Winter nuzzled him back and leapt onto the bleachers. He gazed back
at the teacher, looking back at Emerald. "So...what did Shade make
you do, exactly?"
Winter sighed. His fault, really, but why did the guy really need
to have a freaking kid? "Ahh. Is he sick today, or did her skip
school?" He had assumed 'sick' because it was sort of rude to ask
someone for food when you were perfectly healthy. It was also
pretty rude to skip school.
“Who knows? I certainly don’t.” Emerald looked at the phone. He
simply wasn’t sure how to react getting a gift like this. It was
nice getting a gift in the first place, was a phone.
Which was expensive. Couple that with the gift being from Shade. He
had nothing against him but he wondered if the phone would start
doing something
Winter decided to change the subject. "So, how do you feel about
the field trip tomorrow. Are you going?" He expected everyone to
go, as pizza sounded awesome, with the music and everything. He
wondered what cool stuff would happen during, or if it would be
eventful at all.
“Well, I can’t imagine going without you!” Emerald said earnestly.
He did adore his best friend. “It should be really
fun...hopefully.” Emerald continued, as he smiled a goofy grin
"A nice pizza lunch to get away from all this drama? Of course it
will be fun!" He wagged his floof tail and smiled, licking his lips
as he thought of the taste of the pizza in his mouth.