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Pokemon School-RP(Ended! Happy Graduation!)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon School-RP(Ended! Happy Graduation!)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 18:16 (5 Years ago)
Cream: *thinks about what class she has next*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 683
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 18:36 (5 Years ago)
Melon and Cinder had arrived at the large gym and settled themselves down on the bleachers, waiting for the other Pokémon and the teacher to take attendance. Because they were early and the spacious gym was empty, there were noticeable times when Cinder’s gears creaked as she walked and she was startled not only because of the echoes bouncing off the walls, but of the anticipated reaction from Melon. Melon didn’t notice or if she did, she didn’t mention it or seemed to care but instead talked about her job and her best friend who worked in the same job.

As Melon talked, she pulled out a small pad of paper and a pencil from her handbag and began doodling. Cinder wanted to doodle with Melon but she was afraid of the small squeaks that her hand and elbow joints would make as she drew so she just silently watched Melon scribble out a landscape of sunny hills with thick groups of trees, heavy with ripe, juicy berries.
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)

pfp made by Charmander25
(Melon mini icon made by Absbor)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 18:38 (5 Years ago)
Cream: *heads to the gym*

Delta: *looks up at the school and goes inside* wow...this place is amazing and it's literally my first day!
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 18:57 (5 Years ago)
Winter met up with Summer and Zora as they went to gym class
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 679
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 19:02 (5 Years ago)
.-Ethera and Cassandra would talk to each other as they headed to gym. They then bumped into Alistair-.
"Oh! Do you two have gym too? And Cassandra, you made a new friend?"
.-Alistair would walk beside them-.
"Yeah, I did! Her name is Ethera."
.-Ethera would give a slight wave to Alistair. They would then continue to talk while walking-.

We're truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.
Art shop | Toyhouse | Discord: Aergalia
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 19:05 (5 Years ago)
The Vulpix trio arrived at the gym.

Summer, eager to get way from her brother broke away from the group.

Zora followed her

Winter sighed and went to the bleachers
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 19:13 (5 Years ago)
Cream: *arrives at gym*

Delta: now to look for my class... *starts walking*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 57
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 20:07 (5 Years ago)
*Ailli sighed and followed everyone to gym* oh great gym she thought to her self
I'm EvilWeasel not much else to say :p
Bykuya AAAa
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 683
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 20:14 (5 Years ago)
Kurusu broke away from Haruki and joined Summer and Zora, chattering all the way about how starving she was for lunch, but how exciting gym and battling would be. There were sparkles in her eyes as she told them that technically she was able to mega evolve due to part of her fusion being Diancie. She hoped that one day, she would find a mega stone and evolve, transforming into a powerful, strong Pokémon ready for battle!

Meanwhile, as Haruki walked, he noticed a Chikorita-Eevee fusion drawing on her sketch pad with a Magearna. As he walked closer to them, he overheard the Magearna squealing over this small shop that had a body polish sale for Steel types and she was dying to get it to fix her squeaky gears. Maybe this was a bad idea to go up and talk to them but it was already too late because...
“Oh hi! I was just drawing.” chirped the fusion. “Anyway, I’m Mellie and this is Cinder” she said as she gestured to Cinder.
Shyly, Cinder added, “But really...please call me Cindy...”

Haruki introduced himself and, light blue crystals sparkling on his horn and shell, used Psychic to pick up the pencil that Melon had put down.
“Mind if I include something to the picture?” he asked.
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)

pfp made by Charmander25
(Melon mini icon made by Absbor)
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 20:19 (5 Years ago)
"I kinda am ready to go home...or, to the dorms. To think that lunch hasn't even started yet.." Summer said

"Same. They kinda spoiled us by sending us to the dorms so early, huh?" Zora nudged her friend

Winter sat in the bleachers away from his sister and Zora.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 57
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 20:25 (5 Years ago)
*Ailli sat a few seats away from Zora awaiting directions*
I'm EvilWeasel not much else to say :p
Bykuya AAAa
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 683
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 20:53 (5 Years ago)
Kurusu noticed Ailli and said gently, “Hi! I’m Kuru...what’s your name?”
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)

pfp made by Charmander25
(Melon mini icon made by Absbor)
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 21:00 (5 Years ago)
"Yeah." Summer agreed "But hey, lunch is next anyway, right?"

"Is it?" I guess I haven't been paying attention. Zora thought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 57
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 21:36 (5 Years ago)
"Oh I'm Ailli." She said caught of guard
I'm EvilWeasel not much else to say :p
Bykuya AAAa
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 22:48 (5 Years ago)
Cream: *looks around the gym*

Delta: I wonder what class I have first...
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 110
Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 05:36 (5 Years ago)
(Sorry, was asleep!)

"Yes, the name's Lola, don't wear it out! ;)

I don't know, some people seem to be heading somewhere, let's just follow them and see where they go!:D ", she said.

*She motioned to the Abra to follow, and slowly floated out the door- discreetly following the other mons.

They arrived at a gymnasium.

Lola gaped, astonished at how immense it was- it certainly didn't look this big on the outside!

Must be some sort of magic room or something.

She snorted as a thought crossed her head*

{}=thinking to herself

{What if the teacher is a Palkia, or some sort of Palkia fusion?

The principal is a Mewtwo, so it's not so Farfetch'd that there would be other legend teachers here- heck, one of the students was a Diance, another was a Magierna, and another was a Lunala fusion!}

*To pass the time until the teacher came, she busied herself with exploring the gym.

At one end of the gym was a gigantic wall logo of an Alolan Vulpix on one side blowing Ice, and a regular Vulpix on the other blowing fire with the text "Pokemon Academy- Fighting Pixes!" (Short for Vulpix-if anyone has a better name, feel free to suggest one!
Pics-es, not Pixies.)

Also on the walls were banners with various sports on them, including past winners of an event called a "Pokelathon."*

{I wonder what that is? Sounds kinda fun! I wonder if anyone here will tryout!}

*She went to the side of the gym, and sat down, having explored a good chunk of the gym.

Just then, a Palkia in a red tracksuit with a blue line running down the sides, did indeed walk through the door*

Palkia: "Alright everyone- we have plenty of time for a quick skirmish, who's up for a little doge-ball?" she asked.

*Lola was shocked, the Palkia didn't look feminine, but certainly her voice was!
(Nothing against people like that, it's just a plot device, and she's young, so she hasn't met too many others!)

She squeaked and turned invisible, not wanting to get hit with a ball and took to the air-albeit low since heights were not her thing.*

Eastern Daylight Time
Night owl

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 57
Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 11:19 (5 Years ago)
*Ailli followed and listened to the teacher she sighed she hated dodgeball*
I'm EvilWeasel not much else to say :p
Bykuya AAAa
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,060
Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 20:00 (5 Years ago)
Winter sat alone in his side of the bleachers, waiting for class to start.

"Y'know, I never met the rest of my roommates, just one." Zora whispered to Summer.

"Same!" Summer exclaimed, much less quietly.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 22:42 (5 Years ago)
Cream: *goes up to the bleachers and sits down alone and waits for class to start*

Delta: *stops* I have no idea what classes I have I probably will need help or ask someone about what classes I have
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 683
Posted: Tue, 01/10/2019 00:15 (5 Years ago)
Melon frowned. She knew that gym class would start soon, but she wanted to finish her drawing first so she continued to draw as both Cinder and Haruki watched and commented on her amazing drawing skills.
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)

pfp made by Charmander25
(Melon mini icon made by Absbor)