it through. The loss of his siblings has turned what was once a positive view on life into something more icy and honed, even if he puts up a facade of compassion.

Crush/Loved One (Optional):

Backstory (Optional):

Leader of Defenseless People

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Username: Immortes

RP Name:

bloodletter, child-stealer, fire-bringer or Laekh
"one that was behind a scarlet veil"

Renegades or Defenseless:
Renegade (high leader)

Ability: combat enhancement + flight
she can only fly during the daytime


It's nearly impossible to truly know what her agenda or her priorities are, but its important to note how power-hungry, calculating, cold, and utterly brutish Arlaekh behaves. The ginger-haired fae is very observant and quiet, sharpening knives behind her back where no one can see. Don't doubt her loyalty though; Arlaekh is loyal to her deathbed for those she cares about. However, few care to see behind the front of a stone-cold brute. In terms of temperament, Arlaekh isn't quite as hotheaded as one would believe she is. Yes, she is not above certain behaviors that are shunned by society nowadays, but no one has really ever heard her raise her voice above a normal conversational murmur. Her rage is something frozen in an eternal winter, something that cannot be thawed by even the currents of time itself. That's what makes her all the more intimidating. She speaks in a quiet and some would call cold-blooded voice. Few things can rile her and prick her into a rage. It's easy to see that she's been mistreated and exploited in her past, although this mysterious mogul hides it well. That being said, don't ever think that this ginger-haired brute is a beautiful flower who simply grew up in the wrong field. She may smile to your face, but if she feels like you are no use to her, she will show her aggressive side to a full extent. Compassion, forgiveness, and patience are not her strong suites and this is something you do come to realize pretty darn fast. She views it as a weakness. Despite her quiet voice, Arlaekh is very bold and fiercely stubborn in her opinions, and oftentimes this is what causes other people to get into a fight with her. After all, ideas are not something everyone can agree with. Despite all said, Arlaekh is fluent in the dark language of trickery and deception. She can make engaging conversation with her silver tongue, just to expose all your weaknesses and flaws. It's not like she will blackmail you outright, but once she has the information, there's no making her forget it. This girl has a rather cynical air around her, which is apparent in her every action. Most would call this girl the lowest sort of scum; her fur a mask over a heart of decay. But that is not so. Underneath her cruel facade, Arlaekh has a passionate heart she shows to a few. Because she knows that if she shows it to the wrong person, they could crush her like an insect.

Crush/Loved One (Optional):
Romantic partner of the Renegade

Backstory (Optional):

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 02:16 (5 Years ago)
Alright, All accepted!

If you have 2 or more abilities, add at least a small weakness. It could be that the character gets a paper cut if used too much, but that’s just to balance things out.

Making the RP in around 10-20 minutes!
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 03:24 (5 Years ago)
(Looks fun!)

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Username: Howlarmoon
RP Name: Nova Greenleaf
Nickname: Nebby
Renegades or Defenseless: Defenceless
Ability: Shapeshift into Birds
Appearance: Bright green eyes and sunset orange hair
Age: 13
Personality: Caring and nice, but Dangerous in battle
Crush/Loved One (Optional):
Backstory (Optional):
Other: Falcon

I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 03:44 (5 Years ago)
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Username: Kayuna
RP Name: Eclipse Nova
Nickname: Solar
Renegades or Defenseless: Defenseless
Ability: Transform into any animal and gets their abilities, if she goes over 20 different type of animals, she gets dizzy and sick

Personality: rude, blunt, brave, and adventurous
Crush/Loved One (Optional): No one yet
Backstory (Optional): might be explain in story
Other: Wolf

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Username: Kayuna
RP Name:Apollo Nova
Nickname: Sol
Renegades or Defenseless: Defenseless
Ability: Teleportation, but he has to remember how the place looks, and can control fire in the day time

Personality: friendly, aggresive, naive, and calm
Crush/Loved One (Optional): No one yet
Backstory (Optional):might be explain
Other: Bear

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Username: Kayuna
RP Name: Dia Nova
Nickname: Demon
Renegades or Defenseless: Renegades
Ability: can transform into any type of dragon, but only 4 different types each day

Personality: Energetic, sarcastic, kind, and bossy
Crush/Loved One (Optional): No yet, except his wife
Backstory (Optional): Might be told in story
Other: Bunny, is the dad of Eclipse and Apollo

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 04:18 (5 Years ago)
(Don’t you mean Apollo?)
Both accepted!
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 04:36 (5 Years ago)
(Yes, Thank you)

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 15:39 (5 Years ago)
added another form - arlaekh
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 21:24 (5 Years ago)
Holy crud that is OP as frick and I like it. Accepted! (Just try not to rule/be godlike too much)

1 spot left for a high leader! 5 spots for a “3rd ranking” (basically a bit more important than the normal renegades)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Thu, 21/11/2019 00:00 (5 Years ago)
Is the OP thing referring to my character Laekh? She is my BABY

Also @cosmixx can I RP a prisoner? I'm thinking the name Athanasia
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Thu, 21/11/2019 00:05 (5 Years ago)
Yes, I might need to rephrase what I said in parentheses. But sure
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Fri, 22/11/2019 13:45 (5 Years ago)
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RP Name: Persephone
Nickname: Crystal
Renegades or Defenseless: Renegade, High leader
Ability: Crystallokinesis
Age: 22
Personality: TBRPD
Crush/Loved One (Optional): Open (PP me)
Backstory (Optional):
Other: Axolotl

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Username: Uzumaki
RP Name: Yumi Hatako
Nickname: Shatter
Renegades or Defenseless: Defenseless.
Ability: It’s hard to explain, But basically if she keeps hitting an object, The force of the hits will get stronger, and she will become faster. At around 30 hits her power becomes equal to the force of a tank. At around 40-50 her bones will start to shatter. Therefore, The name shatter.
Age: 21
Personality: TBRPD
Crush/Loved One (Optional): Open (PP me)
Backstory (Optional):
Other: Axolotl

Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Fri, 22/11/2019 16:51 (5 Years ago)
Uzumaki! Welcome!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Fri, 22/11/2019 20:04 (5 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Tue, 26/11/2019 22:38 (5 Years ago)
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Username: Phantomx
RP Name: Vulcan
Renegades or Defenseless: Defenseless
Ability: Blacksmith; he can create any weapon you ask of him sword, gun or gadget he can make it. Drawback If he makes a weapon or armor out of this world (basically anything that is not from the renegade world) he won't be able to create anything for a couple hours
Age: 40
Personality: Quiet, Loner, greedy and creative
Crush/Loved One (Optional): None
Backstory (Optional): He takes no side whether renegade or defenseless all he wants to do is to make to make weapons to anyone who pays up front
Other: Lion

Name: Giratina