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°✧ Nibakis Avatar Art Shop ✧° No Slot available!
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → °✧ Nibakis Avatar Art Shop ✧° No Slot available!*.:°✧ Nibakis Avatar Art Shop ✧°:.*
Hello and welcome to my Shop,
here you can buy your own Pokemon Avatar!
You can chose your favourite Pokemon and you can add extras like glasses, scars, special colors and so on.
Shop is currently closed
*.:°✧ Prices: ✧°:.*

+ Your chosen Pokemon in normal or
shiny color: 150k PD
+ Your chosen Pokemon (normal/shiny) with max. 2 extras like glasses, scars, special colors, uvm: 200k PD
+ Your chosen Pokemon (normal/shiny) with max. 4 extras like glasses, scars, special colors, uvm: 250k PD
You can pay with:
Nuggets (1 = 1600 PD)
Resolute Stone (1 = 100k PD)
Star Pieces (1 = 45k PD)
+ Your chosen Pokemon (normal/shiny) with max. 2 extras like glasses, scars, special colors, uvm: 200k PD
+ Your chosen Pokemon (normal/shiny) with max. 4 extras like glasses, scars, special colors, uvm: 250k PD
You can pay with:

*.:°✧ Order form: ✧°:.*

+ Username: Nibaki
+ Pokemon:Psyduck
+ Normal or Shiny?:Normal
+ Extras?:Princess Leia hairstyle and a pink beak
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?:with, blue
+ Payment:50 Nuggets and 120k PD
+ Pokemon:
+ Normal or Shiny?:
+ Extras?:
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?:
+ Payment:
*.:°✧ Avatar examples and selled ones: ✧°:.*
*.:°✧ Rules: ✧°:.*

+ Be nice and friendly ;)
+ I have a life, so be patient please
+ You have to pay first but not until your Avatar is ready :)
+ please don't make a commission when I don't have a open slot!
+ don't use or copy my work if you aren't the owner!
+ all Avatars have the size 150x150px
+ I have a life, so be patient please
+ You have to pay first but not until your Avatar is ready :)
+ please don't make a commission when I don't have a open slot!
+ don't use or copy my work if you aren't the owner!
+ all Avatars have the size 150x150px
+ Pokemon: Lucario
+ Normal or Shiny?: Normal
+ Extras?: Game console in the background-ish
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?: with, darker blue than the Pokemon
+ Payment: dragon gems and pd
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
+ Pokemon: Houndoom
+ Normal or Shiny?: Shiny
+ Extras?: Jotaro Kujo's hat from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and a small star on the right shoulder (if it's visible)
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?: with, turquoise please
+ Payment: 150k PD :3
+ Pokemon: Luxio
+ Normal or Shiny?: Normal
+ Extras?: A blue chullo hat like in this image and the Luxio has green eyes
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?: with, a dark blue
+ Payment: 100 nuggets

+ Pokemon: Goodra
+ Normal or Shiny?: Like this please!
+ Extras?: Pink bow around one of their long antennae like in the reference ^^
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?: With, pink or blue
+ Payment: 350k PD

+ Pokemon: Espeon and Umbreon (two separate avatars that come together to make a whole picture)
+ Normal or Shiny?: Normal
+ Extras?: Small smiles and maybe some blushing cheeks, the espeon and umbreon are meant to be a couple, with their tails making a heart together)
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?: with a light blue background ♡
+ Payment: 400k PD for the fact it is a bit of work, but we discussed it and I got it approved already :)
+ Pokemon: German Weedle
+ Normal or Shiny?: Shiny
+ Extras?: anything that makes it a cool German. (Hat, flag, ext.)
+ with or without background frame? The preferred color?: You can choose if the background frame looks good or get rid of it. Colors of Black gold or red
+ Payment: 250k Pd
+ Pokemon: Lucario
+ Normal or Shiny?: Normal
+ Extras?: Reference, he has light blue eyes. Can he have a cheerful smile too?
+ with or without background frame? Preferred color?: with, blue please
+ Payment: 300k