Forum Thread
Dragon Society- sign ups (Open!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Dragon Society- sign ups (Open!)The dragon society is a very secretive organisation of humans, mostly under 17 years, that have manifested the ability to transform into a dragon. After school, these humans go into dragon form to fight monsters (Mostly Cyclops right now, but there are many). Timezones allow the entire organization to work 24/7. Each dragon is given a name that is chosen based on the color of the dragon's scales, no two dragons of have the same name, even if they are the same color. For example, if there are two red dragons, one is named Red, and the other could be named Cherry. Of course, they always have their human names.
All dragons have the ability to breath fire and create portals from their breath, other powers manifest later in the RP
The roleplay starts when you are in human form coming back from school, going to the society base before the resistance starts.
Edit:So, I'm sorry if I didn't make this clear enough, but hear me out. Gold is NOT the leader of the resistance, Gold's group is the Society itself. The resistance has NOT been created yet. The resistance starts when Phantom sees Gold being too harsh and decides to take a stand. The people that support him(the people who said they were supporters on the form) help the resistance grow. The people who DON'T support the resistance don't think there is anything wrong with the way Gold is leading and agree with him. They don't have to support Gold per se, but they just disagree with the resistance and try to stop it.

Ph rules
Read the entire post before joining so there is no confusion.
Don't do anything stupid
Have fun!
Read the entire post before joining so there is no confusion.
Don't do anything stupid
Have fun!
You have manifested these powers and join the dragon society, tell us about yourself

Human name:
Human appearance:
Dragon color: (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, brown, multicolored, or metallic(Metallics are one of a kind, for example, gold is taken, but there is still silver or bronze or just the name of the metal. If you are metallic, this part of the form must say, Metallic, gold, for example))
Dragon codename: (Shade of the color you chose above)
Supporter of resistance?: (Yes or No)
Copy and paste
(Please still read the notes above)
Human name:
Human appearance:
Dragon color:
Dragon codename:
Supporter of resistance?:

My forms
Human name:Kendall
Human appearance: Short with brownish blond hair
Gender: Female
Dragon color: Green
Dragon codename: Jade
Supporter of resistance?: Yes
Description: Jade green dragon. Her personality is shy, normally, but get on her nerves and that shyness disappears real quick. She joined the resistance, because Phantom is one of her best friends, and thinks Gold is a bit too arrogant about himself when it comes to leadership.
Human name: Kevin
Human appearance: Tall for his age with pale skin and blond hair
Dragon color: Purple
Dragon codename: Phantom
Gender: Male
Supporter of resistance?: Founder
Description: Phantom is a dark purple dragon. His size and appearance make him a bit intimidating at first sight, but he has a kind heart and is an instant friend to anyone who looks past that. He puts others before himself and created the resistance to help Gold realize he was using his high rank for the wrong reasons.
Human name: Nicolas
Human appearance: Medium height redhead
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Dragon color:Metallic, gold
Dragon codename: Gold
Supporter of resistance?: No
Description: Leader of the society. He uses the shinyness of his scales to flash signals to the group he sends on missions. He is hardly ever in human form due to needing to lead all day, everyday. He faked his death to work around this, and only the Dragon society know that he is alive. He used to be very accepting, and willing to listen to others opinions, but, as of late, not so much, hence the resistance.
Human name: Cynthia
Human appearance: Tall,Slim,With dyed silver hair thats realllyyyy long,(Natural hair color is light brown tho)Piercing green eyes,(Wears contacts....Purple and blu...)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Dragon color: Light Blu
Dragon codename: Crystal
Supporter of resistance?: Yep
Description: A dragon with crystal like scales,She is fierce,brave,smart,funny...BUT she can get really sassy and rude if you get on her nerves,Shes good at leading,if you listen,Shes practically blind without her contacts tho,She goes insane if you call her "old lady",She could have quick mood swings,

Username: AmbrosiaEverfree
Human name: Luna Heartstone
Human appearance: tall with brown eyes and black hair, wears a glitter jacket most of the time
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Dragon color: Metallic, Silver
Dragon codename: Star
Supporter of resistance?: yes
Description: Star is Silver, like the stars itself. she is one of the most skilled when it comes to mid air fighting. Star Joined the Resistance because she thinks that Gold is not thinking about others. Star is proud of herself, and loves to care for others.

Human Name: Lunette
Human Appearance: Has a purple coat, a shirt with a dragon symbol in the middle. Has grey shorts and purple boots. Has blue eyes.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Dragon color: Purple
Dragon codename: Galaxy
Supporter of resistance?: Yes
Description: Has purple eyes, black and purple blended together. Her wings have spikes at the end. Her tail is so huge, it can knock down 10-20 trees. Her fire is blue and purple. Has huge claws. Galaxy always defends her friends. She is very skilled than the other dragons. The reason why she is in the resistance is because she knew that she had dragon powers so she joined the resistance. She will always obey orders.
(Btw, I might add more characters..)
So, I'm sorry if I didn't make this clear enough, but hear me out. Gold is NOT the leader of the resistance, Gold's group is the Society itself. The resistance has NOT been created yet. The resistance starts when Phantom sees Gold being too harsh and decides to take a stand. The people that support him(the people who said they were supporters on the form) help the resistance grow. The people who DON'T support the resistance don't think there is anything wrong with the way Gold is leading and agree with him. They don't have to support Gold per se, but they just disagree with the resistance and try to stop it.
I'll be adding this to the top post as well.
Human name: Lauren
Human appearance: Short,slim,cute,brown hair short,Freckles,Blue eyes
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Dragon color: Multi Color | Dark Blue| Light Blue | Neon Blue |
Dragon codename: Sea
Supporter of resistance?:No
Description: Cynthias best friend!Know each other since Lauren was born,She is a funny energetic,sometimes shy..?Smart~Usually kind.

Human Name: Ryan
Human Appearance: Has blue shorts, has brown eyes, has a blue cap, has a T-shirt that is just white, has black hair.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Dragon color: Blue with a bit of white/multicolored
Dragon codename: Cloud
Supporter of resistance?: No
Description: He looks like the sky, has bright turquoise eyes, is Lunette's brother but only he knows that and Lunette doesn't, his fire is like blue with white in the middle, he has spikes all over on his tail, he will always obey Gold no matter how bossy he is.
Human name: Morrigan
Human appearance: x
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Dragon color: black
Dragon codename: Ebony
Supporter of resistance?: (Yes or No)
Human name: Smokey(His Nickname) Full: Darinell Donb
Human appearance: Average height for a young teen. Dusty brown hair, hazel eye, white t blue college jack grey pants and red shoes
Age: 15
Gender: M
Dragon color: Marine colored blue
Dragon codename: Twist
Supporter of resistance?:Yes
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