Forum Thread
Dont Forgive, Dont Forget[closed]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Dont Forgive, Dont Forget[closed]Long ago, the human race was slowly decreasing as more wars erupted. That's when a group of scientists decided to fuse human DNA with Animals to make Hybrids to survive the changes. That's when they started popping up everywhere and unlikely Hybrids were born, like Fallen Angels, Demons, Dragons and more. A global war erupted over these Hybrids and a Hybrid-Only organisation named Tek became when the war almost destroyed the world. You are a Hybrid, and you have a letter. Open it?
Rules! Everyone loves the Rules.

•Normal PH Rules Apply
•No Godmodding, Bunnying ect.
•No Fallen Angel, Reaper or Salamander Hybrids via plot purposes
•You must have the bare minimum of a life after a war i.e close to 0 family, no friends ect.
•Age range from 14-39 years
•Please Read Most known People
•Mild Romance and Crushes. Nothing overboard
•No robots or Humans
•try not to double
you don't have to have a power if you dont want to
•Any more questions ask me
•No Godmodding, Bunnying ect.
•No Fallen Angel, Reaper or Salamander Hybrids via plot purposes
•You must have the bare minimum of a life after a war i.e close to 0 family, no friends ect.
•Age range from 14-39 years
•Please Read Most known People
•Mild Romance and Crushes. Nothing overboard
•No robots or Humans
•try not to double
you don't have to have a power if you dont want to
•Any more questions ask me
Most known People

•Deruma, The Silent Phantom(Black
•Karma, The Travelling Demon(Demon)
•Kasey and Chloe, The Devils Twins(Reapers)
•Karma, The Travelling Demon(Demon)
•Kasey and Chloe, The Devils Twins(Reapers)
Most Powerful Top 5 Hybrids

2)Angel/Fallen Angel
4)Ball Python/Anaconda/ Titanaboa
2)Angel/Fallen Angel
4)Ball Python/Anaconda/ Titanaboa
Yael Naim
00:00 ●━━━━━━─────── 03:42
⇆ㅤㅤㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ▷ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ↻

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Hybrid: Dragonoid
Appearance: Looks more dragon then human. Half of his face and almost all of his body is encased in black and purple scales. For this reason he has a full body green cloak to cover his entire body. He is incapable of wearing cloves or boots due to the 4 inch claws growing out of his fingers and toes. He folds his purple wings close to his body to keep them hidden, and his tail wrapped around his waist.
Power(related to Hybri to Hybrid): He is capable of Fire Breath, short distance flight, and a stun poison that secrets from his claws.
Other: Despite looking pretty scary, he's rather kind and willing to risk himself for others, because he knows he has the power to do so.
Age: 46
Gender: F
Hybrid: Half-demon
Appearance: Athanasia is rather tall and lean with perfectly fair skin and violet eyes. She is rather tall - about 6'2 if you could estimate. She as dark silver scales that cover part of her face and body. She also has black talons that grow out from her long fingernails and black wings that are left drooping to appear fake.
Power(related to Hybrid): Flight, darkness manipulation, rapid healing

Ripple has long, tidy, dark gray hair that fades into black. He possesses dark-brown, almost black eyes and a pretty face, always seen with a slight smile. Tall and seemingly delicate, he stands at 5'11 and has fair skin. On his neck are functional gills that are very sensitive to touch. He tends to be wary of people who go near him for fear they would attempt to touch his neck. He wears a spotless, light-gray robe, white on the inside. He has a habit of adjusting the hood of his robe to cover his gills, usually done without knowing. Beneath his robe lie dark-gray clothing with the hem of his long sleeves decorated with white thread. However, hidden behind his robe also lies a long, black, and sharp tail, filled with fatal poison. Ripple wears black, dirty boots that look slightly out-of-place from his almost otherworldly appearance.
Power(related to Hybrid):
Ripple can traverse bodies of water easily with his gills and uses his tail as his main weapon.
Handsome and rather gentle-looking, he also speaks in a soft, alluring voice. However, if you would come to know his character more, he is rather bitter and passive-aggressive. He uses his warm voice and words and lures people into traps to defend himself. Despite being good at talking, he has many weaknesses: people who can see through his lies, people who can defend themselves from his viper-like tail, and those who he actually owes a favor to. Maybe you'll have him as a good friend if you manage to warm up that cold exterior of his... or perhaps manipulate him before he has the chance to do the same to you.
Ripple has long, tidy, dark gray hair that fades into black. He possesses dark-brown, almost black eyes and a pretty face, always seen with a slight smile. Tall and seemingly delicate, he stands at 5'11 and has fair skin. On his neck are functional gills that are very sensitive to touch. He tends to be wary of people who go near him for fear they would attempt to touch his neck. He wears a spotless, light-gray robe, white on the inside. He has a habit of adjusting the hood of his robe to cover his gills, usually done without knowing. Beneath his robe lie dark-gray clothing with the hem of his long sleeves decorated with white thread. However, hidden behind his robe also lies a long, black, and sharp tail, filled with fatal poison. Ripple wears black, dirty boots that look slightly out-of-place from his almost otherworldly appearance.
Power(related to Hybrid):
Ripple can traverse bodies of water easily with his gills and uses his tail as his main weapon.
Handsome and rather gentle-looking, he also speaks in a soft, alluring voice. However, if you would come to know his character more, he is rather bitter and passive-aggressive. He uses his warm voice and words and lures people into traps to defend himself. Despite being good at talking, he has many weaknesses: people who can see through his lies, people who can defend themselves from his viper-like tail, and those who he actually owes a favor to. Maybe you'll have him as a good friend if you manage to warm up that cold exterior of his... or perhaps manipulate him before he has the chance to do the same to you.
This is enough! Starting to make main thread.
@Anyone who wants to join and hasn't yet. This RP is still accepting
here it is!
Yael Naim
00:00 ●━━━━━━─────── 03:42
⇆ㅤㅤㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ▷ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ↻

Michael "Sharptooth" Flores
Blacktip reef shark
Michael stands at a solid 6'2, seeming to have a lithe figure with just enough muscle to intimidate- not to the rate where he's, like, Dwayne The Rock Johnson(tm), but not so thin that he's a twig, if you can get my gist. His hair seems to be a pale, dirty blonde, almost gray, held in a ponytail that tumbles down his shoulders and back. It always seems to be curly, as if he just got out of the water and let it dry, and is topped off by a pair of sunglasses he has on the top of his head.
Below tousled hair is deep, blue eyes, surrounded by uneven freckles that went up and down his cheeks, nose, and even down the sides of his chin. His teeth seem relatively normal, up until you get to his canines and front teeth. His canines are sharp, causing him to have very small scars on his lips from earlier days, when he bit them all too often. His front teeth are not as sharp as his canines, but hey, they're sharp too. Leading down, his face appears to be clean shaven, and he seems to take pride in this.
Sun kissed skin is littered with freckles as you go over the rest of his body. He seems to wear a simple white tank top, covered partially with a strange jacket, tied around the collarbone. A sharktooth necklace sits over it all, which he claims to be is from his own mouth. (looking in, it's easy to notice his right canine on the upper jaw is missing, and the tooth is about the same size as his.) He wears simple black jeans, tastefully torn up, as he likes to put it- save for in the back. There's a rather large tear in the back of his jeans- right below the belt loops, so that they actually stay on him. His tank top and jacket have a matching tear. Why is this so?
Well, there's a rather large shark tail hanging out of there, your typical blacktip reef shark tail, and the back tears are for a not-as-large fin coming from his back. His jacket's hood... thing hides his gills, which he claims to be insecure about. Not to mention, moving to his hands, which seem to have claws instead of fingernails.
all in all: a lad.
here's a doodle of him, bust shot. it's not his entire appearance, but.
Power(related to Hybrid):
pretty basic, easy swimming, and teeth and claws are his main weapons. His tail drags around due to his size, but he can thwack people with it.
he's... very stubborn. That's all he's really willing to reveal at first. Stubborn and rude, and you can hear it in his voice.