Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: HarmonyFox
Pokemon: The Spring Ampharos from Trash Pokémon 3 ^^
Other: Saw you also saying above that there's no event Pokémon and
to refresh cause they're not permanent or something like that, so
if I can't have it, I remember seeing something in the 2nd trash
box that I liked but I can't remember what XD
Find me here~!
YouTube - Harmony Fox
Wattpad - @TrayC_Child_of_Mine
Twitter - @harmony_fox_owo
Discord - Harmony Fox#2474
☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆
Huge Pokémon, Miraculous, Splatoon, etc. fan who edits AMVs/MEP
Parts on YT & sometimes stays on task~!
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: -Vio99
Pokemon: Prechaun (trash box 2) and spring ampharos (trash box
Other: thanks! Let me know if they are available or not xD
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: The_Cruelest
Pokemon: Pichu, Igglybuff, and Poliwhirl from Trash 1, Psyduck,
Graveler, and Haunter from Trash 2, Charmeleon, Meowth, Primeape,
and Kingler from Trash 3
Other: I'd rather you give the Pokemon that evolve by trade
Everstones if possible because this is for dex. If you want me to
send you some beforehand, I can do that.
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: Prinklix
Pokemon: A couple of Charizard in Trash 3
Other: Why did you put Sproutlett, Lepreowth, Slowyore, Messenger
Talonflame, Spewbrella and Skugar line in Trash box when you said
no Event for sale?
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: Dracon3867
Pokemon: wobuffet and kyogre?
Other: I was just wondering if you were okay with trading one of
your kyogres?
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: DerEngelDerNacht
Pokemon: Wailord (Trash Pokémon); Panpour (Trash Pokémon); Shieldon
(Trash Pokémon 2 & Trash Pokémon 3); Golurk (Trash Pokémon 2);
Lileep (Trash Pokémon 3); Anorith (Trash Pokémon 3);
Other: Thanks a lot, I need them for my dex
Hey Purple give me a pokemon!
Username: BrosRs9
Pokemon: 2 Kyogre in trash pokemon 3 and maybe the Lapras the one
with the tree on it
Others: thank you for being such a kind person
Yo imma put my YT channel here subscribe for low quality, low
effort shitpost I'll make it worth your while here's the link:
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: Yeensy
Pokemon: Any or all Mightyenas in Trash 1/2!
Other: Thank you! I plan to tip, I just like to collect